Interview with Int13h
by Cicatrix

[March 1999]

How did you start out in computers?

I started kinda late, when I was 14 years old.

How and when did you start out in the virus scene?

I already knew about viruses, but just when Paraguay connected to Internet I got in contact with virus scene, that was approximately in august '96.

Have you written viruses? If so which would you like to take credit for?

Yes, I wrote a lot of viruses. I'll take credit only for the published in e-zines: Kuarahy, Literatura, Stratovarius, Fuxpro, Win32.Borges, etc.

How do you name your viruses?

I use normally music and literature related names.

Which programming languages do you know?

Quick Basic, Visual Basic, WordBasic, Assembler, Pascal, C++, Foxpro (dos&win), Cobol, PERL, HTML and some other script languages.

What programming language do you like using the most?

Assembler! Nihil assembly maius.

Are/were you a member of a VX group?

I was a member of International Knowledge eXchange, IKX.

Which AV software do you like/respect the most? Which the least?

I hate all AVs.

What are your goals (VX wise)?

Code viruses to learn, get friends and fun.

What is your view on the continuous 'war' between VX and AV.

It gives more condiment to the activity ;)

Where did you get you handle? What does it mean?

Int 13h is the BIOS interrupt that gives disk IO services. I selected that nickname because some viruses use it to kill HDs and also is the working INT for boot sector viruses.

What is your view on Virus Creation software (eg. VCL, PS-MPC etc.)?

Elite to code. Lame to use.

What is your view on macro viruses vs. assembly or HLL viruses?

Assembly viruses are the king, HLL the pawn. The remainder is silence.

Have you ever confirmed one of your viruses 'in-the-wild'?

Paraguay is in the wild, at least in Paraguay. Vecna told me that he found one of my old viruses (Asterix) in his univ. Also, my first boot infector is travelling across Paraguayan boot sectors and master boot records.

Which VX E-zine do you like to most? Which the least?

I like 29A, XINE and VLAD zines. The least? I can't tell, not enough space here :)

Which individual or what group do you like/respect in the VX world?

GROUPS: In the past, VLAD. Present, IKX and 29A.

Individual coders: Jacky Qwerty, Murkry, B0z0 and Vecna for their originallity and coding level.

In the AV world?

Frans Veldman's TBAV surprised me in the past. He is a great coder.

Which individual or what group do you like/respect outside the VX or the AV world?

Stephen Hawking, Shakespeare, Camilo Jos‚ Cela, Blind Guardian, Stratovarius.

What is your view on destructive payloads in viruses?

I haven't objections against destructive payloads. I believe in freedom of men.

Do you think there is such a thing as a 'good' virus?

Burn the maniqueism! :)

What do you do in 'real' life?

I am a programmer, I design webs and code business stuph.

Do people outside the VX scene know what you do (parents, girlfriend etc.)?

Yes, just the people close to me.

Do you do other computer stuff outside VX (Hacking, phreaking, warez etc.)?

Nope, no time 4 more. Virus and uni eats enough time to dedicate to other things.

Should viruses be illegal?

Only on Jupiter.

Describe the perfect virus.

Look 4 Zhengxi and OneHalf.

What is your view on Windows (95/98)

It is a re$ource-eater platform, but it isn't the future, it is the absurd present.

What is your advice for people just starting out?

Read Dangel's virus writing guide, use your tasm a lot, practice and ask, always ask!

Short responses to the following names or words:

            - Dark Avenger
              Maybe the most brilliant friend/coder I found on the inet. Legend!

            - Dark Angel
              You should use emoticons sometime.
            - Sarah Gordon
              Unknown even to her mother.
            - Fridrik Skulason
              Fuckprot sucks.

            - Alan Solomon
              Idiot, update your virus enciclopedia! Jerusalem is kinda oldie.
            - WordBasic/VBA
              Juguetes de la ni¤ez...
            - VDAT
            - VSUM
            - Assembler
              Simply the better language under the sun.
            - Phalcon Skism
              Priest, Dark Angel, Stormbringer.
            - Polymorphic
              The best creation of the viral technologie.
            - Stealth
              Important for survival.

            - I hate......
              Empty-brain girls, tropical music, WIN.COM.
            - I love......
              Literature, Computers, Girls, Heavy Metal and Beer.
            - Internet
              Global Village.
            - IRC
            - Sex
              Thing that makes this life easier to live.
            - World War 3
              Updating is necesary. Coming soon.

What is in the near future for you (VX wise)?

The rest. Time will kill me until my desaparition like this PERL code shows :

         for ($i=length($inty); $i !=-1; $i--)
           print "$inty\n";

Where in the world are you from and how is the VX scene there?

I am from Paraguay, South America. The virus scene does not exist here, I am the only virus coder in my country :~-(

Any greets?

To IKXers, 29Avers and all my pals in the scene. Specially to Owl and Super.

Any other comments (take all the space you need)?


Good bye and my apologies for the poor english level I have. My native languages are spanish and guaranˇ. Bye bye, adi˘s ha jajoech peve.