Interview with Metabolis
by The Unforgiven

Metabolis is an Australian guy. He formed Vlad (Virus Labs and Distribution) some while ago. Vlad is ofcos a viruswriting group. This group (vlad) releases a magazine. Metabolis duty in Vlad, is pretty much alike my position in IR. He organize some things, keep the group releasing things, and code some stuff. Metabolis is also a very nice guy. If someone want to get a closer view who this guy is, read the vlad magazine's (two issue's relesed..), or get on IRC #virus, in where, he spend quite some time.

Gimme a short intruduction of who you are!

Any thoughts behind that handle, Metabolis?

When did you discovered the world of computers, and why did you start with this expensive shitty hobby?

So.. why did you start creating viruses?

Have you been involved in any other group that Vlad?

What's the groups goal?

Why did you decided to release a magazine? I mean, you could as well release a package of viruses, etc. if it only was for the viruswriting itself..

Are you planing to expand?

Are you into other things in the underground computing, such as hacking, phreaking, etc? Or are you _solely_ a viruswriting group?

How many viruses have you in person written?

Which one was the hardest to write?

What do you think of the term non-destructive virus, or even a GOOD virus?

Do you have any sort of company or law-enforcement who are trying bust Vlad?

What's your opinion about making viruswring illegal?

Do you spread your viruses in programs?

What's your opinion about newspaper, and computer-mags writing stuff about the virus scene?

What do you think they, can do to improve the quality of the material published?

Why do you think most reporters often twist one's words around, cutting quotes and in nearly all possible way, without lying, making us look very bad?

Has the scene in any way influented on your real life?

Does your parents, close relatives, know what you're doing behind the computer?

So.. what's their opinion about it?

Whould you feel guilty if one of your viruses made damage to a hospital, or if someone DIED bcos of your virus? For example, knocking down the the server to 911, or something like that?

Do you like, or admire any virusprogrammer?

What do you think it takes to become a respected virus writer?

What's your opinion about the anti-virus persons?

Which anti-virus product do you prefer?

Do you think there ever going to be a av-program able to guarantee 100% safety agains all viruses, worms and trojans for all future?

Do you know/heard of any new virus writing technique

Any advice to people who want's to learn the basic of virus-writing?

Something else you wish to say, but never before have had the opportunity to say?

Any helloes or goto hell messages? :)

Well, that's it Metabolis.. thanks for your time. (typing /exit.. :) )