Interview with John Tardy
TridenT / The Netherlands

Give me a short description of who you are?

From where did you get you handle, John Tardy?

When did you discovered the world of computers?

How long have you been active in the scene?

How did you came into the virus business?

What part(s) of the underground do you think needs improvements?

Positive/negative aspects of the scene?

Have you been involved in any other group that TridenT?

Who started/created TridenT?

What's the groups goal?

How many people are you?

What's their handles?

Do all of them program, if not, what's the others job?

Who are the "leading/head-persons" in the group?

What's your position in it?

How is TridenT (currently) organized?

Have you got any contacts with other virus-groups/programmers?

Can anyone ask for membership, or are you a "private" group?

What does it take to join up?

You've programmed a lot of polymorphic things, and one of them is the TPE, what comments have you received about it?

Will you continue to "upgrade" it or is it a finished project?

How many strains/mutations can it produce?

Even though polymorphic engine's are a great thing, not many people seems to use them? You have any theorie why then don't?

Which is the best polymorphic engine around today?

Have you aver thought of/are currently releasing some sort of electronic magazine (text/executable/hardcopy)

Are you into other things such as hacking and phreaking aswell, or just viruses?

Do you have some network connection (some sort of e-mail or something)?

Can you name a few viruses/engines that members of TridenT have written?

Which of them have you written yourself?

Which one was the hardest to write?

Do you have any sort of company or law-enforcement who are trying bust TridenT?

If so, are they a real threat or just "childish"?

Have you ever had any trouble in the group with the result of kicked member(s)?

Do you call a lot, and if so how (phone/internet etc.)

Do you have any couriers that spread your products around?

What do you think about the laws against h/p/v that has arrived lately?

What do you think about various news-papers thinking us as nerds?

Has the scene in any way influented on your real life?

Would you feel guilty if one of your viruses made damage to a hospital?

Do you see any differences between the scene now and a couple of years ago (concerning the underground part of course)?

Which virus-magazine do you think is the best available nowadays?

Which virus-group/programmer do you admire/like?

Which country is the best virus-writing today?

Which virus-group(s) do you think is the best?

What do you think about these virus generators, such as VCL and PS-MPC?

What do you think about such individues as board-crashers?

Describe the perfect virus :

Describe the perfect viruscoder :

Describe the AV-community with a few lines :

Which AV-program do you think is the best, and why?

What do you think about the underground's future?

Do you know/heard of any new technics coming in the near future?

Any advice to people who want's to learn the basic of virus-writing?

Can you be reached somewhere (on a board/e-mail address/internet)?

Something else you wish to say?

Do you wish to send any greets?