Interview with Qark
by The Unforgiven

Qark is one of the two founders of VLAD (Virus Labs And Distrubution). (The other founder, Metabolis was interviewed by me for IR6) He's of course a viruswriter and has written a lot of new groundbreaking viruses, invented new techniques and has in a quite short time made a very good reputation for himself and VLAD.

Well, I got nothing to add about this person, because you should know him :-), by reputation or via IRC than he's very nice and even though he's a highly skilled coder, he's always happy to help you out! Enjoy!

Edited by Qark, himself.

Even though it might be pointless, introduce yourself to the readers!

How are you in a private matter?

How is it to live in Australia?

In what other country could you consider living?

Do you have any plans to move away from Australia?

What do you do for a living?

What do you do on your spare time?

Do you have a girlfriend/wife or a steady relationship?

How would you describe the average viruswriter?

What do you think nearly all viruswriters share in-common?

From where did you get you handle, Qark?

When did you discover the world of computers?

How long have you been active in the virus-scene, were you active in any scene before the virus-scene?

How did you come into the virus business?

What parts of the underground do you think needs improvement, and what do you think is lacking in the virus-community?

Positive/negative aspects of the (mainly virus) scene?

Have you been involved in any other group than Vlad, (if yes, which group, and what did you do for them?)

What's VLAD goal?

What does it take to become a VLAD member?

Have you met any Vlad member privately?

How is VLAD organized?

Do VLAD-australia have meetings or so?

Have you ever had any trouble with any members?

Have VLAD got in problems with any other virus-group, or person involved in the vx-scene? (Why did it started, how did it end?)

Do you have any couriers that spread your viruses around infecting software?

Which VLAD-viruses has leaked in the wild?

What do you think about viruses leaking in the wild?

What responses have VLAD had concerning the VLAD zines?

Do you still remember who gave VLAD their first feedback?

Do you think VLAD changed the vx-community in any way?

Why do you think VLAD got *a lot* of attention in the vx (av as well?) pretty close after the first vlad-zine?

What is your opinion about your zines? (What do you like in them, what are they missing?).

How do you think people will remember VLAD when the viruswriting is dead?

In the first Vlad-Zine, Metabolis said Vlad should be around until there was no new techniques to discover conserning viruses, do you think this ever will stop, or when do you think it will stop?

How come you started coding assembly language?

When did you start with viruswriting?

What motivates you to write computer viruses?

Why did you start to write computer viruses?

Did you write viruses before VLAD?

After quite some time with viruses, what makes you go on?

You have 'invented' a lot of new virus-techniques, which one was the hardest to think of and the hardest to implement?

Any special viruses you have had a lot of good feedback from?

How do you think the viruswriting future looks for Win95 and DOS?

Which do you think is best polymorphic virus around ?

How do you think a polymorphic virus/engine should be styled?

Are you into other things in the underground-computing or just viruswriting?

Has the scene in any way influented on your real life?

Would you feel guilty if one of your viruses made damage to a hospital?

Do you find it morally wrong to, write viruses, spread viruses into the wild or share source-code?

Which virus magazine do you like reading the most?

What do you think a virus-zine should include?

Which virus programmer do you admire (or like?)

Which country do you consider the best/most active in viruswriting?

What do you think about these virus generators, such as VCL and PS-MPC? What would you like to say to those using them?

What do you think the future looks like for virus-generators? Have you ever considered writing a generator?

What do you think about the macro-virus which've appeared lately? Do you think they'll start a new trend in viruswriting?

WW6.Nuclear could drop Ph33r that you had written, was you aware of this when it got distributed into the wild?

How would you define the word computer-virus.

Describe the perfect virus:

Is this type of virus around today?

Describe the perfect viruswriter:

Describe the AV-community with a few lines:

Which AV-program do you think is the best and why?

What do you think about the future for the underground? (Like laws about H/P/V and stuff.. )

Do you think in someway viruswriting or spreading could be considered a crime?

Do you know/heard of any new technics coming in the near future?

Any advice to people who want's to learn the basic of virus-writing?

Can you be reached somewhere?

Are you kind enough to answer these two questions?
1. How can you miss something you never had?
2. How can you regret something you never did?

Something else you wish to say but never had the opportunity to say before?

Do you wish to send any greets / goto hell messages?