Interview with Qark
by Mr. Sandman
[February 1998]

For this second issue of 29A, we decided to interview Qark, one of the best virus writers ever (maybe the best?), who left VLAD and the scene about one year ago. Albeit his lack of free time, this very good friend of mine was eventually able to make possible to bring you now this great oportunity to know him better.

We all miss you, dude.

Ok, Qark... this is the classic first question of almost every interview... tell me why did you choose your nick

When and with 'what' did you start computing?

And when did you first know about a computer virus (first experience, with which virus(es), etc)?

In what computer languages can you code?

Describe yourself (phisically, morally... however... even sexually if you dare) :)

Ok, now about viruses... tell me which ones have you coded, and/or the ones you like most

Btw, about VLAD (unavoidable question) :) you left the group... you said you didn't have the time for doing other things... explain it better, please... did you get a girlfriend? :)

What about your personal future projects?

And more thingies about VLAD... could you tell me something about its story (who, when, why decided to create it, etc)?

Which is/are your favourite virus(es)?

Do you think the perfect virus exists or might be ever coded?

How will the 'viruses of the future' look in your opinion?

Ok, now let's have a look at the other side... AVs and AVers. Which is the AV you like most?

Heh... one question is enough for those niggas ;) now about the virus scene... give me your point of view about it (old groups, new groups, who's cool, who sucks... you know) :)

Finally, just send a greet to someone, say something, sing, write a poem <g>, pull yourself :)... dunno, whatever you want. This is your free space :)

Good luck, Qark... especially with that girl ;)