Interview with Techno Phunk
by Cicatrix

[December 1998]

How did you start out in computers?

I think back in 3rd grade when I got my 386/33Mz computer for christmas, and all the nieborhood kids wanted me to hack the school's, being a stupid little kid, I played around a *lot* with my computer, and of course I learned things there....I then finaly, got the internet around 6th grade.. then, my knowledge of computers sky-rocketed...the first virus I found was the source to the last of the trivial series (the suposed smallest virus).. and I was so excited when I ran it, because it could overwrite a com file... I thought that was big, and started to play with it...I then read some of 40hex...and I'll finish this bellow...

How and when did you start out in the virus scene?

Ermm....I guess about 2 years ago, when I found some 40hex mags shoved on the ol', I had an intrest in viruses after I read a few books on hacking/viruses from the, and things like this intrested me...soooo, here I am, well, maybe not mentaly <G>

Have you written viruses? If so which would you like to take credit for?

oh yes, actualy, a lot....but I have not released any to the public....not yet...that is, I plan on making some releases now, with my group now in action...

How do you name your viruses?

usualy, girls, or just what I'm feeling at the time, virus I wrote called Crafty, was simply a word that someone had carved in the top of my brothers car....heehee....just depends

Which programming languages do you know? I have to say? well...I know a bit of C, but I am most fluent in ASM, and then in QB (the first language I learned)....ooh, I hate QB ;)

What programming language do you like using the most?

Assembler of course

Are you a member of a VX group?

a leader ;)

Which AV software do you like/respect the most? Which the least?

well, with all these AVers buzzing around, I realy hate most of them.... but Dr. Web seems to be the only group that isn't so arogent, plus, they have probably the best heuristics....and detect more than others

What are your goals (VX wise)?

ermm....just to learn new things, and to write a good PE infector :)

What is your view on the continuous 'war' between VX and AV.

oh, lets see, I don't understand why the AVers hate us so much, most of us are prety nice, atleast, I know that some of us atleast help infected users, etc.. however, I think that AVers should do less insulting, and more of their job.

Where did you get you handle? What does it mean?

oh, long story, back when I started in the hacking world, I basicly figured I needed a nick, well, I figured that I liked Techno music, and Funk as in that I groove with the music....soooo....Techno Funk came first, then, I figured that it didn't realy look right, so I changed it to Phunk...

What is your view on Virus Creation software (eg. VCL, PS-MPC etc.)?

they are usualy unoptomised code producers, which teach bad coding, also most people who use them to "learn" wind up cut/pasting, so, in essance... useless...

What is your view on macro viruses vs. assembly or HLL viruses?

Well, I never realy thought about this, as Macro viruses to me, are just a "every mans" virus, they simply are too simple to code, and they are not teaching the coder a lot....instead, they are just more for people who want to just spread some stuff.....I think that ASM is much better for learning about the system, etc...

Have you ever confirmed one of your viruses 'in-the-wild'?

never released, no

Which VX E-zine do you like to most? Which the least?

the least, that would be the CB, but that is only because it's below the level of most coders, but I do say that the CB is good for beginers. However the lack of originality is not realy a + in my book. 29a is probably one of the best right now....but they are idling a lot I dunno, really they are basicly just great teaching tools, but not when one e-zine copies another....

Which individual or what group do you like/respect in the VX world?

ermmm....Vecna is a good coder from my point of view, Random, virogen Griyo, and they are just way above my head, most of the time. Basicly, I respect any original coder....I get sick of people who keep pumping out COM infectors, or whatever...

In the AV world?


Which individual or what group do you like/respect outside the VX or the AV world?


What is your view on destructive payloads in viruses?

pointless, any 3 year old kid could do it, no learning here

Do you think there is such a thing as a 'good' virus?

arn't all. Well, actualy, I have to admit, I would probably not be happy if I was some unexpecting user and sudenly I get "ELVIRA!" coming up on my screen, so I would have to say, not realy, as any virus with a payload of any nature will probably scare the user...

What do you do in 'real' life?

Run, go out with girls, Run some more, play with my network, etc

Do people outside the VX scene know what you do (parents, girlfriend etc.)?

Prety much everyone can guess, as I am known as a extreemly bright computer type person. But noone that I know of, can proove anything.

Do you do other computer stuff outside VX (Hacking, phreaking, warez etc.)?

Hacking, basicly just playing with networking...etc

Should viruses be illegal? Is there a difference between creation and spreading?

HECK NO! but intentional spreading of DESTRUCTIVE viruses should be, however

Describe the perfect virus.

One that isn't detected, is bugless, can infect anything, (PC, mac) and multiple types of executables, etc....oh, and of course, it should have taught the writer a HECK of a lot

What is your advice for people just starting out?

Read, and repetition.

Short responses to the following names or words:

            - Dark Avenger - crap code, too much hipe
            - Assembler - a kick arsch language :)
            - Phalcon Skism - good, old, but started crapy
            - Polymorphic - somewhat useless, unless GOOD poly is implemented
            - I hate......Micro3@$
            - I love......Gabey
            - Internet - a cool place, but filled with losers
            - IRC - somewhat a waste of time...usualy
            - World War 3 - shucks, to bad the kids didn't succeed in starting
                            it, back in the 80's :)

How did Technological Illusions start?

Basicly, I got sick of non-original groups

How is it organized?

not realy that organized :)

Where can you be reached if at all?

Any info on the zine or other material you are about to release?

- SYS, mbr/boot infection tutorials, and possibly a brief mention of OVL
- Anti-TBAV routines (new)
- Anti-emulation
- encrypting the delta offset in: COM infectors, and EXE infectors
- a few virus sources by Me, and Urgo32 (Doxtor L)

Any greets?

Aperson - :) call me sometime <G>
Urgo - thanks for atleast doing YOUR part in the group
Virogen - lets see if we can get him to run the CALL ExitWindowsEX for the 6th time!
Virus-x - too bad your misunderstood :(
Vecna - thanks for your help
All VX- don't give up, for our turn is now...and AVers are in check...
Darkman- get your pr0n from him! :)
Griyo- nice viruses my friend
Gabey - I love you
RAMMSTEIN- prety cool band
The Crystal Method - your techno freakin KICKS!
Bill Clinton- give me a cigar DARN IT!
Sadam- hey, can I have a scud? muhahahaha
nucleii - GET BACK man!
Cyclone - hey man, e-mail me something, thanks fer your help in the past!
WaveFunc - heehee....hey man, I figured you'd see this
Reptile- too much ganja agian?
Dr Dope- du bist sehr gut.

Anyone that I didn't mention, sorry...

Micros#@% - man, I hate you punks your freakin "patches" screwed my comp! oh my gosh you #@$@$ you killed Kenny!

Marlyn Manson - freak

o.k, thus ends my "interview", if I didn't give you a good impresion, sorry :)

goodbye, so long