Interview with Serialkiller of CB
Interviewed by Assembler Head/Oct'98
[thru No Mercy]

Give me a short description of who you are?
(include real name if you don't mind)

I'm a 27 years old man. I live in germany, near by munich (most of ppl know this place ;) ). This time i go to school. I will help disabled childrens and older ppl. In my spare time i work on the computer ;)

Where did you get your handle, SK?

that's easy to answer:
o.k. before i write viruses, I have helped most of my friends to crack the serialnumber's of shareware programs. That's why i have my name :)  

Does your handle have specific meaning?

nope. I'm not REALLY a serial killer  ;)

How long have you been in VX scene?

hmmm, let me think ........ about 1 1/2 years  

Why you choose VX not hacking, phreaking? and what your opinion about hacking and phreaking? 

i think, hacking is carefully to make. If u are a beginner and u make an mistake ------->u will be arrested. The change, that a viruswriter will be arrrested is available, but not so hard as by hacking. In phreaking i haven't knowledge. I think, in the USA u can more phreakeing as in Germany. 
My knowledge about hacking and phreaking is not much. 

How long have your group Codebreakers existed? And how many members are there?

we are at this time 11 members.

Did you ever meet one of Codebreakers members in real live?

I wish ;) ---------->nope, i haven't. Bit if i have a change to meet an CB member i will get my change :)

Before you in CB did you ever join another VX group? And why you out?

Yup, the last group i have joined was the Black Angels. That's a group with hacker , phreaker, VX ,r. The first time was cool, but the group have not an team work like the CB. Everyone work allone. That's why i leave the  group and join to the Codebreakers.

What your motivates you to write virii?

I will write an virus, that will unscanable for many scanner's. And I will kick some AV in the ass :). 

Have you considered writing destructive code in your viruses?

My first macro viruses have an destructive payload, but the viruses i write this time haven't. I think, it's harder to write not destructive viruses as destructive viruses. (like format the HDD). I have (and will more) learn from Spo0ky to write non destructive payloads. That's funny.

What your dream as virus writer?

My name in the german magazines. (or the Codebreakers name)

What the future project of your group?

The CB #5  mag  %-)

How many computer language did you know?and which one is the best?

I know Visual Basic and i learn this time more asm language. But i have written in Delphi a program too.
I think asm language is the best -------->here u can get full access about the computer and processor.

Who are you in real life?

take a look at the first question :) And again: I'm NOT in REAL life a Serial Killer   :)

What do your parents/close friends think about your viruswriting? 

hmmm, my parents ?   -------->they don't know it :)
my friends ? ------>most of they ask me , why i write viruses :)

Which anti-virus product do you prefer?

I prefer AV Toolkit. That's the best i think. I'm a beginner in asm. My last virus will not be detected by Norton Anti Virus 4 ;) --->that's hard Norton !!!!  :)  

Do U wish to send a message to newbie and Hate message to someone?

sure :)
I will thank all V'X on the channel #vir :) That's ALL cool coder.

special i will thank:
- Spo0ky ---->this time i will say:He's the best leader around the world !!! He helped my by my problems if i have by asm viruses.
- all the other CB members

all my good friends: (not in rank)

- Rhape79
- Cyber Yoda
- Evil-E
- StealthFork 
- Net Worker
- Groucho
- Darkman
- Nucleii
- Glitch
- Foxz
- SladgeHammer
- Reptile
- Dr.Dope

Greet to Groups:

- 29A
- Slam
- No Mercy Virus Team

And for all beginner's :

learn,learn,learn and write viruses. :)
 PS: I hope, your can read it what i mean :). My english is not so good :(
