Interview with Knowdeth
by Rhape 79
[March 1999]

Before we begin is there anything you would like to confess?

I'm a HLL coder, My spelling sucks and I'm just me :-)

Who are you, what do you do, what kind of music do you like etc.. and how did you get your nick?

I'm Knowdeth, I'm a HLL Coder, not to be confused with macro coder
I do code macro's but also Batch, VBS, QB, VB and played with mIRC Script.
What kinda music do I like.. Well Punk and Metal mostly but I do like some Techno/Industrial and Alternative.
Ahh my nick, Thats a long story and boreing hehe :-) I'll sum it up with just a Ex g/f told me I didnt know death.

Where are you from?


How would you describe yourself (eg. mad, antisocial, above average intelligence etc..)?

I guess I would call myself friendly and helpful, some have called me crazy but ah well :-)

How did you get involved in the VX scene?

After a WelcomB infection I wanted to learn more about them so I got to collecting virii. I found I liked HLL virii better because of the fact of what a HLL coder must face. Its not like asm where you have control, I've been with it every since.

Are you part of any VX team, if so which one(s) and fer how long?

I'm leader of Metaphase VX Team and I'm a member of NoMercyVirusTeam
I've been in Metaphase over a year and a half and about 3-4 months as a member of NoMercy.

How many viruses have you written to date, and which do you feel was the 'best' one?

I know at least 30+. The best one, Well it would have to be the one I havent written yet. :-) Each time I code a new one It was better than the last as long as I keep improveing my new one will always be my fav.

What do you see as the future fer yourself (and your team(s))?

I see new'er and better HLL, as long as M$ gives us somthing to work with it will always be that way. I see things heading more Internet also. It is the new fronteer.

What languages do you know?

I know basic (and most subsets eg. GW, QB,), Batch, VB, VBA, VBS, C++, mIRC Script, Pascal, VC++, Cobol, HTML, J++, JS, Perl, Delphi and Fortran.

Are there any viruses in particular which you think were good (eg. great survival, stealth, encryption etc..)?

What I think are good are new idea's. Sometimes Ideas that are new are better than survival ect, just to show that it is possible to be done.

What do you think of viral payloads - and more specifically destructive payloads?

I love a good payload, graphical, a lil trick even a new virus, but I DISLIKE destructive payloads. Why Make a virus if your going to make it kill itsself? A virus that kills it host kills itself. If you wanna hurt someone code trojans and dont waste your time learning any lauange use QB 4.5 and do a "shell c:\deltree c:\*.* /y" See anyone can do a trojan but few can do a good virus :-) so why waste the time with that junk and why be lame and hurt the system?.

Unique question here - Can you describe the perfect virus?

Windows 9.x?? perfect virus, eats everything and takes total control. hehe, really I hope I never see a "perfect" virus

What is your opinion of pro-virus members/groups, and why?

There my family, My brothers, sisters and cusins.
I see everyone in the scene family, and its the way it should be keeping us strong!

What is your opinion of anti-virus members/companies, and why?

Rod Fewster is killer, Nick Fitz needs to be killed.
Depends on the person, AV are about money.. How many major AV's are freeware? hehe Its just my hobby to get around them. Its people like Nick Fitz and Sarah Gordon that keep my codeing strong. So I guess I gotta tell um thanks for pissin me off hehe :-)

If Microsoft offered you a job to work on MSAV - Would you take it?

For what I would loose outta my life I dont thank they could agree to my terms to even get me to work,

1, I ask foxz and he agrees and says its kewl.
2, I still get to code agisnt um, no fireing me or yelling at me for it.
3, I get to have all there tech for my groups "pets".
4, I want $75 american a hour min 8 hrs a day 5 days a week, no weekends.
5, They do a huge ass press confrence announceing they hired a VX'er to help um. :-)
6, I want new computer's for me and all my friends. hehe
7, They dont ever force me to kill a virus only help with decriptions. :-)
8, I want a huge new house /w pool and never have to pay a cent for it.
If they agree to that sure, cause im still VX, Im just gettin major pay to write up decriptions for them hehe :-)

Are there any pro-virus members/groups you'd like to greet?

foxz, nUcLeii, Sinixstar, Sblip, Crazh, Tally, Owl, Buz, Darkman, Asmhead, Evil-E, Angus, Rhape79, Masey, ULTRAS, Opic, Demonphreak_, 1nternal, Vic, Slagehammer, VirusBuster, Duke, RAiD, CyberYoda, Superx, b0z0, Serialkiller, Slumdung, LethalMynd, Gigabyte, Screeching Demon, Cicatrix, Techno Phunk and Virogen.
Metaphase, NoMercy, FS, 29A, TI, Codebreaker, VLAD, SOS, IkX, KVP, TNN, SLAM and everyone in #virus and #vir on undernet

Are there any anti-virus members/companies you'd like to greet?

_rod_ of AVP Aus
Vrtik & Valky of HMVS

This is your bit to say what ever you like (announce your next virus, tell us about your team, whatever...)

Well Im working on new'er and better macros, HTML virii :-) hopefully "html.rod.a" will get around like html.reality.b Hopefully html.rod.a will push some new things :-) but its not done yet...
I'd Like to welcome Angus to Metaphase our newest member a ASM coder, I'd also like to tell Sblip killer work on your ASM man, your makeing very damn proud. I'd like to tell all the guys at NVT and MVT keep up the killer work. Oh and Masey I love your new one your HLL is gettin good man, makeing me proud, keep it up. nUc keep up the work with VXU man.
Rhape "nam puorg ruoy htiw krow doog eht pu peek" hehe :-).

See ya all later in #vir and #virus

Thank you fer taking the time to do this interview.

no problem anytime man :-)