Interview with Evul
By Rhape79


Before we begin is there anything you would like to confess?

1)I rape my cat nightly
2)I killed carmen sandiego
3)I believe in Santa Claus

Who are you, what do you do, what kind of music do you like etc.. and how did you get your nick?

Alright, my real name is John, and my field of work is civil engineering/land surveying (everything from construction to hydrographic coastal surveys). I like to re-build old high-performance Mustangs. My favorite is my 1972 boss 351 (which is currently in a garage till I get my lisence fixed). I like heavy metal music, anything from black sabbath to white zombie, and i like to smoke weed, yes SMOKE DAMMIT! And my nick, well, thats a boring story, so i wont go into that.

Where are you from?

I am from a lovely country where our president feels the need to blow everyone to hell, USA.

How would you describe yourself (eg. mad, antisocial, above average intelligence etc..)?

Hrmmm... i'd have to go with mad, and a side order of manic(if you ever saw me drive, you would say I am manic, too)

How did you get involved in the VX scene?

I was just interested in what they (viruses) do, and how they work, so i made a stupid one, and another, and another, and here I am!

Are you part of any VX team, if so which one(s) and fer how long?

Nope, never, none

How many viruses have you written to date, and which do you feel was the 'best' one?

In the first exploration of vir's I wrote a kazillion cheesy as hell viruses, and posted them. I have returned to the learning stage, to learn it right, when I feel i've learned a good bit more, then you'll see more by me. I have written exe viruses, and com viruses, tsr, and run-time, experimented with boot, and win32, but my favorite has to be my mildly encrypted prepender, precom virus, cause it had absolutely no ill effects... it ran perfectly. BTW, there was no payload in it (glaring hatefully towards my malice disks).

What do you see as the future fer yourself (and your team(s))?

for me,,, maybe get re-married one day, have a kid i can kick in the arse, and go back to school for engineering.

What languages do you know?

err,,human, just english, computer, basic, asm, and batch

Are there any viruses in particular which you think were good (eg. great survival, stealth, encryption etc..)?

well, i know i am gonna hear it from you all for saying this, but CIH has got to be one of the best yet, just consider how many people are getting this virus, its like a goddamn plague. This can be achieved wth any virus, given that someone is circulating it well enough, but every sample of cih i have come across by accident has been infected programs from users unaware of the virus.

What do you think of viral payloads - and more specifically destructive payloads?

As you all well know, i've had my day, but i dont make this sort of thing anymore, and kinda feel that if someone continues in this type of behavior, it is more of a reflection on the coder's mind-set rather than on his coding abilities. I thought it was funny as hell when i made malice, and oddessy, but they were simple infectors, and nothing more. Thats not what i want from coding anymore, and for those of you who have asked me when i am going to make another malice, sorry, but that thing's dead.

Unique question here - Can you describe the perfect virus?

nothing seen, nothing heard, a year later 100,000 infected users, need i say more ?

What is your opinion of pro-virus members/groups, and why?

I dont make opions of people until I have met them. On the most part, i like all of them I have met.

What is your opinion of anti-virus members/companies, and why?

They're doing what comes naturally to humans, trying to make some money. With the exception of one low-life code-ripping bastard, who will remain nameless (see below)

If Microsoft offered you a job to work on MSAV - Would you take it?

nope, I like the career i have, and computers are my hobby, make a hobby a job, and you've just ruined a perfectly good hobby.

Are there any pro-virus members/groups you'd like to greet?

greets to you all... nucleii rhape raid techno phunk cyberyoda lethal mind OHHH HELL,,, everyone from #vir =]

Are there any anti-virus members/companies you'd like to greet?

AVP... YOU BUNCH OF CODE-RIPPING FUCKS(html version of avp encylopedia with the demo viruses in it.. namely oddessy.603 as you call it). How about I take one of your scan engines, erase all the text from it, fix it so it doesnt find viruses, and re-distribute it, HUH? I bet you'd wanna have me locked up, right? bastards... Thanks for letting me get that off my chest =]

This is your bit to say what ever you like (announce your next virus, tell us about your team, whatever...)

errrmmm i've said enuf, now,, buhbye

ohh, and you CAN expect something soon from me


Thank you fer taking the time to do this interview.