Interview with LifeWire
By Ultras

[Mid 2000]

Tell me a little about yourself as a person, hobbies-music etc?

I'm a boy (hehe yeah :) and 17 years old and I live somewhere in the Netherlands.
My hobby's / interests are: coding (ofcourse), sporting (soccer, etc.) and i'm interested in all kinds of science..
I like many different styles of music: Club/House & Trance (ClubSystem, MadHouse), Korn, Slipknot, The Offspring, and some other music..

Where you get your handle?

I was just looking for some handle, I had lot of ideas, but none of them were really nice I think... Then I was thinking (in a phylosofic moment) about life, and there came Lifewire...

Do your family/friends know about your virus activities? What do they think about it? Do you care of their opinion?

Some of my family know (mother, father, brothers), some friends i trust and one (ex-)collegaue. But my family only thinks i'm just a kid who is playing, they don't know the real things about virii (and do not (want to) understand it)

How did you start out in computers?

When I was about 12, my parents bought a 486-66DX2 (i already had an Atari-800 :). Then I wanted to know all about that thing, how it worked, etc. I spent about 2 years with useless playing with DOS, 'programming' in Qbasic, playing with 100's of strange utils, etc.

What was your first virus?

Heh some nameless .com infector... if you can call it a virus?

How did you start out in the virus scene?

I was learning assembler, and I was already interested in viruses, I've read a lot of f-prot descriptions and all that stuff was very fascinating to me.

I knew an eleete guy IRL (PiepPiep) that helped me out while learning assembler, that guy knows everything, so about (dos) virii too. I just wanted to code some virus, and he helped me with it.

Later I got internet, and fell into the 'real' scene :)

Which programming languages do you use?

win32asm, some perl, c++ & java

Where do you live and how is the situation of the virus scene in your land?

As i said i live in the Netherlands, and there isn't a really scene... Well, there is one very good coder but his last virus was w32.Krized, f0re lives here too and he codes also some win32asm, and there might be some other useless macro kiddies.

But there WAS a very cool scene here, with very good coders, and a cool group like TridenT, but that was in the dos age :/

How many and which viriis did you write? Which do u like best? why?

Heh, I coded about 4 virii, 2 dos & 2 windows... one of the first 2 was really ITW, i didn't spread the other dos one. The other windoze virii are first w9x.mATRiX and I found yesterday 13 descriptions of it (ITW), and the other one is w32.m00nchild, a full internet aware virus (perproc, poly, smtp & irc, etc.) but i didn't finish him for 100% (only 99%) but i got very bored of it :/ ... and i'm busy with some other cool projects too, watch out for Xine-5 :)

How do you name your viriis?

Often things that are in my mind.

How do you spread your viriis?

Fucking without a condom xDD hehe thats secret ofcourse :)

Do you prefer a specific type of viriis? Which virus(es) do you like best?

I like viruses with new ideas & techniques.

What E-zine you most of all like?

29a & Xine rocks

Which AV product do you like best and why? Which do you piss off most?

I like AVP, because it is just cute :) only the emulation of AVPM slows compiling suspicous thingies very down :( And the emulation of nodice is ofcourse really cool.

And NAV sucks, they even didn't describe matrix :/

What viruswriters you most of all respect?

StarZer0 ofcourse, he is the most inventive coder of us all.

What do you think about virii genenerators?

Only for kiddies.

What do you think about macro viruses?

In some cases only macro virii spread... for example at my (IT) school, everybody exchanges .doc files, nobody exchanges .EXE's... To be fair, I wrote one, which infected my whole school. (I didn't even mentioned above), but it helped me to give me a opinion about macro viruses:

If you don't want to spend much time at coding & if you don't wanna think while coding, code macro's.

What do you think about poly engines? Which do you like best?

Poly engines are cool ofcourse, as long as it is a bitch for the AV. And there is no special poly i like.

What do you think about destructive viruses?

They aren't very smart, because it will shorten the live of the virus in most cases (if it destroys itself). But sometimes it might be a good way if you are depresive for your aggression (but i'm not a kind of antisocial depresive guy:)

What are generally your goals in the virus writing context?

I want to invent new techniques, code many special viruses and annoy AV's :)

When, why and how have you joined iKx?

At 11 may 2000 I got invited by Billy Belcebu himself :) At that moment i was ShadowvX member. heh, and I couldn't say no if you are invited to the best group of the world.

What do you think about the current VX scene worldwide?

The VX scene is going to rock more and more than before, with more and more pcs, and more and more lamers that want to be infected.

Do you do other computer stuff outside VX (hacking, phreaking, warez etc.)?

I used to be a cracker with another nick in some group.

How would you consider the perfect virus?

The perfect virus would be so complex AV's can't find a signature, and it would spread like a nice virus does, just infecting .exe's and traveling slowly but sure around the world. (no loveletter lame shit) And ofcourse it would stay for years in the wildlist, like AntiCMOS and all that other viruses that still survive itw.

Your plans in the future as coder and in general?

I'll try to invent & create new things, and become a skilled coder that makes history :)

Where can you be reached ?,

Any greetz?

Greetz to all IKX guys, most 29a's, T-2000, Gigabyte (i'm now chatting with her), Evul, most #virus ppl, Ultras ofcourse & Rajaat.