Viruses DO get around.
[Some news clippings from December 1998]

The Crypt Newsletter (

Pasadena -- December 8: The House of Representatives gained an uninvited guest this week for impeachment hearings -- the macro computer virus called "Class.D."

Nearly the entire Windows network of the House has been infected with the virus which contaminates document files produced by Microsoft Word. The House relies on a variety of anti-virus software programs, none of which immediately detected the virus's spread through its Word files.

"Class.D" is a type of virus that just about any 16-year old adept with computers could have written in ten minutes. As such, it is sufficiently buggy to be intermittently noticeable to the unsuspecting user. Something was thought to be afoot on House computers when network users found they could no longer access the Microsoft Visual Basic editor. "Class.D." interferes with this in an attempt to make its code more difficult to examine -- with only mixed success.

The "Class" viruses contain a display: On the 31st of the month the original version of the virus will tell the user its name and its author, "VicodinES." These viruses are rather average nuisance infectors now plaguing corporate installations. The House sample is sufficiently new so that a number of anti-virus programs either do not detect it at all or do so unreliably.

The House information security team continues to work to staunch the infection but would not comment on it other than to admit its presence on the network. Currently, it is not known how "Class.D" came to be on the network although there are many potential portals for entry in an institution as large as the House.

"How did you find out?" asked Jason Poblete," a House press secretary.

Notes: One reader from writes of his experience with "Class.D:" "The [Class.D version has its trigger set to the 14th of the month, calling the user a 'big stupid jerk.' This gives us a nice image of everyone in the House getting called a jerk [or at least the people to whom the copies of the operating system are registered to] . . . Anyway, from your story [it's possible the House doesn't] have a solution yet . . . and Monday is the 14th."

The New York Times:

New Virus Infects Microsoft Word Files


Computer security experts are warning clients about a new software virus that is spread by e-mail, infects Microsoft Word files and has already caused several networks to crash.

The virus, officially named the "MS Word 97 Macro Class Virus," creates a pop-up box in Microsoft Word 97 files that addresses the recipient of the e-mail message by name and informs the user that he or she "is a big stupid jerk."

Large-scale infections of the virus, which are activated on the 14th of each month, have been reported worldwide, security experts say.

The virus itself contains no programming that would cripple a network server, but experts said that a big infection of document files can start a chain reaction on a computer network that in turn can cause a general system failure.

"It is the No. 1 virus in the world right now," said Vincent Gullotto, manager of the antivirus emergency response team for Network Associates, a company that develops and publishes antivirus software.

In the last few weeks, Gullotto said, he has received thousands of complaints about the virus. In one recent case, he said, the network server of a major U.S. corporation, which he declined to identify, was crippled after 7,000 documents were infected. The company's server was set up to sound alerts upon the discovery of viruses, and the constant alerts brought down the server.

"It basically went into alert overload," Gullotto said.

On Dec. 15, Don Goff, an adjunct professor of information technology at the University of Maryland, wrote in an e-mail message: "In the last 48 hours, a 'class virus' has been propagating from MS Word attachments to e-mail documents. It manifests itself as a pop-up with the phrase '(recipient by name) is a big jerk.' It is going around Washington, D.C., like lightning -- like a cold through my preschoolers class."

Noting that "it has to be cleaned from each file," he described the macro virus as "a pernicious cuss" and "a mean little spud."

The virus infects only machines that are running Microsoft's Word 97 word processing program. Since it was first reported to Symantec, an antivirus software company, in late July, the virus has sprouted 43 different strains, said Eric Chien, a software engineer for Symantec's antivirus research center.

Because the original virus was not protected by encryption, it has been easy to alter. Some variants contain references to President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, and with those variants, pop-up boxes about the relationship appear when users open Word documents.

"If you don't have Word, it's not an issue," Chien said. If a user has Word 97, however, and opens the e-mail attachment, he added, "the virus will infect any other Word document" on the user's hard drive or network drive.

Microsoft Word documents are frequent targets of virus writers because Word enables users to write simple programs known as macros that can, for example, automatically end every letter that a user composes with the word "Sincerely."
That functionality, intended to spread instructions through all Word documents on a machine, also helps viruses infect documents, experts said.

One of the first Word macro viruses, known as the Concept Virus, is thought to be the most widely dispersed computer virus in the world.

Microsoft officials point out that people who use Word can instruct the program not to run macros, an option that is part of Word's built-in protection against viruses.

"You should be careful not to open a document whose source you don't know," said Andrew Dixon, a group project manager for Microsoft.

One problem the Word Macro 97 virus can create for networked computer systems is that it changes the software registration information. System errors can occur when the registration information on an individual machine does not match information on the network. The virus changes the company name to "Dr. Diet Mountain Dew," and it changes the user name to "VicodinES/CB/TNN."

Chien said "Vicodin" is the pseudonym of the virus writer, while "CB" stands for "Code Breakers," a virus-writing group, and "TNN" stands for the writer's own group, known as "The Narcotic Network."

Vicodin has been quite active lately, writing and distributing viruses through the Internet, experts said. He even issues press releases, which he attributes to the fictitious "Disassociated Press."

"The thing about Vicodin is, he has a sense of humor," Gullotto said.

But victims are not laughing.

As the virus mutates and spreads, antivirus companies, not surprisingly, are recommending that corporations be more conscientious about updating their antivirus software.

Goff wrote in his e-mail message that the latest versions of antivirus software defended computers and networks from the virus but that earlier versions did not.

Gullotto said, "I can only preach so much to customers that they need to update."