Interview with Jerk1N
(DIFFUSION Virus Team)
Interviewed by foxz/April'98

You Know guys make Microsoft Sick one again?, well let read this interview!.

Discribe your self

Annoying, Sarcastic, Over The Top, Crazed, Multi-purpose (??), Programmer of Vx and "Normal" Software, Helpfull in everything I can.

Where did you get your handel, what the mean?

How long you has been active on VX?

Why Ya don't have HomePage like Other?, why only available ftp?? bcoz we to lazy to find Ur HomePage :)

What programing Language you know?, what is your fav?

Like every body know, you the first guy infect MS.Access, want tell Us the story behind?

Well, I kinda got a bit pissed at Microsnot for being a bit "Homosexual" (Read Cicatrix' Siggy. for PERFECT summary), I pride myself on my originallity, this enhanced my pride as nobody else had completed such a task :)

Are you in VX group?

Pplz on VX you recpect?

Pplz out side VX you recpect?

Good games producers, my family (sort of), ??? Not many other ppl

How many virus you has write, what your fav?

What your fav. AV (if you answer McAfee, i'll NOT upload this interview) ?

What your view about VCK?

Discribe the prefect virus

How VX move in your contry?

Should virus be illegal?

I want know, that your comp ever attact by virus? what the virus name??

What your view about Macro Virus and HLL Virus?

What your motivation write virus?

Who are you in the real life?

Any greetz?

if you have homepage just write here (I already know it, but other??)


Jerk1N, of the DIFFUSION Virus Team