Interview with JMRK
[late 1998]
[reproduced (with permission) from the Feathered Serpents Website]
[Check their site for possible updates]


How did you chose your handle?

Well, first I chose RandomKiller, but then I prepended the title of "Jedi Master" because I felt that I had evolved. Also, it sounds cool.

Do you fit the geeky virus writer stereotype?

Hello no. I got mad stylez, bitch!

What religious beliefs do you hold?

I gotta see it to believe it. You christians can tell all of the supposed miracles you want, it's still inconclusive. If I go to hell just for my skepticism, then I really don't want to be a part of that religion anyway.

What music do you listen to?


How did you find out about computers?

My dad introduced me with all his raving about his new computer and all the software on it, when I was young.

How did you discover computer viruses?

I was into all types of mischief when I was young. I used to be the lamer who'd read all the anarchy/drug files I could get my hands on. Of course, with most of the sites being HPAVC, it didn't take long for me to discover viruses.

What was your first virus like?

The first virus I wrote is in Virus Heaven (no, that's not a site, it's that big graveyard in the sky). It was a runtime COM infector with a directory traversal routine and a lame payload. It is dead simple because I got a new computer and the HDD that the source was on is now, God knows where. The virus wasn't worth keeping anyway.

Why did you start writing viruses?

I had lots of spare time, and viruses fascinated me.

How do you name your viruses?

What I'm thinking of at the time I'm coding it, becomes the name. If it's a shitty virus, sometimes I don't even bother with a name.

Which programming languages have you been fluent in?

Assembly, Visual Basic, C, C++, Basic.

How do you like to lay out your source code?

Lot's of comments, tabs, commented out lines dividing up routines, the usual.

What are your thoughts on destructive code?

I think destructive code is fine as long as it doesn't hinder the virus' chances in the wild (no 2/3 chance of formatting or anything like that).

How has your virus writing impacted your 'real life'?

It hasn't. Well, not much anyway.

Which AV software do you use yourself?

I use AVP, because it's more wise to all the different types of viruses (and even some trojans), and not just the old DOS classics like most of the other AV packages.

What are your thoughts about those who create viruses in non-ASM languages?

It depends what kind of virus. Raid's HLL viruses are cool, but I've also seen a lot of really lame HLL viruses too. WMVs [Word Macro Viruses] are the poorest viruses around.

Do others in your personal life know that you write viruses?

Most of them have no clue. I would hate to be suspect #1 of my school's virus problems.

If you could be any animate object, then what object would you be?

A Feathered Serpent.. oh yeah I already am.

If you could be any inanimate object, then what object would you be?

A pipe, cuz I blaze tons of ganja.

Your virus infection hits a hospital and kills someone... are you depressed?

Yes, innocent lives being taken is a great injustice, but it's pretty hard to accidentally code a virus that targets computers for hospital equipment. It would have to be pretty sophisticated equiptment too (the hospital in my city is really low-tech). But for medical records being lost, it wouldn't really bother me (they have backups anyway).

If, and when you die, what do you want written on your gravestone?

Some dope rhyme, like "What a great loss, He was the boss, like that bitch Tony Danza, he was a good friend, but now it's the end, of his life's last stanza.. MothaFucka!" or maybe just get some dope grafiti piece spraypainted on it.

Your thoughts on viruses and the law.

Viruses are cool. Writing the same thing and not advancing in skill sucks. The laws here in Canada aren't bad for virus coding (it's legal to publish source and binaries just illegal to spread them). Canada should also (like all countries should) legalize marijuana for medical, industrial, and recreational usage.

Who are your favourite virus writers, and what are your favourite viruses?

Authors: Dark Avenger, SSR, B0z0, Murkry, Yosha, Vecna, and JQ
Viruses: Win32.Canabas, One-Half, Revenge, CIH, Vecna Live, Trivial

What virus technologies interest you the most?

Anti-removal technology, wierd and innovative mutation engines, different methods of infection.

Your advice to those just beginning.

Learn 32bit assembly (unless you choose to code DOS), know basic virus concepts, don't try to make the jump from beginner to guru in one virus, and be creative and innovative. And don't cut and paste.

What you think lies in the future of virus coding?

Crazy polymorphism, complex retro code that can magically have it's way with any AV, and multi platform viruses that transmit themselves over the Internet.

Describe the perfect virus.

An evolving virus.. not pseudo evolution, but the real thing. No limits, but unfortunately very theoretical (kind of like robots taking over the world). heheh). If the question meant something reasonable look at what I think lies in the future.

(c)1998 Feathered Serpents, All Rights Reserved
Audiences: FS, FSA, Public