Interview with Super/29A
by Int13h

[Summer 1999]

Super is a spanish member of the virus group 29A, he is a very talented coder with exceptionals skills in optimizing the code to the minimum possibel and sometimes to the impossibel. Did u remember that little war between Talon (RIP!) and Dark Angel about the writing of the sma- llest tsr com/exe infector? Well, let's remember them:

Dark Angel programmed the Small virus with 278 bytes. Talon wrote the smallest virus he could manage with 263 bytes. Very tiny viruses really and with nice tricks inside. But later, appeared in VLAD#6 a virus called Small signed by Super, with only ­168 bytes!.

The optimization level impressed me. Well, that was long time ago. Today, Super is one of my best IRC-friends and still I didn't find another coder with his optimization skills. Just take a look at his STCE (Super Tiny Compresion Engine) published in 29A#2. He also coded a tsr/com/exe infector with only 72 bytes, the virus is called Galindo and it will be part of 29A#3. Well, for all these reasons I decided to interview him and now I will finish this fool introduction.

Well, tell us about the guy known as Super

I am 24 (yes, a bit too old) years old. I have black hair and black eyes, no I ain't darkman X-D I'm a man of few words, as you can read of my short answers in this interview :) I like programming (only in assembler), girls, body-building, watching comedy, erotic movies on TV and RedBull. :-D

Why did u choose Super as your nickname?

I didn't choose it! My friends did choosed it, when I was attending school. I look very much like Clark Kent (Superman), so they called me Superman. Soon after that they shortened it to "Super" and that nickname kinda got stuck. Some of my friends tell me i look a bit like Jim Carrey too.. I think I'm a mixture of Jim Carrey and Superman.. I'm SuperJim X-DD

When you entered in the computer's world?

I entered this world when I was 13 years old, with an awesome PC 4.7 Mhz and 20M of HD. At that time I only played games and use it for schoolwork.

And when did viruses get your attention for the very first time?

When I was 14 I got infected by the ping-pong virus. I pretty much didn't care about the bouncing call. I didn't even knew it was a virus, I learned that later X-D After that I discovered a utility called DEBUG, and I start playing around with it. It was interesting, and not as dangerous as FDISK and FORMAT X-DDD I learned assembler in one day, and start disassembling viruses. That was the end of the beginning :-D

In what languages can u code?

I can code in the following languages, listed in the order I learned them in: Basic, Assembler, Pascal, C, Fortran, Ada. But now i only code in assembler. :-)

You are not a very prolific coder, why?

I don't care about fame. I don't care if people critizes me or my code. Thats why most of my projects dont get release. I do alot of researching and begin coding interesting pieces of code, but I only finnish a few of those projects. I'm simply too lazy to finnish them.

How much viruses have u coded? Give us their names.

My virii are, in order of appearance:

        * Small (vlad#5, 168 bytes)
        * Galindo (72 bytes)
        * Mariano (147 bytes)
        * Sexy (256 bytes)

What do u think about the AVers?

No comment. X-DDD I don't care about them. They earn money and we help them.

Where from came those weirds optimization habilities?

They appeared from out of the blue. From the very beginning I coded optimized code on-the-fly! Although my optimization skills have improved alot since then. Now I'm a master! Wow! I'm not the only master in optimization. Jacky Querty and Darkman are both very good too. I like the way they optimize their code.

Give me your opinion about DOS and WIN viruses

DOS is the past.
WIN is the future.

Which viruses/coders/groups/zines do u like most?

I like original viruses, even if they ain't optimized X-D I like Griyo's and Jacky's viruses I like 29A and IKX as groups I like the 29A, IKX and VLAD e-zines

Besides writing viruses, do u have another hobby?

Watch TV and crack programs.

Tell me what do u think about the following topics

MACROVIRUS: only for lammerz.
VIRUS GENERATORS: only for lammerz.
POLY ENGINES: I like them alot.
DEBUG AND SOURCER: I love debug. I don't use sourcer.
TASM AND A86: my favorite compilers :-)
SOFTICE: its my favorite debugger! I can't live without it! I love it!!!

OK, pal. Thank you very much for the answers. Now this space is 4 u, you can fill it with the ASCII characters you want.

Greetings go this time to:

Int13h: thanks for the interview! my *best* internet friend!
Billy_belcebu: ­sigue por el buen camino de los virus!
Darkman: u r my hero X-DD
Yesna: practice more spanish! Nigr0: u r also a ring0 lover!

Also greetings to 29A members and to all virii writters Im stoned now, so if i havent greet u, critize me at