Interview with KPV Team
(Malacca Virus Team)
Interviewed by foxz/April'98

This is a new virus groups from Malacca (South Asia), now south asia have two active virus groups, one based in Indonesia and one again based in Malacca/Malaysia. We as the most active virus group (ahem) like to know what is KPV Team, and... here they are

Tell Us when and who founded KPVTeam?

How many years have KPVTeam been part of the virus scene?

How KPVTeam Organized?

Do you do other computer stuff outside VX (Hacking, phreaking, warez etc.)?

Which individual or what group do you like/respect in the VX world?

All KPV Team memberz, NoMercy Virus Team, Cicatrix mainly coz his VDAT is damn interesting, and NuKE coz of VCL:)

What was your first experience with a computer virus?

What motivates you to join in virus scene?

What's the groups goal?

Develop the best virus construction kit in the world.

How many people are you?

Which AV-program do think is the best, and why?

What do you think about the underground's future?

Why ask us to put Dinesh Nair to Our Fucking Page :)

What's your opinion about making viruswring illegal?

What programming-languages are you familiar with, and what's your favourite language?

How is the virus scene in Malacca?

Who is the greatest virus writer in your eyes?

What do you thing about the NoMercyVirusTeam?

Who are you in the real life?

Any helloes or fucking messages? :)

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