Lately the number of virus collecting / trading groups and individuals has increased substantially. Apparently many people enjoy collecting computer viruses and the "hunt" that comes with it. Several virus collecting / trading groups have followed VTC's example and are exchanging logs and viruses.

Why this sudden explosion of computer virus traders? I guess there are several reasons: The recent Melissa and Chernobyl (CIH) media hype/scare has certainly contributed to it. Maybe many see it as "the next best thing" to physically writing and spreading viruses, and all the press coverage definitely caught people's attention in the last couple of months. The initial reaction I observed in the "scene" to the arrest of Melissa's author was one of "run and hide". The closure of Source Of Kaos initially put a big dent in the computer virus scene but slowly sites are reappearing on new locations. All this must have attracted the attention of several would be collectors because the viruses are flying across the web. I have also noticed that some virus writers decided to "lay low" for a while and I guess to keep in contact with the "scene" they decided to "just" collect viruses.

The question now is if this spike in virus trading will last. There are only so many computer viruses out there that are readily available. After a while collections tend to stagnate which often leads to less trade. Unless new sources are found I believe that many of new virus collectors / traders will quit after a while and slowly disappear. Also this surge in virus trading is a two edged sword, sometimes someone gets lucky and stumbles on a stash of new viruses, but on the other side the "battle of the scanner logs" tends to increase the number of junk files floating as well.

As collectors / traders we are mostly dependant on AV companies. They often have the biggest and purest collections and they determine what their programs detect and identify.

This page combines the trading and collecting information available in VDAT. I also decided to separate Virus Writing Groups and Virus Trading Groups since although their subjects might be the same (computer viruses), their objectives are not.

From my editorial (2000):

"The recent explosion of the number of virus traders has certainly muddied the waters of virus collecting. The number of websites offering virus trading has almost quadrupled in the last couple of months and it seems that this growth will continue for a while. It has not done the core goal of virus collecting much good. A lot of junk is being traded and personalities, morals and values have clashed. It is one of the reasons I have decided to lay low for a while, I have had enough of the bickering and name calling. When I started collecting viruses ratios were used just like now, but ultimately when push came to shove much more was shared than now. People were often inclined to help the new guy on the block, now it almost seems virus trading is like the stock market: a matter of plusses and minuses"


Suggested tools and utilities to use while trading and collecting:

Selected Virus Collection and Research Utilities

Essays & Papers

Some have written about trading and collecting viruses

Collecting Computer Viruses: Fun or Folly? (Cicatrix)
The Art of Virii Collecting (Tally) (Revised December 1999)
Virus Trading Scene: Let me 'splain
Analysis and Maintenance of a Clean Virus Library (Bontchev)
The CARO way of naming viruses

Groups / Individuals

Buddy Music Homeslice HVO Spooky
Phage Thermopyle's Lair VCA Virax
Virus Dungeon VTC (VirusBuster) X-Vex 2000 Zordhak
Black Cat VES Internet Virii Collecting Group Titanics Roadkil's Virus Cafe
Bio Coding Dungeon Virus Trading Post Sph1nx VTC Stramonium
Newton Apoc GGNome VEiN
Quilb Pastol Snake's Layer Tally's Virii Trading Place
Zulu Mions Algol Daniel
Perikles VirusP Raenius Szule
Cyphonix Staggle Specter  



Name: VTC

Origin: International

Status: Disbanded

Not actively producing viruses this group started as an attempt to regulate the exchange of new viral material between some major computer virus collectors. It was one of the first groups that actively started to trade viruses and their collection has grown quite large mainly because they get support from all corners of the world and the scene. After the group disbanded the members continued as independant collectors/traders.
The main site site can be found here while member sites can be found here, and here [December 1999].
: Virus Trading Center

Known Members (Past & Present):

Virusbuster Slagehammer
Tally Shadow Seeker

Publications: VTC Newsletter
See: Interviews (Virusbuster [1])
See: Interviews (Virusbuster [2])
See: Interviews (Slagehammer)
See: Interviews (Tally)
See: Interviews (Cicatrix)

Name: X-Vex 2000

Origin: International

Status: Disbanded

Group's note:

"X-Vex 2000 has revolutionize since April 7th 1999. First started as a team of 2 members, and now already having 5 members. We have came so far in the trading world and learning new concepts in virii management as well as coding. Even we do not have a big collection, but we have learned alot during the process of trading with others. We don't trade for a living. Besides that, we surf the net to gain more knowledge, even as it is for computing or for normal research purposes. Learing the art of computers is one hell of a adventure. Its fun and also can be boring. "After the group disbanded some members continued as independant collectors/traders.

The main site site can be found here while member sites can be found here, here, here and here [June 1999].

Known Members (Past & Present):

Babyvirii nfission
Duke Zordhak


Name: Virax

Origin: Unknown

Status: Unknown

Individual that can be found here [April 2000]

Name: Mr. Spooky

Origin: Austria

Status: Unknown

Founder / member of the much maligned Codebreakers, Mr. Spooky is apparently "laying back" from writing viruses. No recent activity has been observed.

Name: Buddy Music

Origin: Germany

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Newton

Origin: Switzerland

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Stramonium

Origin: Italy

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Homeslice

Origin: USA

Status: Active


One of the "old hands" of virus trading. Around since the mid-1980's. His site can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Phage

Origin: USA

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Thermopyle's Lair

Origin: Unknown

Status: Dormant

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Roadkil's Virus Cafe

Origin: USA

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Sph1nx Virus Trading Corner

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Virus Trading Post

Origin: Unknown

Status: Unknown

Individual that can be found here [April 2000]

Name: Bio Coding Dungeon

Origin: Unknown

Status: Unknown

Individual that can be found here [April 2000]

Name: Titanics

Origin: India

Status: Unknown

No recent activity has been observed.

Name: Tally

Origin: USA

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]. Former member of VTC, creator of Tally's Virii Link Reference (online) (VDAT), Virus Keeper, author of The Art Of Virus Collecting and contributor to VDAT.

Name: GGnome

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]. Releases sorting utilities (VSort and Nome Weeder).

Name: Zulu

Origin: Argentina

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]. Creator of the Bubbleboy virus.

See: Interviews

Name: Apoc

Origin: Germany

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]


Origin: Czech Republic

Status: Unknown


Group that can be found here [April 2000]

Known Members (Past & Present):

Mimi Worf

Name: Algol

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Cyphonix

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Daniel

Origin: USA

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [April 2000]

Name: Perikles

Origin: Italy

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Specter

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: VirusP

Origin: Greece

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Raenius

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Szule

Origin: Hungary

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [May 2000]

Name: Staggle

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active


Individual that can be found here [August 2000]

Name: Quilb

Origin: Unknown

Status: Retired


Individual that apparently retired, no recent activity has been observed.

Name: Snake's Layer

Origin: Unknown

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]. Member of IVCG.

Name: Pastol

Origin: Philippines

Status: Unknown

Renewed activity has been observed. Individual that can be found here [August 2000].

Name: Black Cat Virus Exchange System

Origin: Hungary

Status: Active

Individual that can be found here [August 2000]. The creator of the VSNG collection tool.

Name: Internet Virii Collecting Group

Origin: International

Status: Active

Former Zordhak Viri Team that can now be found here [August 2000]

Known Members (Past & Present):

Zordhak Snakeman Blackdeath

Name: HVO

Origin: Unknown

Status: Unknown


This group specifically trades computer virus source codes. They can be found here [April 2000]. No recent activity has been observed.

Group's note:

"HVO is a new virus programming group, we thought that since there was no or hardly any virus source code trading centers, we thought we'd make one!"

Known Members (Past & Present):

Thermo Dr. J

Name: VCA

Origin: USA

Status: Dormant

Virus collecting/trading group that can be found here [July 1999]. VEiN continues as a solo collector here, he releases the WinSort sorting utility and posts a site with virus collecting utilities here.
:Virus Collectors Anonymous

Known Members (Past & Present):

Vein Abyss

Name: Virus Dungeon

Origin: USA

Status: Disbanded

Virus collecting/trading group that has disappeared/been disbanded (Like so many others). Black Death was also part of the IVCG while Thermopyle still trades solo. Black Death (aka CRC3rror) has retired.
:Virus Collectors Anonymous

Known Members (Past & Present):

Black Death Thermopyle

Name: Zordhak Viri Team

Origin: International

Status: Renamed to IVCG


Although this group mainly collects and trades computer viruses some members have produced / released their own viruses . They can be found here [April 2000].

Known Members (Past & Present):

Zordhak Janus Elf
Flyshadow Parshuram