This document began as a handout to accompany a presentation by myself to the WordPerfect User Group, Northern Ireland, on 12th September 1994. Since then it has been modified to suit a number of different requirements. This incarnation is a result of modifications made after the document had been posted in the FidoNet Virus conference. After posting the document I have received suggestions and modifications by Stuart Grier, Michael Edwards and Guy Lefrancois that I have now incorporated into the text. Many thanks to all three of them.

This document is public domain, and may be modified and updated by anyone who has an interest in preventing computer virus infections. Obviously, that majority of the text below is written for a readership within the United Kingdom, and some of the examples may not be appropriate for other parts of the world.

Please feel free to utilise this document in any way you see fit. I have no objections to it being modified to suit the requirements of other geographic locations. The only thing that I ask is that if you have modified the document for a particular purpose, please put "Modified by Your Name" on the line prior to the Contents.

General Perception

There is a general misconception that all malicious computer code is some form of computer virus. This is not true. Indeed, most malicious code is written with a specific target in mind and is then directed specifically at that target. I have included some information about all the different forms of malicious code that I am aware of within this document.

The public at large are very badly informed about malicious computer programs, largely due to the methods of reporting in the media. The media tends to sensationalise all reporting of computer viruses. A major player in the Anti-Virus community, namely, John McAffee will no longer talk to anyone in the media because of a gross misrepresentation regarding the Michelangelo Virus in 1992.

Other examples of the ignorance of the media include the over zealous reporting of the discovery of the Junkie virus by Reflex staff in May 1994, and a virus incident in Australia which was resolved by the use of the Invircible anti-virus product in early 1995. The Junkie virus was hailed as a super virus, when in fact it is a run of the mill multipartite virus. The Invircible product was described as the only product capable of real anti-virus protection, when in fact the problem in Australia arose as a result of incompetent use of other viable anti-virus products.

In the following subsections, most of the descriptions and examples apply more correctly to viruses written to infect IBM Compatible PC computers. I feel that this is reasonable on the grounds that most computer viruses are targeted at that type of machine and because IBM Compatible PCs are the most common type of computer system in use around the world.

What is a Computer Virus

It is almost impossible to define what a computer virus is because new types of virus appear daily and will generally not conform to the existing rules.

"a program which replicates without the user's awareness and co-operation. a threat because we don't know it is there"

Alan Solomon (S&S International)

I have used the definition above for convenience. The significant word within the definition is "replicates". Replication should be interpreted as being able to create a new program which will perform a similar action, not an exact copy of the original. Many new polymorphic viruses replicate in such a way that their 'offspring' may resemble the 'parent' by only one or two bytes (there is a simplistic explanation of polymorphic viruses below).

Computer users have often wondered why their governments have not provided specific legislation to protect against computer viruses and their authors. As it is almost impossible to define what a computer virus is, it is therefore nearly impossible to effectively prosecute the miscreants. Even if it was possible to define a computer virus, it would still not be possible to make that computer code illegal. It is entirely feasible (though it is very unlikely) that an author may create replicating code by mistake.

The only thing that can effectively be prosecuted is the malicious intent of the person who infects a system (not necessarily the author). Prosecutions based on intent have been widely used in theft cases in the United Kingdom, so this is the best means available to the authorities. Much of the Misuse of Computers Act deals with the issue of intent.

In the United Kingdom, there have been a number of attempts to prosecute virus authors. The most successful have been the prosecution against Mr Christopher Pile who was convicted of eleven offenses under the Misuse of Computers Act, and the prosecution of members of the Association for Really Cruel Viruses (ARCV) authoring group for stealing telephone time (known by the computer underground as phreaking).

Mr Pile had uploaded virus infected files to a number of BBSs in the United Kingdom. Most BBS operators (SysOps) keep records of all transactions on their systems, and it was therefore possible for the police to discover the source of the viruses. The viruses in question have become known as the SMEG viruses which have subsequently been named Pathogen and Queeg. Mr Pile was known by the pseudonyme (handle) 'The Black Baron' and it is likely that he was the author of the Simulated Metamorphic Encryption Engine (SMEG). Mr Pile received an eighteen month jail sentence for his activities, but it should be remembered that he was not prosecuted for writing viruses, he was convicted of intent to perform malicious acts with those viruses that he had written.

The prosecution in the ARCV case was successfully applied to one of their leaders, a juvenile, known as 'Apache Warrior'. Again, no attempt was made to prosecute for writing viruses, nor was there a prosecution for trying to infect any systems, just the theft of telephone time. Other members of the ARCV group have been given cautions by the police, most significantly, the co leader of the group, known as Ice-9. The nature of the telephone time theft was that Apache Warrior had linked his modem to a neighbour's telephone line and had then made numerous calls to virus underground BBS systems in the United States. Investigation of an extremely large telephone bill lead to the discovery of the tampering with the connection.

Although the success of prosecution of active participants in the virus underground appears to be limited, it should be remembered that the United Kingdom is far in advance of most countries in the world in this respect. Other nations do not have the facility or experience to prosecute on the aspect of intent, which is long established in British Law.

In Australia, Clinton Haines, a student at the University of Queensland, has been interviewed by the media and talked about his activities as an author of viruses, namely the Dudley and NoFrills viruses, both of which are in the wild (the term "in the wild" means that the virus is unchecked, and actively infecting systems belonging to ordinary people or businesses). Even though these viruses have infected major corporations in Australia, no action can be taken against this individual because Australian law does not provide any facility for an action of this sort.

In the USA, "freedom of speech" protects virus authors against prosecution. One of the most common viruses in the USA, Natas, is generally accepted as having been written by James Gentile, yet no prosecution has ever taken place.

In the United Kingdom, this ability to prosecute the intent of a malicious individual should not be regarded as an effective deterrent. Mr Pile uploaded his malicious code long after the prosecution in the ARCV case. Neither does the possibility of the prosecution of the miscreant detract from the possible prosecution under the Data Protection Legislation for inadequate protection of data. The target of an attack might be prosecuted for negligence. It is essential that vigilance is maintained and there is adequate legislative requirement for it.


Trojans (Trojan Horse Programs) are by far the most numerous type of malicious programs. They are not viruses. There is no estimate on how many of these programs exist. There are literally thousands of them. They are generally designed to perform a single task, and as their name suggests, are hidden inside programs that normally perform acceptable functions. Many trojans are written by programmers when their employment status may be undermined. The program may continue to operate satisfactorily, long after the individual has left the company until the set criteria for operation of the malicious functioning is met, eg, a specific date or a given set of circumstances (known as the trigger). Trojans that have been designed by capable programmers who have knowledge of the target system can be devastating. An example of this is where the backup arrangements are known and are specifically interfered with for a time period which would reduce the restore capability to nil. At this point the main destructive activity (payload) would activate which would destroy or corrupt all of the existing data.

Other types of trojans now exist that are known as droppers. These droppers will simply release a replicating virus into memory when the payload criteria have been met. The owner of the infected machine will then try to eradicate the virus but will find that it keeps reappearing without knowing which of his/her executable files is causing the problem. The most successful of these types of trojans are hidden inside computer games, or programs designed to break computer game passwords (crackers). Many users of pirated software, mostly games (known by the virus writing community as warez) have password cracking Terminate And Stay Resident (TSR) programs on their machines which will defeat the game password by bombardment techniques. The main problem with trojans is the fact that they do not specifically replicate and are almost impossible to find by scanners. The Anti-Virus vendors try to counteract the activity of some trojans by using Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) monitoring programs that attempt to supervise activity in memory. A TSR means that the program is loaded during the startup process and will remain active throughout the session at the computer.

One of the best known dropper trojans is in fact disguised within a hacking (the term "hacking" is not used correctly and should really be referred to as "cracking" ) tool known as NETCRACK.EXE. This program is designed to break Novell Network passwords by bombardment techniques. The original program has been infected with the Taipan.666 virus and then compressed using the PKLite compression application program. Therefore, the use of NETCRACK.EXE will also infect the target system with the virus. Another more famous use of a dropper trojan was the same virus, ie, Taipan.666 being incorporated into a program called NETCHEAT which is a cracker for the game known as Doom. Players of the game called the infection the "Doom to Death" virus.

Known trojans are listed in the Hack List, a periodically released program originating in the Netherlands. It can be downloaded from BBS systems under the file name HACKLIST.Z??, or HACKLIST.A??, or HACKLIST.* depending on the archiving software that is used on the BBS system.

The last, and perhaps the most serious, type of trojan is application code that is badly written. Many MicroSoft Windows users are aware that sometimes the applications that they run cause general protection faults. This is annoying but will normally only cause irritation. Also, there are many application programs that run under the MicroSoft Windows operating environment that allow resources to 'leak' into RAM thereby reducing available system resources.

Other serious faults can exist in widely used software; perhaps the most famous being a bug in CHKDSK.EXE which was released with MicroSoft DOS Version 5.0 (DOS stands for Disk Operating System). This program was supposed to be a utility to rectify problems that can sometimes occur in the File Allocation Table (FAT) which is a file containing the whereabouts of other files on computer disks. It has an optional switch /F which will fix errors in the FAT. However, if the size of the hard disk was in the region of 128 Megabytes (Mb) or multiples of 128 Mb then CHKDSK would overwrite areas of the hard disk that contained essential information for the operation of the computer.

The problem is that virus authors are aware that a scanner can be used in this way, and so many authors write their viruses in such a way that an identifiable string can not be found by the scanner. The consequence of this is polymorphic viruses. A polymorphic virus is one where the main body of code changes during each incarnation of the virus. A very crude method of understanding this would be to evaluate the two equations below.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28

6 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 28

In both cases the result of the equation is 28. However, the second character string is nothing like the initial one yet it will still produce the same outcome. Basically, the virus code can be shuffled during each incarnation of the virus, yet it will still be able to perform a similar action.

Most polymorphic viruses also use other protection mechanisms to avoid detection. These will be discussed later.

In order for a program file infector virus to be successful it must allow time for itself to propagate onto another machine before releasing its payload and identifying itself. The determination of the appropriate amount of time required is a complex problem for the virus author. The vast majority of the actions carried out by successful viruses are merely the replication aspect of their code. Viruses that do not allow the appropriate amount of replication time will not survive in ordinary operation of computers (in the wild). Even though the functionality of the code is viable, the author must take into consideration the payload criteria, if he chooses to include a payload. The SMEG viruses mentioned above were faulty in only this respect. The payload became effective too early in the process. It was therefore possible for the police to trace the original source. This was fortunate because the SMEG viruses are complex. Had the author managed to identify a more suitable payload criteria then these viruses could be much more widespread than they are at present. It would also have seriously diminished the possibility of a successful detection of their origin by the police.

Variants of program file infectors are known as fast and slow infectors. A typical program file infector (such as the Jerusalem) copies itself to memory when a program infected by it is executed, and then infects other programs when they are executed.

A fast infector is a virus which, when it is active in memory, infects not only programs which are executed, but even those which are merely opened. The result is that if such a virus is in memory, running a scanner or integrity checker can result in all (or at least many) programs becoming infected all at once. Examples are the Dark Avenger (Eddie) and the Frodo viruses.

The term slow infector is sometimes used for a virus which, if it is active in memory, infects only files as they are modified (or created). The purpose is to fool people who use integrity checkers into thinking that the modification reported by the integrity checker anti-virus program is due solely to legitimate reasons. An example is the Darth Vader virus. The concept of the acceptable modification of an executable might be difficult to understand, but there are many executable programs that write configuration information to their own executable code. This will happen most often where overlay (.OVL) files are used in application programs.

The final type of program file infector is known as a sparse infector which infects only occasionally, e.g. every 10th executed file, or only files whose lengths fall within a narrow range, etc. By infecting less often, such viruses try to minimize the probability of being discovered by the computer operator.

Regardless of the nature of the file infecting method used by the virus, the consequence is that at least some of the executable programs on the machine will be come infected by the virus. Once these programs have been executed then the machine is in a state whereby control is passed to the virus. The virus may remain in memory, sometimes using stealth techniques to prohibit detection (stealth will be discussed more in the Boot Sector Infector section).

Companion Viruses

These are amongst the first type of viruses to be successful. Their mode of operation is quite simple. Instead of adding code to an existing executable file (.EXE executables), they merely wrote a copy of their code to a .COM file with the same name as the .EXE file. The Disk Operating System (DOS) will always execute a .COM file in preference to a .EXE file when presented with both in the same directory, eg,

        C:>dir filename.*

         Volume in drive C is MS-DOS_6
         Volume Serial Number is 1C0C-869C
         Directory of C:\DIRNAME

        FILENAME.COM         3,220 10/09/94   21:18
        FILENAME.EXE        15,833 10/08/93   21:16
               2 file(s)         18,053 bytes
                               60,063,744 bytes free

In this instance, the .COM file FILENAME.COM which is the virus will be executed and its code will be placed in memory. Once the code is in memory it will perform the instructions of the virus author and then look for the file FILENAME.EXE which it will then execute. Modern scanners have little difficulty finding this type of virus and they are almost extinct.

A more recent concept used by companion infectors is placing a copy of the virus in a directory which is closer to the beginning of the path statement. These viruses are known as Path Companion Infectors. Transmission of this type of infection from one computer to another seems to be ineffective because very few computer users would have their diskette drive on the path statement. However, embedding this type of virus in dropper trojans may be an effective means of transmission. None of these viruses are known to be in the wild at the time of writing.


Worms are multi-segmented, self-propagating programs with segments executing on different networked machines. The term also now includes those self propagating programs that function through networks.

The most successful worm was the Great Internet Worm of 1988 (author Robert Morris Jnr, Cornell University) which was a UNIX based program infecting SUN and VAX systems. It used a security hole in sendmail (Debug Mode) to send commands to the local command interpreter (a program similar to COMMAND.COM on IBM Compatible machines). It's success was based on the fact that it used techniques to hide itself, one of which was deleting the argument list to hide its operation. The Great Internet Worm infected up to 6000 machines and cost damage which has been estimated to be in the region of $50m USA.

Another example of a trojan caused by a programming error was one line of erroneous code which brought down most of the AT&T Telephone Network in the USA. The code was to provide a temporary re-routing of traffic if the distribution point became overloaded. Unfortunately, the receiving site also activated the re-routing and an effect similar to falling dominos, ended up causing all telecommunication traffic to be redirected simultaneously.

Application program macro languages can be used to create trojans. Wordperfect's macro language is very amenable to this. Another possibility is the use of Postscript which has potential to become more of a problem as more users send file attachments with E-Mail. Postscript code can contain file deletion functions which are supposed to be used for the deletion of temporary print files. However, competent programmers can use this facility to delete significant files within the operating system.

A curiosity perhaps, but there is another type of trojan program known as an ANSI Bomb (ANSI is the acronym for American National Standards Institute). ANSI.SYS is a system file (TSR program) that can be loaded during the running of the CONFIG.SYS file (a file used for configuring the operating system at startup). Computer users are most aware of ANSI.SYS facilities for the purpose of providing colour to text on screen. However, ANSI.SYS also allows for the reassignment of keys so that the depression of a single key on the keyboard can activate a complete command string, including the carriage return. If ANSI.SYS has been loaded on the target machine and a text file is displayed on screen using the DOS TYPE command, any embedded Escape sequences will be acted on by ANSI.SYS as an operator instruction. Most ANSI Bombs are trivial in that the most malicious thing that they can do is probably a format of the hard disk. Appropriate backup facilities will reduce the effect of an ANSI Bomb to an irritation, rather than a nuisance.

For those computer users that have a requirement to load an ANSI driver on their computers, there are alternatives to ANSI.SYS that do not permit keyboard reassignment. There are two methods to use. The first is to use an alternative such as PC Magazine's ANSI.COM which simply does not permit the keyboard reassignment, or a program such as PKSFANSI.COM (from PKWare) which can be loaded after ANSI.SYS is in memory and will filter reassignment instructions before they get to ANSI.SYS. This second method is very useful for disabled computer users who might require some keyboard reassignment to take place. Once the valid instructions have been processed by ANSI.SYS then PKSFANSI can be loaded to prevent unauthorised modifications.

It should be noted, that almost all types of virus display trojan activity whenever their activation circumstances (payload triggers) are met. Nearly all viruses are replicating programs that become trojans. The virus is simply the transportation mechanism that delivers a trojan indiscriminately to computer systems. This trojan activity is generally becoming less destructive as the phenomenon of virus creation matures. This is a personal opinion which is difficult to support statistically, but is the result of intuition on my part.

Program File Infectors

Most non technical computer users who are aware of computer viruses generally believe that all viruses are of the program file infector type. A basic description of file infecting viruses is shown below. The rectangular boxes represent compiled computer code. The term J represents a jump instruction which is used by the virus.

A computer program is a long list of instructions that instruct the computer to perform actions based on input by the user. For example, in a word processor, the program will place the cursor on screen and then wait for input. If the user inputs a character then the program will determine that a character key has been depressed and will jump to the section of the program that deals with this type of input. What will happen is that the character will be displayed on screen and the cursor is moved one place to the right. The program will then jump back to the wait state. Had the input been a function key, the program would have jumped to the portion of code that deals with that particular function, eg, printing the document, or saving the document to the hard disk.

Generally, when the virus infects an ordinary executable file, it writes a small instruction at the beginning of the file that redirects the execution sequence to the main body of the virus code which is then added at the end of the file. Obviously, this is not always the case, but is sufficient to describe what is happening. Once the virus code is active in memory it will then perform whatever task the virus author has designed. It then jumps to the beginning of the ordinary code and the file will then perform as normal so that the user does not perceive that anything is wrong with the machine.

The fact that user of the program is unaware of the unauthorised activity on the computer is the main reason why viruses can spread. If the user then copies this infected program to a diskette and then into another computer, that computer will then become infected, thereby starting the cycle again.

In the vast majority of situations the task of the virus will be the process of replication. This can be performed in various ways:

It is very easy therefore for anti-virus scanners to detect this type of virus because they only need to read the first few bytes of the file to determine if there is a jump instruction. If the jump instruction is found then the scanner will follow that instruction to the main body of the virus code. Once the scanner is within the main body of the virus code it can then identify the virus by known sequences of code.

Boot Sector Infectors

These are by far the most successful of all types of viruses, especially on IBM compatibles. An explanation of the operation of a Boot Sector Infector (BSI) is most easily understood out by examining the operation of old fashioned 'diskette only' machines. Modern computers that contain hard disks will be dealt with later.

The term "to bootstrap a computer", which means to start a computer comes from an old saying "to pull yourself up by your own bootstaps" and is a reasonable description of how computers actually start up. When a computer starts up, the operating system is the first thing that is loaded into memory (volatile memory which only exists while there is power available and is known as Random Access Memory, or RAM). The computer is an inanimate object, so it doesn't know which operating system to look for. This is why the boot sector is very important in the startup process for computers.

Inside each diskette is a circular magnetic plate which is divided up into tracks and sectors. Each track is like a concentric ring on the diskette and each sector is similar to a pie segment. During the formatting process, DOS may allocate more than one sector to a cluster. This is due to the size of the available area for the File Allocation Table (FAT), a data file which is used by DOS to keep track of the whereabouts of user generated files on the diskette. This means that a file that would be stored on the diskette may take up three sectors even if it is less than one sector in length. The wastage is known as slack. Another part of the formatting process is the placing of essential control information on the diskette. This places a small executable file in the boot sector (at Track 0, Sector 1 ). All diskettes have this file. It is not visible when a directory listing is taken. Even though it is not normally visible to the computer user, it's whereabouts is always in the same place, and is determined by the location of the drive rotation pin hole on the diskette (turn over a 3.5" diskette and look to see two holes, one of which is used to centre the diskette and the other to rotate it in the drive).

The file is known as the Boot Sector Loader Program (BSLP). One of it's functions is to provide the familiar error message:

when a data diskette has been inadvertently left in the diskette drive bay prior to the machine booting. Under normal circumstances, this is a very sensible error message to provide to a user. The reaction of the user is to remove the incorrect diskette, replace it with a bootable diskette, and press any key.

Virus authors recognised the potential of this error message and wrote small viruses which would, in many instances, move the BSLP to another part of the diskette, and replace the BSLP with the virus, so that when the machine attempted to boot from the infected diskette it would execute the virus code first. Once the virus code was in memory, and active, it would locate the real boot sector code and execute it, so that the user would be unaware of the virus activity. On diskettes, the real BSLP was placed in an area of the diskette which was then marked as bad, or otherwise disguised, so that DOS would not attempt to overwrite the valid code during the normal activity that the diskette is expected to perform.

Areas of disks being correctly marked as bad result from either the DOS formatting process, or normal wear and tear on the surface of the diskette. When formatting a diskette, DOS writes a character (E6 hex) to all parts of the disk and then reads back the information to verify that it is valid. It verifies this by writing a Cyclic Redundancy Check value (CRC) which acts in a similar way to a parity check in serial communication. When the read process occurs and the data is in memory, DOS will perform the CRC to ensure that the read operation has been successful. If the CRC of the read data is not the same as that listed on the disk DOS will give a disk read error message and then mark that sector/cluster as bad. As DOS expects to occasionally find bad sectors on disks the user is not made aware of the fact that bad areas exist on the disk. If a diskette has been used many times, it's ability to store data in all areas might be reduced. Therefore, when DOS attempts to read valid data from the diskette, the CRC indicates a failure. DOS will then report a read error. Utility programs such as the Norton Utilities NDD.EXE, can retrieve data from corrupted parts of disks, but will generally mark the area as bad after the retrieval operation has been completed.

Once the virus is in memory, it will then attempt to infect any diskette that is placed in the drive bay and accessed (this is not true for more complex viruses which will test for write protection prior to attempting an infection thereby making themselves more difficult to detect).

There are very few systems in use nowadays that do not have hard disks. When the computer has a hard disk, the above process takes on a much more devastating threat. Hard disks can not be write protected in the same way as floppy diskettes. Once a hard disk has been infected, then every time the machine boots, the virus is loaded and becomes active, infecting every diskette that it can.

Another problem is the fact that hard disks have a mechanism whereby they can be partitioned. This was designed so that more than one operating system could be used on the same machine. Also, many computer operators choose to partition large hard disks for the purpose of storing data in a more logical way, or for the purpose of reducing the amount of wastage resulting from slack. The cluster size on hard disks is also dependant on the available space allotted to the FAT.

Hard disks contain partition information in the Partition Sector at Track 0, Head 0, Sector 1. Within the Partition Sector, data is written in the Master Boot Record (MBR) which records the whereabouts of the Boot Sector that should be used during bootstrapping. This additional feature allows more scope for virus authors and further complicates the detection process. It is important that the infection process is understood so I will endeavour to explain this process in some length below, even though this involves some repetition of the text above.

The following is the procedure used by an IBM Compatible PC during startup, assuming that the PC has a bootable hard disk:

        Power On
        Power On Self Test (diagnostic checking of hardware
                            components, resulting in numerous
                            copyright notices appearing on screen)
             ROM BIOS now invoked
                  Keyboard test (lock lights flash)
                  Other internal checks
                  Check and Validate components recorded in CMOS
                  Check if exist Drive A: (light flash)
                  Check if exist Drive B:
                  Check if exist Drive C: (light flash)
                  Check if exist Drive D:
                  Test speaker (beep)
                  Test other stuff (whirr)

At this point, if anything is wrong, you will get a "Setup Incorrect" message and an option to either press F1 to continue or F2 to enter Setup (or something of that nature).

Now it is time to start up the operating system.

        Check if a diskette in Drive A: (fairly big noise)
           if yes, execute Boot Sector Loader Program (BSLP) Drive A:
           if no, read Master Boot Record (MBR) Drive C: to locate
              whereabouts of BSLP on hard disk then execute it.

Whenever the BSLP (otherwise known as the bootstrap loader) is executed it will test for the existence of the hidden system files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS (or IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM) on it's own drive. If these files exist it will read IO.SYS into memory and then execute a sub program within IO.SYS known as SYSINIT. SYSINIT then continues the boot process. It will first look for CONFIG.SYS for configuration purposes. If CONFIG.SYS is not found it will use it's own default values. Next, SYSINIT loads MSDOS.SYS (contains system services). The reason for the read of the CONFIG.SYS file prior to loading MSDOS.SYS is so that user determined configurations can be provided for. Then last of all, SYSINIT loads COMMAND.COM (or other designated command line interpreter). COMMAND.COM then checks for AUTOEXEC.BAT and runs it.

With the above in mind, it is possible to go through the process of infection by a boot sector virus. First we need to examine what happens when an ordinary clean non bootable diskette is left in Drive A:

The ROM BIOS will find the BSLP and execute it. It will search for the system files and when it doesn't find them, display the message

At this point the BSLP will relinquish control back to the ROM BIOS. The user then has the option of removing the disk and either replacing it with a DOS system disk or allowing the machine to boot from the hard drive. Once a key has been pressed, the ROM BIOS will again test Drive A: first. If a floppy is found then the above process is repeated. If not it will read the MBR Drive C: to find the BSLP and then execute it.

Now we can examine what happens when an infected diskette is left in Drive A: during boot up.

Let us assume that the boot sector of the diskette has been infected by a previously infected machine. During the infection, it is likely that a copy of the original boot sector has been made and hidden somewhere on the diskette (this is not always necessary, there are other modes of operation). The BSLP has been overwritten by the virus. This is quite easy to do because all floppy diskette boot sectors are in the same place, ie, Sector 1 track 0 side 0. All the information needed to make the diskette useable is located in the first few bytes of this area.

Once the ROM BIOS executes what appears to be the BSLP, it has in fact executed the virus. Once the virus is in memory it can do a number of things. In many instances, it will execute the copy of the original BSLP that it made during the original infection process. This will in turn display the "Non System Disk .." message. The virus is now in memory but depending on the nature of the virus, can still be quite harmless. In some instances it may not infect the hard disk because it needs DOS to be loaded before it can perform many of its own operations (many use int 21h services). Again, this is not always the case, and the virus may be able to infect the machine without assistance from DOS. In many infections though, it waits for the user to remove the diskette and press a key. It then allows the ROM BIOS to read the MBR and load the BSLP of the hard disk. It might even allow operations to continue right up until after SYSINIT is loaded.

Somewhere along this process, the virus will infect the hard disk of the machine. It will normally write it's own code to the Master Boot Record because it is this area of the hard disk that is read first during a hard disk bootstrap. Some viruses might only write to the boot sector of the hard disk though this is unusual. Either method will work, and will result in the virus becoming active in memory every time the computer is started. Once the computer is infected, then every diskette, without write protection, that is placed in Drive A: will become infected.

Many BSI viruses employ stealth techniques to prevent themselves being discovered. Mainly this involves reporting false information to DOS and to utilities such as anti-virus TSR Monitoring programs.

Stealth is a term used to describe many methods that viruses use to hide themselves. One of the most common is to report that the machine has only 639Kb of available memory. This will not be considered as unusual because many computers (eg, IBM PS1) retain 1Kb memory for BASIC ROMs. Other methods include deliberately reporting false information to requests for DOS services. This is achieved by taking control of DOS interrupts and calculating the expected outcome of the request, or passing on the request to DOS. Some BSI infectors hide themselves in the High Memory Area (HMA). This will only be discovered if the computer operator changes the BUFFERS line in the CONFIG.SYS to a value than can be normally accepted in the HMA but actually forces the buffers into low memory, though it would be a knowledgeable computer user that would notice this. Most computer operators will not even be aware of the loss of memory due to any action by a virus, and will generally continue to use the machine without further investigation. We, as computer users, allow ourselves to become infected because of our ignorance.

The most successful virus ever in the United Kingdom, Form.A, is a simple BSI. The main reason why it has achieved its success is because it was originally spread widely by a shareware company on infected diskettes and because it simply does not work properly. If a user looks into the virus encyclopedias that accompany anti-virus packages he/she will find that the description of Form.A, will tell them that the virus activates on the 18th of each month causing clicking noises and displaying a derogatory message concerning a lady named Corrinne. However, this activation will only take place if the virus is in a machine using a code page for Austria/Switzerland, ie, 38. In the UK the code page value that is used is 44 so these effects do not occur. The virus therefore continues to replicate without the user being aware of its existence. It effectively does not perform the trojan activity that it was designed to do. The fault in the information given by the anti-virus packages is easily excusable. The programmers that have taken the virus apart simply report what it is designed to do, then get on with the next virus. This shall be discussed later in the section on Glut.

Document Infecting Viruses

These are the most recent type of viruses. They utilise the complex macro languages that are incorporated into modern application programs. Most of these application programs allow macros that have been embedded in documents to execute automatically. This is a feature which can be used to automate repetitive tasks. However, this feature can also be used to support replicating code. In the macro viruses that have been seen to date, the virus code overwrites the default document settings thereby infecting all documents that are modified or created using that application program.

There is no reason to suspect that this will be the only method used to infect documents. There are probably other viable methods. Also, the viruses that have been written to date, are not particularly sophisticated. Indeed, the Winword.Nuclear virus attempts to drop a conventional virus into the computer, but fails because it is unable to escape from it's current window. A little more thought towards the development of this activity by the author might have resulted in a viable method of dropping the conventional virus.

Other Types of Infection Mechanisms

Many viruses do not fall easily into the above categories. In fact, many of them cross the boundaries of the above definitions. A good example of this is the Tequila virus which can attack systems both as a program file infector and as a BSI. This type of virus is known as a multi-partite virus.

There are viruses which are known as file system or cluster viruses. These viruses, eg, DIR II, and Byway, modify directory table entries in the FAT so that the virus is loaded and executed before the desired program is. Note that the program itself is not physically altered, only the directory entry is. Some consider these infectors to be a separate category of viruses, while others consider them to be a sub-category of the program file infectors.

The experimental Whale virus can be described as all, or none of the above. Viruses which affect other operating systems use entirely different attack mechanisms to those described above. In general, if there is a way to get code loaded into memory that is not immediately perceivable by the user, then the virus author will try to exploit it. Not all vulnerabilities have been attacked though; there are still a considerable number of avenues open to the virus author to exploit.

This section attempts to deal with the way in which known viruses infect popular operating systems.

IBM Compatible PCs

These are the most common personal computers on the planet. Users generally have to know a bit about the operating system in order to make them work properly. This necessary acquisition of knowledge means that they are the target for most virus authors (who have become knowledgeable about this type of system). Many of the attack mechanisms have been described in the section above. There are known to be in excess of 7000 viruses that have been written for the IBM Compatible PC.

One of the main reasons why this type of system has been targeted so much is the fact that there is generally a requirement to provide backward compatibility when the operating system or hardware is advanced. This is due to the large numbers of business users that require their existing software to run on more modern hardware. Virus authors are interested in the longevity of their creations, so this system is by far the most attractive target.

Another reason was originally the availability of the machines to youths. Many viruses have been written on machines that have been made redundant by companies and then given out to the parents of the virus authors. Older IBM machines were not very powerful and entertaining software was either not available or was unable to run on the machines. Youths that became interested in the machines started to write viruses.

Many viruses, especially the older ones, originated in Eastern Europe, mainly Bulgaria, which is the equivalent of Silicon Valley to the former Eastern Bloc nations. IBM Compatibles were really the only affordable type of equipment to people in these countries.

Macintosh PCs

The Apple Macintosh family of computers work around the Motorola MC680x0 family of CPU's. The exception being the PowerMac range, these are powered by the Motorola PowerPC RISC CPU. Having a different CPU makes these machines resilient to the viruses which plague the Intel 80x86 based computers (PC's), but that doesn't mean viruses do not exist for Macs, they do and some are more virulent than those found on PC's.

Executable files on the Macintosh (Mac) consist of two areas (or forks), the data fork and the resource fork. The resource fork contains a variety of resources of varying types containing a wide range of executable code and associated configuration information in a highly structured form. Examples of resources include window definition code, data strings, icons, patches and "init" start-up code.

The following list indicates those Mac code resources for a pre-System 7 operating system that have been used by virus writers:

        CDEF      Control Definition Function;
        MDEF      Menu Definition Code;
        CODE      Application Code;
        FKEY      Function Key Code;
        INIT      Initialisation Routine;
        WDEF      Window Definition Function;
        CDEV      Control Panel Device.

Mac viruses can be grouped by the objects modified, and by the means of modification. Key objects include the system file (which contains the key resources comprising the operating system), system folder entries (containing supplementary INIT, CDEV and other code at start-up), desktop (containing icons, bundles and other information associated with active disks and folders) and the application resource forks themselves. The desktop was restructured in System 7, making desktop viruses such as WDEF and CDEF obsolete.

This possibility of change in the operating system is a deterrent to a virus writer who wants his creation to exist as long as possible. Indeed the prospect of change may have been the major deterrent against the production of MicroSoft Windows specific viruses on the IBM Compatible, although a few are known to exist.

A curiosity infection concerning the early nVIR A and nVIR B strains was that they would search for each other within the infected machine. If they found each other they would combine to produce a new strain of virus which will be a hybrid of the resources contained in each strain, containing CODE resources from one strain and nVIR resources from the second. At first glance it appears that this might be construed as procreative activity but this is not the case. It is simply the swapping of complete component parts that are viable alternatives for the functionality of the virus code.

Many virus authors claim that their creations are artificial life. I do not subscribe to this point of view because viruses do not compete for common resources (a possible contradiction to this is in the section on Others below) in the same way that organisms do. Neither do they evolve. There have been instances of mutation and corruption of viruses due to particular circumstances within a specific computer setup. However, these mutations will generally render the code inoperable. No computer virus has ever shown any propensity for evolution. Even artificial intelligence systems have never shown any capability in the area of evolution; primarily, they do not even contain replicating elements.


Does malicious software exist for the UNIX platform? The answer is yes and no. There are research virus strains that were created by Fred Cohen and binary viruses by Tom Duff. Also there is the Great Internet Worm which was written by Robert Morris Jnr. UNIX like any other operating system is susceptible to virus code. The main reason why there is a void is because virus authors normally do not have the resources to run UNIX systems at home. There are "in house" trojans that have been found.

Recently, the availability of the free Linux operating system, a variant of UNIX makes viruses in the UNIX environment much more likely. Authors now have a means to explore the operating system.


The Novell corporation is quite secretive about how it's operating system works and this, along with the resource needs mentioned for UNIX above, has meant that very few viruses have been written specifically to attack it. The most notable virus that has been targeted at Novell systems was discovered in August/September 1994 and is known as the No-Smoking virus. This virus uses DOS services to extract information regarding users from the server. It's payload is the sending of messages from one user to another namely:

                   Friday I'm in Love!

           or      No Smoking, please! Thanks.

Obviously this could create a considerable amount of confusion among the users of a network. There is no reason to believe that this virus is not the first of many, and it does create problems for Novell who are presently attempting to obtain both C2 and E2 Security Classifications for the next release of Novell Netware Version 4.+

It should also be noted that claims were made by members of the audience, during a Novell related seminar at the Annual Virus Bulletin Conference in 1994 that the execute only flag can be compromised. This was reported to the public at large in the December 1994 issue of PC Plus magazine.

There is reason to believe that a number of companies that sell backup software for Novell systems have been able to undermine some of the protection within the Novell operating system. They have found this to be necessary because of over zealous network administrators who have restricted access to files to such an extent that the backup process can not function properly.


Amiga computers have a considerable number of viruses which are notable for their apparent anti-virus behaviour, where the virus attempts to seek out and destroy other viruses on the host machine. These are the only viruses that appear to compete for resources, yet they are long way for being classified as being alive. Most viruses for these machines have been written in Western Countries where the machines are mainly used either as games platforms, or professionally, for image editing.

Atari computers have a boot process which is similar to IBM Compatible PCs and suffer the consequences of similar BSI type infections.

Multi Platform Viruses

One of the consequences of the development in standardisation of application programming interfaces (APIs) is the possibility that viruses can be written which can cross platforms. The second area of emergent standards is the application binary interfaces (ABIs). ABIs allow binary compatibility across platforms. An example of this is the ability to port Intel code to run via an emulator under Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.3 using the Windows ABI (WABI). WABI allows sophisticated Windows applications such as WordPerfect to be run under Solaris.

Examples of emulator viruses were encountered on the Atari ST when running one of the prevalent Apple Mac emulators. The Aladin and Frankie ST viruses were detected as long ago as 1987.

As stated earlier, document infecting viruses do not require a specific operating system on which to run. They rely on the environment that is provided by the application program. If the targeted application program can run on more than one operating system, then there is nothing to prevent the virus from moving freely between these operating systems.

General Overview

Computer viruses do not know about the difference between private non-commercial computer users and corporate institutions. They will attack either system with the same indiscriminate ferocity. However, it is important to recognise that the means by which countermeasures are employed and the approaches used are considerably different in these environments.

Countermeasures in the Corporate Environment

Every organisation should have a policy or a list of procedures to protect their data. Part of this "policy" should include countermeasures to prevent attack and infection by computer viruses. There is an obligation in the UK under the Data Protection Act for holders of data on individuals to ensure that the data is correct and available. The activity of viruses may prohibit the availability or undermine the integrity of data. The procedures below are aimed almost entirely at IBM Compatible machines.

Cost Effective Prevention Methods

Common sense approaches to the resolution of all problems will generally be the most effective and will also cost the least. These are mainly concerned with the utilisation of the resources that are already available. I have listed below, some general procedures which can be adopted by almost any corporate user of computers.

Cost Effective Monitoring Methods

Risk Analysis

Corporations should use Risk Analysis techniques to identify the possible consequences of infection on systems. If the cost of protection outweighs the risk then management may elect to take the risk. Yes, computer viruses like all other business matters cost money. However, the cost of protection is generally minimal and therefore it would be highly unusual that there would be systems without some form of anti-virus protection.

There are many computer consultants that can provide this type of analysis. Even though it is a costly exercise, advice from a risk analysis may well save the corporation from other disasters which are more significant than a virus infection.

Funding the Protection

If the money is available to run anti-virus software on all of the machines continually, a situation which I would strongly recommend (I would not recommend the use of the MS DOS anti-virus software that is free with DOS Ver 6+), then considerable thought should go into what anti virus products to use.

Primarily, there should be a standard package which is running on all users machines (I use F-Prot for this task), which should be backed up by another reputable package (I use Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit, Thunderbyte, and AVP). Both the main package and the backup package(s) should be easy to use from a bootable DOS diskette (it doesn't really matter how nice their Windows interface is). It is extremely important that the packages use similar virus names. The products I use do try to do this, but when new viruses appear there is generally a delay in standardising the name. The main reason why the naming standards should be the same is so that an identified infection can be validated. Scanning for viruses has become an extremely complicated process and False Positive Identifications are more common than infections. Also, there is the problem that the user may perceive an epidemic of infection if both products are reporting different names for the same virus.

Make the time available for at least one user to learn how to use the software properly. This is the most expensive part of anti-virus protection, but it is the by far the most important. Not only should that user be proficient in using the software, but he/she will also have to identify an external expert advice source, in case of an emergency. A good example of the reason for this is to consider infections by Form.A and Ripper.A (alias Jack the Ripper). Both are BSI viruses, and both are in the wild in the UK. Both can be easily identified by any of the reputable anti-virus software packages. The difference is in the effects of both viruses. One, ie, Form.A is almost benign and causes little damage, the other, ie, Ripper.A is a data diddler (slowly corrupts data) type virus that corrupts data by changing write values about every one thousand disk writes. As both viruses can be removed easily using methods described in the disinfection section below, the user may believe that the infection is over, when in fact their lack of knowledge may permit a backup overwrite of the last remaining valid data backup tape.

Selection of the "expert" user can be a complicated task. Primarily, this individual should have some expertese in the understanding of computer systems. Also, he/she should be a good communicator, and be at ease when addressing groups of people. This individual should ultimately provide awareness training to all staff in the organisation. Another role for this individual is the gathering and distribution of awareness posters and documentation. It should be remembered that the average cost of a virus infection is in the region of 4000 UK pounds (approx $ 6000 USA).

Another reason to obtain external advice during an infection is the fact that over 90% of companies that become infected by a virus are re-infected by the same virus within thirty days. One of the reasons for this is that many users keep personal information on their own diskettes which may not be made available during the clean up process. Awareness training will prevent this because users will be knowledgeable enough to ensure that their own diskettes are handed in during the clean up process.

Finally, the last reason to have an "expert contact" would be to deal with false positive identifications.

Realistically, the expert contact should be the anti-virus vendor that sold the anti-virus software to the corporation in the first place. Good vendors will keep in contact with the purchasing officer and will advise them about developments in the area of computer viruses.

Finally, good control of incoming and outgoing data means that the users might only be expected to scan diskettes that come into their possession. This can again be provided as an automated procedure as a menu option or an icon.

The home computer user takes on all the roles associated with the continuity of the operation of their computer. In most instances, this means a significant learning process.

The following countermeasures are easy to implement by normal computer users without these individuals having to understand the complex operations involved within the operating system. I have only been a computer user four four years, and I do not fully understand all the vulnerabilities associated with computer systems, yet I am reasonably confident that I can protect my computer against virus infection.

There is a considerable difference between the identification and the eradication of a virus infection. It should also be remembered that an attempted attack by a virus is not an infection. This section is dedicated almost solely to IBM Compatible machines. Other platforms have a lesser volume of viruses and consequently have less risk of infection. Nevertheless, the basic control over incoming and outgoing data is still equally important.

Commercial Anti-Virus Packages

Most commercial anti-virus software packages have four components which are made up by a TSR monitor, a scanner, an integrity checker and a disinfector.

TSR Monitor

A Terminate and Stay Resident program (a program that is generally loaded during startup and continues to run during the current session on the computer) can be used to perform a number of processes. These programs can check for virus like behaviour in memory. One of the most effective methods used by these monitors is to validate the contents of files as they are executed or copied. Indeed, they are very reliable at finding BSI infected diskettes. This is done by checking through data that is copied into RAM when a floppy disk is accessed.

The Boot Sector and FAT of the diskette is copied into the memory area just above DOS when the diskette is being accessed. The monitor can then check this data and identify BSI infections on the diskette. It should be noted that the process of copying this data from the diskette by DOS will not cause an infection because the program in the boot sector is not executed. Viruses can only replicate after they have been executed. Up until they have been executed, the program code is just data.

Many TSR monitor programs are capable of identifying the more common viruses in the wild. Obviously, they can not be expected to protect against all viruses because they would become too large, and that would be restrictive on the resources of the computer.


The scanner is an incredible piece of software engineering. Most have been written using proprietary dedicated languages which have been independently created by the company involved. Scanners generally validate themselves prior to operation, then check through memory to make sure that no suspicious activity is taking place prior to checking through the files on the disk. In many ways the scanner is the most important part of the package in that it is much more comprehensive in it's ability to detect viruses than the monitor program.

The scanner should be used periodically on each machine and every diskette, including shrink wrapped software diskettes, which should also be scanned prior to allowing software from those diskettes to gain access to any machine. It is preferable that a scanner is used on a dirty machine as discussed above.

Scanning a diskette from a clean hard disk is acceptable. However, periodic scanning of the hard disk should be performed by booting from a clean, write protected diskette. This will ensure that no stealth virus is in memory thereby compromising the scan.

Anti-virus vendors are in a constant race against each other in order to keep their scanner up to date. Software comparisons in computer magazines always compare the detection rate of scanners and generally disregard the monitors and the integrity checkers. These reviews also seem to concentrate on the speed of the product. Realistically, speed comparisons should not be considered as a significant reason to buy one scanner as opposed to another product. Most scanning will be performed on diskettes, and it is the speed of the diskette drive that has most influence on the duration of the operation. Computer journalists are not experts on computer viruses. Indeed, their normal criteria for evaluating software generally concerns the analysis of the potential productivity of software. Anti-virus software does not fall into this category, and reviews are normally flawed.

Heuristic Scanning

Most modern anti-virus software packages will have an option within the scanner that provides an heuristic analysis of the programs on the target diskette or hard disk. Heuristic scanning is basically an intelligent analysis of the machine code in executable files. This is different to the identification by comparing known portions of virus code. Many uninfected programs will have code that may be identified by the scanner as being suspicious and programs that are clean might be flagged as being suspicious. This can lead the user to believe that they have a virus infection when there is none.

Where programs have been flagged as being suspicious, it is best to increase the useage of the integrity checking facility within the anti-virus software. This will validate whether an infection has taken place.

Although the possibility of false positive identification of infection seems to be a greater hinderance than a help, it is a viable method to employ to identify previously unknown viruses. It's greatest benefit is in the analysis of new software coming in to the system. If the executables are flagged as being suspicious, then do not run the software. Leave it for a while until you can verify that the software is free of infection from another source. Contacting the original author of the software and explaining what has happened might result in the response that the software company is already aware of the problem and have already contacted the anti-virus vendor.

Software houses do not want their software to be flagged as suspicious, so they will be very interested in any report of such an incident.

Integrity Checkers

These programs evaluate files on the disk and write data files containing information about them. The data files can be similar to a list of CRC values (mentioned above) and in the better products, allow this data to be stored on a diskette. By storing this data on a diskette it is possible to prevent a virus from tampering with the integrity data.

Some products base their protection on integrity checking, and in the final analysis, this is probably the safest form of protection for a computer system. However, evaluating an integrity check generally requires some knowledge on behalf of the user of the product. This may well be beyond the capability of many computer users.

On procurement of a product, make sure that there is an integrity checking option available, even though this might not be used fully until knowledge of the operation of the system is understood by the user.


In general, all of the reputable packages are good at detecting viruses, particularly those viruses known to be in the wild. Most viruses are not in the wild for various reasons, they are badly written and can not really survive very well, they have not been lucky in distribution, etc. Once a virus has been detected, the disinfection part of the software comes into play. Many of the packages incorporate the disinfector into the scanner.

Many viruses can not be disinfected properly by these programs because some viruses irretrievably corrupt the programs during infection. Sometimes, the disinfection process will not work, even when the disinfection is claimed by the vendor. This can happen because viruses are modified by other authors, and the scanner may have incorrectly identified the infection. It is best to find out as much as possible about the virus before attempting disinfection.

Disinfection is really only acceptable for the eradication of boot sector infections. It is always better to restore good copies of infected programs from original (clean) software diskettes.

Realistically, the only point where a disinfector becomes essential is when the computer is in transit, such as a portable (laptop) computer. The user of this system may not be able to carry around clean copies of the original software, so the quality of the disinfector should become a more important topic for consideration.

As stated above, it may not be possible for the anti-virus software to adequately disinfect a machine. In many instances this can be very confusing for the user. The best example of this is BSI infections. If the infection is on a diskette then most of the commercial packages can remove it in an instant. This is not the same for infected hard disks though. It is best to check the information available from the manual or the anti-virus database.

Should the infection be caused by an unknown virus, the anti-virus product might not permit a disinfection. If this is the case, then for program file infecting viruses, a restore from backup is the only option. In cases of BSI infections of the hard disk, it is possible to remove unknown viruses using programs that are already available on the original DOS diskettes.

FDISK is used to create and remove partitions on the hard disk. Any virus that has overwritten the Master Boot Record (located in the partition sector) can be eradicated using FDISK. A serious word of warning though, if the C: drive can not be accessed after booting from a clean DOS diskette, do not use FDISK to attempt to remove the infection. Some viruses encrypt important information used by DOS and removal of the virus by overwriting will render the contents of the hard disk as being irretrievable.

If C: can be accessed, change to the hard disk and validate the contents of the directories prior to cleansing. Some viruses have been known to encrypt data areas of the hard disk instead of the important areas used by DOS. Should this have happened, the utilisation of defragmentation after the machine has been booted with the virus in memory might be a suitable method of regaining access to the data.

If all is well on C: then FDISK /MBR can be used to overwrite the infected Master Boot Record. The /MBR switch has remained as an undocumented feature of FDISK up until DOS Ver 6.1 so this feature should only be used as a last resort.

The program SYS.COM can be used to eradicate infections in the boot sector of the infected hard disk. The command is SYS C: which will transfer operating system files to the hard disk and overwrite the boot sector with new data.

A word of caution. The above paragraphs are generalisations that do not always apply, a good example would be an infection by the Exebug.A virus which writes to the CMOS thereby setting the machine to boot only from the hard disk. Even when booting from a write protected diskette, the machine is still infected. This is done by checking for a bootable diskette in the A: drive after the virus has loaded into memory. If a bootable floppy is present the virus instructs the boot sequence to operate from the floppy drive. The user then believes that the machine has booted from the diskette. Because of the stealth characteristics of the virus, the user may think that the machine is being disinfected when in reality it is not. This virus is discussed at length in the article entitled "The Death of the Clean Boot" by Iolo Davidson, in Virus News International, April 1993.

Overall, find out as much about the virus prior to attempting to remove it. The manual for the chosen anti-virus product, and it's on board database are probably the best places to start.

The Glut

The Glut is a term introduced to the field by Vesselin Bontchev in a paper presented to the 4th International Virus Bulletin Conference on the 8th September 1994. He is Bulgarian and is widely regarded as one of the world's foremost authorities on computer viruses. He has one of the largest collection of computer viruses in the world.

The following is a brief record of the contents of his paper (some parts of the text are quoted directly while others are paraphrased):

The main observable problem with virus creation is volume. Although, statistically speaking the curve of virus creation is no longer exponential there are still three or four new viruses every day. This volume creates a number of problems for authors of scanning software.

This observation has now been proven to be incorrect. AVP has come to prominence in the last year.

This observation holds true.

It has been over a year since the CDROM became available, and there is no statistical confirmation available regarding a significant increase in the number of infections that can be attributed to the circulation of the CDROM.

There is no evidence to suggest that such an application program is under development yet.

This is the main reason why scanning should be performed from a write protected diskette. It is also the reason why integrity data should be held on diskette.

AVP has proved to be a successful product without the old fashioned notion that speed is all important.

This shows the need for greater awareness among system supervisors for protection against virus attack.

All countries should probably explore all methods available to protect themselves at a time of conflict. Strategic use of trojans is probably a better method of inflicting damage on an enemy. The replicating aspect of computer viruses always means that there are methods available to discover their activity.

There has been no significant expansion of this technique over the intervening period.

The name says it all.

There is evidence that the virus authors are deliberately sending many viruses directly to the anti-virus community just in order to keep them occupied. It is a "never mind the quality, feel the width" scenario. However, Dr Solomon's Anti-virus Toolkit is now distributed on two diskettes, and this has caused no deterioration in sales.

The most significant event that has occurred since the seminar on Glut has been the occurrence of document infecting viruses. These probably pose more of threat than the suggestions above. At the time of writing, document infecting viruses have not displayed any significant trojan activity, but it is quite possible that these viruses will become destructive.

The above shows that even one of the world's experts in this field finds it difficult to predict what will happen in the near future let alone the long term. Basically, virus production occurs in little paradigms. Virus authors tend to pick up new ideas then develop them to their most sophisticated state. Few virus authors seem to seek out new vulnerabilities, but tend to develop existing concepts instead.

Spotty kids in anoraks is the widely conceived impression that most computer users have of virus authors. How far from the truth is this, and how much will a knowledge of the virus writers help in the prevention of the creation of new viruses?

In some instances, the above impression is correct. This is especially true of the Computer Underground (CU) in the United Kingdom. The ARCV Group mentioned earlier were basically young men with little to do. The main difference between them and other young men is that they have an interest in computers. Other young men hang around street corners being young men, taking part in occasional unruly behaviour, eg, vandalism. ARCV did not write any particularly interesting viruses and relied mainly on a virus engine supplied to them by Aristotle who ran a BBS called Black Axis in the USA. The timely arrest and the prosecution of Apache Warrior has hopefully put an end to their virus writing activities. As with other young men, they will grow up, get married, get a job and will not have the time available to write computer viruses.

This group is not truly representative of virus authoring groups around the world. Most of them have an accomplished authors as members and a coordinator as their leader. Most have created their own virus engine. They tend to remain connected to their own groups and until recently did not mix much with other virus groups. This has now changed, and many groups are in constant contact with each other via the Internet.

I have briefly outlined below some of the main virus authoring groups and their achievements.

The current virus authoring groups are:

Sara Gordon of the Computer Science Faculty at Indiana University is the only individual that I am aware of who has made any formal study of virus writers and found that most were normal male children doing rebellious things. She found that most develop into normal relationships and tend to stop writing viruses once they take on other responsibilities. Sadly, a few appear to grow to adults without developing ethical standards. I am aware that some virus authors disagree with this assessment and obviously, there where considerable constraints placed on the study, geographical, right of access, etc. Nevertheless, her findings have to be recognised until such time as a more comprehensive study can be performed.

It seems that because most of these boys, all known virus writers with any influence are male, are going through a normal development process. It would be unwise to legislate too strongly against their activity. Long jail sentences would not be appropriate. Civil actions would be pointless as this would not recover the cost of the prosecution.

Overall, there seems to be a well developed sub culture that exists. This sub culture is world wide and can not therefore be controlled by legislation.

It seems that the computer virus problem is here to stay, for the next few years anyway. Certainly, all popular operating systems currently in use have been attacked in some way or another. On the other hand, as operating systems become more complex, vulnerabilities may not be so obvious to the malicious author, who will indeed require even greater skill to undermine the operating system than his predecessors.

Another significant aspect for consideration is that fact that it has been the anti-virus community that has made money out of the virus phenomenon, not the authors. Any potential virus author with the required level of programming skill may well choose to apply for work in a software house rather than become a virus author. The author of Stoned.Empire.Monkey virus may well have missed out on a lucrative royalty income from his delvelopment of the virus. The method used by the virus has been studied by most of the anti-virus companies who have subsequently produced access control software using a similar principle to that employed in the virus.