Interview with RaiD [SLAM]
by Opic
[March 1998]

RaiD is one of the more outspoken virus writers of the 'scene' openly creating confrontation with the AV community at large as well as many of his 'guinea pigs'. He is the author of such virii as: the Weed family (v1.0-1.5), the Rustybug Family (v1.0-1.1), and in more recent times the Krile family (v1.0-1.0g and counting) all written in ASIC.

Tell us a little about yourself; what do you do? age? where are you from?

What was your first experience with a computer virus?

How long have you been involved in virus writing and in SLAM?

Tell us a little about SLAM and its members, the group is not nearly as outspoken as yourself, what are SLAMs plans for the future?

Please give a brief description of the ASIC language to those unfamiliar with it.

Did you choose to write your virii in ASIC out of want or necessity (ie:do you know other languages well enough to write virii in them also)?

We have spoken before about your conversations with the creator of ASIC, what did he have to say about the fact that you wrote your virii exclusivly in his language?

What is your opinion on the spreading of virii?

What methods do you use for the spreading of your virii? Are there any particular groups or types of people you focus on infecting?

What would do you have to say to innocent parties who have been infected by your virii?

You play devils advocate with many members of the Anti-virus community (particularly on alt.comp.virus) what are your motives behind this?

What do you think of the AV community in general?

What members/products do you respect in the AV community? which do you dislike?

Are there any groups/writers that you have particular respect for (outside of SLAM)?

Why do you work and rework one particular virus rather then moving to new and different virii as most virus writers do?

What kind of virii do you plan to write in the future? Do you plan on sticking with ASIC or moving into other programming language?

What do you think of microsoft? Many virus writers despise microsoft but without them virus writing would not be what it is today, what do you think of this love/hate relationship?

What do you think the future of virus writing is? Are we at the tip of the iceberg or nearing end of the road?