Interview with Owl [FS]
by IKX
[May 1998]

Here is an interview IKX made to Owl, the leader of the Feathered Serpents. Enjoy reading!

So tell our readers something about you, a few words of introduction!

Why did you select your name? Did you have others in the past? Why did you change?

First a little about yourself in the other (some define it 'real') life. Describe a little yourself physically, morally and so on...

Do you have some favourite kind of music, film, book, sport, event, place or something?

How do you usually spend your days?

Are you married or have a girlfriend maybe?

What are your goals in your personal life if any?

Well, how did you started with computers?

Which programming languages do you code and which do you prefeer?

When and how did you started writing (or examining) viruses?

Why do you write viruses at all?

How long have you been active in the virus scene?

About how many viruses have you written up to today? Which should you expecially mention for our readers?

How do you name your viruses?

Do you like a specific type of virus?

What does a virus need to get in the wild in your opinion?

        Spread:  Infect executables widely in use at the time, using
                 fast methods (ie: whenever a user accesses program)
        Stealth: Be as compatible as possible with the OS so that the
                 user doesn't notice the virus, and panic.  Next, if
                 the user does panic, make sure the AV does not find
                 you (use metamorphism, etc).  Finally, if an AV does
                 find you make it hard or impossible to find ALL 
                 mutations of the virus, and hard or impossible to 
                 remove the virus from infected executables.

Should a "good" virus be implemented in the future?

What are your goals in virusing?

Do your friends/family know about you as a virus writer? What is their opinion about this?

By being a virus writer, has your real life been affected in some way that would not have happened had you never been interested in viruses?

What do you think about destructive viruses?

What's your opinion about wordmacro viruses? What about virus generation kits and such?

You became quite famous with your great articles and research about tunneling. What is the present situation with tunneling? What about the future?

What do you think about polymorphic engines?

But what do you see in the future of polymorphism? What are your views on polymorphic implementation and theory (talk to us about RHM polymorphism)?

What do you say to any beginners reading this interview?

    Three simple things to remember:

    1. There are as many if not more bastards in the virus "scene" than there are in the real world, and if you want to kill any of them, don't feel bad, we all do.
    2. Don't give up on viruses because they are too complex. By starting from the bottom and working your way up, you are doing exactly what everyone else did to reach the top, and so you should reach the top too. Virus writing can enrich your life.
    3. Trust Owl.

Which is the greatest virus writer in your eyes?

Where is virus writing heading?

What do you think about the actual VX scene? It is going somewhere or just always there?

What is your opinion about current VX groups around and what about the various VX zines?

Let's talk about your new group, the Feathered Serpents. Why was the group born? Tell us everything!

Where should the readers get more infos/news about your group? Is there a page where they should look at or a mail where to reach you?

How are your contacts with guys from other groups?

What do you think about all those guys trying to describe virus writers? Describe in a few lines the typical virus writer from your own personal experience?

What does the local laws in the country where you live say about viruses? Do you care about them?

Do you have also experiences in other underground activities such as hacking, phreaking or something else? What do you think about that scenes?

Which AV product do you like best and why? Which do you piss off most?

Do you have contacts with AV guys maybe? How do you consider them? Do you specially admire some or specially hate some?

Where is the AV industry heading?

What should AV guys in your opinion improve in their shitware?

And now here you can write everything you want, free space won! :) Thanx again Owl!