Interview with Ruzz
by EXE-Gency

[January 2000]

Below is the results of an 'unforgiven style' interview between myself and Ruzz. Ruzz is one of a few UK virus programmers and founder of the underground Shadow Virus group.

Give us a short description of who you are. (Handle, interests, occupation, music, films, location, marital status etc.)

My nick is Ruzz`. I am interested in computers and the underground (duh). I work as a computer installer on yachts. I listen to any music that sounds good and watch any film. I will only say that i am in the UK and i am single (I am only 16 :)

What made you choose your handle?

It started with a few mates. He spelt my name this way for a laugh and it kinda stuck :)

Have you ever had any previous identities in the computer underground?

Newp... none at all

When did you first get into computers?

I first got into computers when I was about 6... we used them at skewl for games (oh the days of the BBC micro)

What operating system(s) are you currently running?

DOS, Win95, WIN98, OS/2 Warp 3, Linux, NT4, Win2k

How and when did you first discover the computer underground?

I read an article about viruses and it sorta made me aware

How did you first get into virus programming?

March 99 :)

Do you have an interest in the other components of the computer underground? (hack/phreak/warez etc.)

Mainly the virus scene... but i have links and interests in all other areas too

Do you consider yourself to be a criminal?

Newp... we are creators

Do the recent changes to virus writing law worry you?

Well, i did not know what they were in the first place. So, in that case, no :)

Do your friends/family/colleagues know about your interest in the computer underground?

Many of my friends do... My old IT teacher does cos I showed him and I keep people up to date with the virus information

What are your opinions on virii with destructive payloads?

A thing of the past. They were an experiment. It worked... now people have to move on

How did you get involved with the virus group Shadow VX?

i founded it

How many people are in the Shadow VX group?

9 and 1 anon (inc me): Ruzz`, Kamaileon, VxFaeRie, b0w2dac0w, AcidFlux, Bhunji, Vrinidad, Zer0-, ^wrm^

Do Shadow VX concern themselves with virus programming only?

newp. we have a security consultant and a strategist

Have you been a member of any other groups?

Only UC ()and my group

When did you start learning to program and what was your first programming language?

VBS in march. no. not VBS, Javascript that was in the underground. i learn VB when i was about 9. I never learnt ASM... never felt the need to

What other languages can you program in?

HTML, XML, VBS, JS, Javascript, XSL, CSS, WML, WSL, Basic (yep I can), Batch etc etc

What do you think of viruses written in languages other that assembly?

Well, i code in other languages other than ASM... VBS being the main one. I think Internet aware codes are the thing of the future so I am here helping to kick them off

What groups do you value most highly?

My group. I hope it will go far. I also value CB and of course UC

Which individual programmers to you value most highly?

I value all programmers the same

What zines do you read regularly?

CB, Xine, VDAT, FC (even tho there was only 1) and i have started to read the 29a zines

What do you think of the virus scene? (Both in general and in the UK.)

Well, the virus scene is really necessary. With out us, the AV companies whould have nothing to do and no one would realise how vulnerable systems really are

How has the underground scene changed since you first entered?

Most definately. If the scene did not change, nothing new would appear

What do you think the future of virus writing holds?

Virus writing will go on for as long as there are computers and people to depend on them. The future will consist of viral codes that are totally internet aware and use AI to survive.

Do you believe in a 'perfect virus'? And if so describe it.

Well, if I describe a perfect virus, someone will no doubt better it. So, there will never be a "perfect" virus. Only "perfect" for the moment.

What advice would you give to newbies entering the virus scene?

Don't always start on ASM... it aint the only language about. If u wanna make a statement, learn something different and make something new

Anything you would like to add?

Uhhh.... do I get paid for this? :P

Any greets?

Everyone i have talked to via IRC, ICQ, Email and all that since starting the scene

Any plugs? (Homepage, email address etc.) :)