Interview with Executioner
by Virtual Daemon
[May 1998]

Talking with the expert

Here we are, face to face with one of the best active coders out there: Executioner from Living Turmoil (also known as Unknown or Unk or whatever ;-). Unky (as I like to call him) is a megacool guy and a hell of a coder. Actually, he's one of the best allround coders I've met till now on IRC. He's a good friend and he always tries to help you with your problems. He's also a network sysadm and a Linux/UNIX guru. So, if you ever have ANY QUESTIONS about Linux, he's your man... =)

Errr... let's begin with the common questions... :) First, tell our readers some things about yourself.

What does your handle means? When and why did you choosed it?

Tell us something about your first computer/virus related experience.

During the last 2 years, you have been a member of Dark Conspiracy, a group who died, then you were in LT/RSA who also got disolved and then you reformed Living Turmoil. What really happened between you guys then? Why all those splits?

Although DC was a promising team, most of its members retired. Which of the guys from DC are still active and if so, in what groups?

How was the Dark Conspiracy organized?

What about LT/RSA or Living Turmoil?

What does Living Turmoil means? Why did you choosed that name for your group?

Although the first two numbers of your zine had a great success, you guys are somehow.... inactive at the moment... ;) What happened? Is this the end of Living Turmoil?

Who are the current LT members and what is their "job" in the group?

From what I've seen so far, you have a very unique coding style. How many viruses did you coded so far and how many of them got released in the wild?

What is your view on destructive payloads?

What's your opinion about virus writing in general? What about virus spreading? Should any of them be illegal?

What do you do besides virus coding? What other programming languages do you know?

What is your favourite virus?

What is your oppinion about virus creation tools? What's your favourite one?

What do you think about stealth/polymorphism/tunelling?

How do you see the virus scene (past, present and future)?

What about the AV scene?

What e-zines do you like? What is your favourite e-zine?

What was (is) the best group in the scene?

Who are the persons you admire most from the scene and why? What about people you like to talk to?

What's your favourite antivirus program?

Many people (including me) consider you a Linux/UNIX guru. Where did this passion for Linux came from? ;-)

Let's say that a beginner asks you how can (s)he starts in virus coding.What will you answer?

Do any of your friends knows that you code computer viruses? What do they think about that?

What do you do besides computers in your life?

Okay... here comes the fun part... :) Tell us something about your hobbies, favourite music, favourite food, favourite movies, etc...

What is your prefferate place on Earth? Where would you go if you'd have let's say... "enough" money? ;]

What do you think about UFOs and stuff? Do you believe in extraterestrial life?

Umm... being a computer tehnician you probably know a lot of stuph about hardware. How will a computer look like in your oppinion in... let's say 2100?

If you could travel in time, where would you like to go? (time, place)

b00p.. unfort, we've reached the end of this short interview... Any greetz you would like to send out?

Free space... (write whatever you want)

Thanks for the interview man... cya around