by Peter Szor


Traditionally, anti-virus scanners have only been able to disinfect viruses that have been analysed beforehand by product developers. Around 10,000 viruses have been found during the past 10 years. So far, producers of anti-virus products have been pretty much able to keep up with the new viruses, adding detection and disinfection routines for most new viruses. We can expect this situation to change in the future: when there are, say, 50,000 viruses, no vendor will be able to analyse every single virus separately.

As the number of viruses keeps on growing, more and more viruses are only detected, as the developers do not consider every virus to be important enough to add specific disinfection routines for it. Unfortunately, some users will eventually get infected by such a virus.

It is possible (but more difficult) to disinfect unknown viruses. There are several approaches to this problem: one known method is to trace the execution of a possibly infected program until the virus has restored the host to its original state. This method works, but cannot be considered truly reliable. An alternative is to emulate the program and collect information on its execution, using this information together with generic rules to do rule-based disinfection. Although this is difficult to implement, it produces surprisingly good results. How many viruses can be removed this way? Testing a generic disinfector is a very difficult task. Testing how many particular viruses it can handle does not make sense, because it is a generic anti-virus product. It is more important to test how many different types of viruses we can handle by using these kinds of methods. However, a figure of 60% is quite possible. Most anti-virus programs do not even come close to this percentage (for example, my old program, called Pasteur).


Before we can talk about generic disinfection, we should understand how a virus infects a program. In most cases, a virus adds itself to the end of a file. If this is the case, the virus modifies the beginning of the program to transfer control to itself. Unless the virus is very primitive, it saves the beginning of the file within the virus code, because it will be necessary to execute the victim file correctly after infection. This technique is called the `appending' method.

Every virus adds new functionalities to the victim. The infected victim will execute the virus code, which will infect other files or system areas or go resident in memory. After this, the virus code repairs the beginning of the victim in memory and starts it. This sounds very simple: unfortunately, it is that, at least from the point of view of the virus, which modifies a few bytes in the victim file and saves a piece of the file's original code into the virus body (in this example: `CCC').

When we started to analyse viruses, there were no problems with conventional disinfection. We had enough time to analyse them, because there were only a few viruses. We could spend weeks with every new sample until we had all the information necessary to clean them successfully.

Basically, the cleaning process is as easy as the infection. All we need to know is:

If we have all this information, we can remove the virus easily: `Let's read the original beginning from the virus code and put it back in its original place, then truncate the file at its original end, calculating where this is from the virus size'. That's it! This method might have been interesting in case of the first ten viruses, but everybody who has spent years with viruses hates it: it is just too tedious.

So, we developed `goat' systems to make virus samples automatically. These systems save time. We can calculate the place of the original bytes in the virus body by comparing many infected samples to non-infected ones, using a special utility. This system works as long as the virus is not encrypted, self-mutating, or polymorphic. Of course, it must not have an anti-goat mechanism or new infection technique which our disinfector does not know how to handle. If one of these problems occur, we will have to analyse the virus manually. If we are lucky, it is enough. If not, we will have to change our anti-virus strategy by adding new functions to it, or by modifying already existing ones. This can take a lot of time, and is therefore not efficient enough.


Most of the better anti-virus products have a generic decryptor to combat polymorphic viruses, so it appears we can solve the biggest problem that way. We can decrypt the virus so we can use the old search-string technique once again: this is great. Basically, the generic decryptor method is a part of the generic disinfection technique. There are two different generic decryptor methods: single-stepping (by using Int 01h, Int 03h) and emulating. Unfortunately, each has both advantages and disadvantages.

Single-stepping is based on the Int 01h function. It is generated automatically by the processor at the end of each machine instruction if the trace bit (TF) in FLAGS is set. This is what makes the T command of DEBUG work for single-stepping.

If we are using the single-stepping method, we should not develop a processor emulator. We should not care which kind of operating system must be emulated, because we can use the current one by calling the harmless interrupts directly from the system. But the main question is: which interrupt is harmless? We should also know which code is not dangerous. What can we do if the virus is using anti- debugging techniques and we start to execute it in a controlled way? What can we do if the virus uses an instruction which is simply buggy on the current processor?

For example: the Finnpoly virus pushes its decryptor to the stack and starts to execute it by a CALL SP instruction. This instruction works on every Intel processor except 386DX and 386SX, where the CALL goes to offset FFFF instead of the current value in SP register. So if we start to trace the virus by using Int 01h on a 386 system, the virus will crash, together with the analyser. Yes, a virus like this cannot infect our environment, because it will not work on it. But what happens if we are scanning files on the network in a case like this? And finally, what happens if the `controlled' environment is buggy? In this case, the virus writer has a chance to write a virus which can escape from the analyser; and that is where we should stop for a second. We should not execute the virus in a controlled way, because we cannot be 100% sure that the virus cannot escape from the analyser.

Implementing a real processor emulator requires much more work than using the single-stepping method. The first question: is which processor should be emulated? If we think about it, the answer is very easy: most good anti- virus packages will still work on an XT. Why? Because most viruses do not use instructions from processors other than 8086, which means that if we are developing only 286 (or higher) products we cannot find viruses on XT. I am sure most of the developers have not seen an XT machine in the last five years, but many people still use them: that is why we cannot change our system fast enough. Unfortunately, some viruses need a 286 or a 386 to work. If a virus uses 386 code, it cannot spread on an XT or on a 286. The 286 is still a very common platform, especially in east-European countries.

Thus, to summarise, we should develop an emulator which can emulate 8086, 286, and 386 code. This should be sufficient for a long time.

Most anti-debugging tricks are based on pre-fetch queue tricks, or on the use of Int 01h and Int 03h. If we have an intelligent emulator, then we do not have a big problem with such anti-debugging techniques. We can avoid or emulate them. However, there are other problems involved with emulating. Basically, the biggest question is: where should we stop in the emulating process? At first glance, it does not seem too difficult. The answer is: we should stop when we decrypt the virus. Unfortunately, this process is quite difficult.

Every encrypted or polymorphic virus has a different decryptor size, which means we need to emulate different amounts of instructions. One virus might need 1000 instructions to be emulated and decrypted, while another may need a few million. Virus writers understood this, so they started to use tricks against generic decryptors and heuristic analysers. One `dirty trick' is the use of loops before the real decryptor comes:

Let's say the analyser starts to emulate the first 2000 instructions. If it finds some suspicious code, then it can emulate more. If the analyser cannot recognise a loop, however, then it cannot find the virus, because it will stop before the loop has finished and the real virus code has started. Fortunately, good emulators can handle this situation easily.

There are other anti-emulating tricks which we must also be able to handle. Every emulator stops when it recognises that the program comes back to DOS. In the following examples, we can see that virus writers have started to use this phenomenon in their tricks:

Int 2Fh/AX=1208 is a DOS 3+ internal function. It decrements one byte where ES:DI points. If the emulator does not emulate this interrupt, then it will stop its process at 012D, because it thinks the program comes back to DOS. Here, DI points to 012B, which means that this interrupt will decrement the byte at 012B from B4h to B3h. So the MOV AH, 4C instruction at 012B changes to MOV BL,4C (which happens to be the `Are you there' call of this virus).

Interrupt 0h (internal hardware) is automatically called after DIV or IDIV operations that result in error or overflow. Normally it is set by DOS to display an error message and abort the current program. This virus hooks Int 00h before it deliberately performs a division by zero on purpose at 05F5h, which means it can start the full infection process from Int 00h.

There are many other problems with the emulating method, but it is a much safer technique than single-stepping. Unfortunately, emulation is slow: Users will not be pleased if they have to wait for any length of time. It does not help to say `our product is based on emulation, please wait a few hours', because the users will choose other, faster anti-virus packages. A good emulator should therefore be as fast as possible: speed is one of the most important aspects of anti-virus products from the users point of view.


The idea of doing generic disinfection without any information on the original file is not new; it was first developed by Frans Veldman, more than three years ago. Unfortunately, there is only one common generic cleaner available: TBCLEAN. The main question is: why?

Basically, the generic disinfection method is simple but great: the disinfector loads the infected file and starts to emulate it until the virus restores the infected file to its `original' form, and is ready to execute it. So the generic disinfector can use the virus to perform the most important part of the cleaning process. The virus has the beginning of the original file. All we need to do is copy the cleaned program back into the file.

However, there are still a few questions which have not been answered:


As explained above, the generic decryptor method is very similar to generic disinfection. We should `execute' instructions only until the virus gives control to the original program. In my opinion, emulating is much safer. It is the only way to be 100% sure that the virus cannot escape from the analyser. We need an intelligent emulator which can emulate and control the `execution' of the infected program. I will demonstrate what controlling means later.

We can use all the techniques we used for heuristic scanners. In my opinion, a generic disinfector is a combination of a heuristic scanner and a heuristic disinfector. This way, our disinfector will not remove the `unknown from the unknown' [1] but will remove the virus from the unknown.

The one big problem with all heuristic products is false alarms. If the generic disinfector removes everything from the file which looks like a virus, it might remove non-virulent code, too, and corrupt the file. Heuristics is a science which is developing quickly, so we will find better ways to reduce false-alarms.

This question is also very important. We cannot always just remove the part of the program that gained control; otherwise we cannot handle viruses like One_Half. This virus modifies the body of the original program by putting its polymorphic decryptor in 10 blocks at random into the original file end minus 64K. (Every One_Half- infected file looks like a Swiss cheese. See Figure 1.) In most cases, we can truncate the file to which the first JMP points, but not with viruses like One_Half. If we truncate the file in that position, we will remove too much, and the `disinfected' program will not work anymore. The other problematic task is removing too few bytes from the program: in this case, other virus scanners might find search-strings from the file after disinfection.

We should collect information about the virus during emulation. That way we can get a very good result.


There is an almost unlimited number of methods which a virus can use to infect programs or system areas. It is true that we cannot handle all viruses by using only generic disinfection techniques - but we can handle most of them.

The PC virus problem started with a boot sector virus (Brain). Unfortunately, it is relatively easy to write a boot sector virus. Nowadays, file viruses outnumber boot sector viruses with a big margin: only about 5% of all viruses infect boot sectors. So, it is not a very big problem to handle boot sector viruses with conventional methods. However, if a new virus is found in the wild, it is more likely to be a boot sector virus than a file infector, because boot sector viruses are usually better spreaders. Fortunately, most virus writers have not recognised this situation. Also, there have been very few polymorphic boot sector viruses so far, which is fortunate, since they are obviously much more difficult to handle.

We can also use generic methods to detect and disinfect boot sector viruses. We should emulate the boot sector code as we did for files. There are at least 12 different techniques which can be used to infect boot sectors or Master Boot Sectors. Most of these involve saving the original boot sector somewhere before changing the code in the boot sectors. If we can find the virus heuristically, it is possible to locate the original boot sector, too. In case of diskettes it can often be found at the end of the root-directory, at the very end of the disk, or in areas marked as bad sectors. In the case of MBR infectors, it can usually be found on the Track 0.

Most anti-virus products have a function for locating the original boot record, so it is not necessary to have pre- defined information about the disinfection. There are boot sector viruses which do not save the original boot sector or master boot sector anywhere before infecting. In such cases, the boot record should be overwritten with clean, generic code.

There are many more possible ways to infect files, because there are so many different file structures. The biggest problem is the overwriting method, in which the virus overwrites the beginning of the file with its body, without saving the original code. Such viruses are impossible to disinfect without information about the file structure before infection. So, while it is not possible to disinfect viruses like this, it is easy to detect them using heuristics. Around 10% of viruses are overwriting, and cannot be disinfected.

There are also other problematic cases, such as: Windows application infectors, device driver infectors, cluster infectors, batch file infectors, object file infectors and macro infectors. Together, these account for only about 1% of all viruses.

Several other viruses cause problems for heuristic techniques. Such viruses use different infection techniques, with `dirty tricks' specifically designed to make detection and disinfection with generic methods difficult. These viruses make up to 15% of all viruses.

When we combine overwriting viruses and other special cases, the result is that about 30% of all viruses cannot be handled with generic methods easily, or at all. A listing of all infection techniques and whether or not they are suitable to be handled by generic methods would go beyond the scope of this paper.

There remains only one problem with viruses against which we can easily use generic disinfection techniques. If the part of the virus code where the virus repairs the infected program cannot gain control during emulation, then the disinfector cannot get the necessary information. We should control the `execution' of the virus code very intelligently. For example, when the virus make its `Are you there?' call, the emulator should give the answer the virus wants. This way, the virus thinks that its code is already resident in memory, and repairs the host file.


AHD (Advanced Heuristic Disinfector) is currently a test project. It uses the generic disinfection method combined with a heuristic scanner. These are the heuristic flags of the program:


Here are two examples of disinfection using AHD. In the first case, the virus is polymorphic. It uses the original Mutation Engine (MtE).

Next, let's take a look at a disinfection where the virus is a VCL variant. VCL (Virus Creation Laboratory) is one of the most commonly used virus-writing toolkits.


We should work more on generic disinfection. It can produce surprisingly good results. It is also necessary to develop better and better emulators. New infection techniques emerge from time to time, such as the inserting method. Nexiv_Der belongs in this category: this virus uses a peculiar method of infection; tracing the execution of a victim file (using single-stepping) and randomly inserting a call to its own code in the middle of the host. This makes it difficult to use the emulation method on it [3]. Fortunately, there are not too many viruses like this, but that may change in the future.

In my opinion, we should test the combination of other anti-virus techniques, too; not only heuristic scanners and generic disinfections, but generic disinfectors and integrity checkers as well. Generic disinfection is not a revolutionary idea, but I believe it will be one of the methods that will keep virus scanners alive for a few more years to come.


 [1] Frans Veldman, `Combating Viruses Heuristically',
     Proceedings of the Third International Virus
     Bulletin Conference, September 1993, Amsterdam.
 [2] Vesselin Bontchev, `Infection Techniques', Extract
     from Ph.D thesis, in print.
 [3] Peter Szor, `Nexiv_Der: Tracing the Vixen', Virus
     Bulletin, April 1996.