Interview with Evil-E
By Assembler Head

[January 1999]

Please introduce yourself (about where you from, age, hobbies,... etc)?

I'm 19 years old and I life in germany. Currently I'm a soldier. But this year, when I have finished my military service, I want to study computer sience.

When did you start in computer?

Uhmm ... That's long ago. I think it was 1990. My father bought me a XT (8088 with 9.54 MHz, 20 MB HDD, 768[!]KB memory and a hercules graphics-card with monochrom monitor). I had no games, so I started to learn DOS on my own. Later I discovered GWBASIC, Turbo Pascal and of course Assembler.

And what was your first experience in computer virus?

That was in 1992 when a friend gave me a infected game. It was infected with the Jerusalem-B virii. I discovered this beast very soon on my computer. Later I got infected with Tequilla and Parity.Boot.B (who hasn't had it ?).

Where you get your handle?

From an old music CD by ICE-T. POWER I think... there is a rapper called EVIL-E on it. I liked the music and the name very much so I decided to choose this as my nick. Beside that it sounds very rude ;-).

How many computer language you know?

Are you join in virus group?

Yep. I'm a proud member of the Codebreakers.

What your plan in your virus group?(if you join in...Congratulation Evil-E) :-))

Have fun, learn new things, find friends and maybe become famous.

How many virus did you write till now?

Many. But most of them are only test virii's that I never released :-(.

What's your favorite trick in Vx you write?

I like the INT 18_tech very much. Besides that I like all creative new tricks to make virii's undetectable.

and favorite virus from all?

Got no favourite virii. I like everything that replicates ;-)

Write virus engine too?

Maybe sometime.

Do your close friends, parents, girlfriend know you write Vx?

Yep. My parents and close friends know it.

Why did you choose Vx not hacking, phreaking, crackers, etc?

I like to create new life-forms.

You like warez?

Sure ! Who not ?

Do you like destructive virus?

Nope. I don't like them. I like to create new things, not to destroy things.

What AV are you using? why?

I like F-Prot. Dont ask me why ...

Give a little picture about Vx in future?

I see a good, very infective, future on the new plattforms... What do you want to infect today :-)

Have e-mail, icq, or something to reach you?

You can find me on #vir.

You like to say some pedagogy to newbie?

Try to learn as much on your own. Read the Codebreaker zines for example.

And of course said any greet to all virus writer out there? and outside Vx?

I want to send greets to the following people:

Serialkiller, Spo0ky, Landing Camel, Opic, NuCleii, Knowdeth, mir, foxz, Buz, Owl, CyberYoda, J.S. Bach, Billy Belcebˇ, Flitnic, Nightmare Joker.

And to the following virii groups 29a, SLAM, No Mercy, SOS, DDT, iKx, FS.

....and of course to you asmhead ;-)

Thanks to help me in asm code and answers my interview. :-) see ya next time in same place ...... hehehe and #vir channel. bye