Interview with Mister Sandman
by Bozo

In this issue we are bringing you an interview i, b0z0, done some time ago to Mister Sandman, the boss of the quite new spanish group 29A. Thanx again to Sandy and enjoy reading!

Who you are and what do you do all the day long?

Why "Mister Sandman"?

Give our readers a little description of yourself!

What music/books/films/girls/stuff do you like best?

Do your family/friends know about your virus activities? What do they think about it? Do you care of their opinion?

Do you have a girlfriend/wife?

What was your first experience with computers?

What was your first h/p/a/v releated experience?

When did you started writing viriis?

Why do you write viriis? Don't you have anything better to do? 8-)

But aren't "viriis" just "viriis"? Don't you think that maybe we are giving too much attention to this programs?

Which programming languages do you understand and which do you use?

Which docs/material do you keep for most valuable for programming viriis?

How many and which viriis did you write? Which do you like best? Why?

How do you name your viriis?

How do you spread your viriis?

Do you prefer a specific type of viriis? Which virus(es) do you like best?

Why do you waste your time on IRC instead of coding? 8-)

Will Wordmacros spread and have success in the future?

Any plans for Win95/NT viriis?

When did 29A start? Tell to our readers a little about the 29A story!

Do you at 29A have usually meetings?

Have you been in other groups before?

Any release in the near future?

Try to describe the "tipical anti-virus-nigga"? 8-)

How do you consider the actual virus scene?

How are your contacts with the components of other virus groups?

Who is the greater virus writer in your eyes?

As usual: the perfect virus? :-) talk about your perfect virus!

Which AV-warez do you like best?

WTF, AV-niggas get money for writing AVs... will you pretend in the future some money because you partially help them in their work? 8-)

What do you think about the future of viriis?

What do you think about Java in virusing?

What do you think about artificial life and artificial intelligence? May a future virus study how new methods by itself?

What do you think about virus generators?

What do you think about poly engines? Which do you like best?

How is the H/P/A/V/C scene in Spain?

What about legal problems concerning virus writing in your country? Do you care about them? Are you all the day long closed in a box to avoid feds? 8-)))

Imagine. The apocalipse. Just you, Patty Hoffman and Bonchev survived on the earth. You *MUST* select to go with Patty, that is telling you that "your effects are unknown", or Bonchev, that is calling you "Mr_Boza.1039.H". What do you do and why? 8-)))

In which country would you like to live/stay_for_a_while?

What do you think about the iKx?

Do you have any advice for us?

And now just write anything you want :-)