Dropping over RAR archives
From the Archives infector series
by UnknowN Mnemonik(alias StarZer0 on irc)/iKx


rar is very common in the warez world , aproximately 75% of warez are archived with rar , rar are quite easy infect , they don't need complex manipulation and can be easily infected with 100 bytes of code , good news no ? Ok let's infect them

The rar files structure

The header is small and it is the only one thing that need to be changed, lets see how it's built , like in arj he have a header CRC , but no probs virus coder destroy all protections once more .

There's no header signature ( bizarre mmm ? )


I use the worst method for infection : THE DROPPER, it uses the stupidity of some niggas under dos ( like a lot of poeple ) who see a .com and want run it , this little com file is saying : Hey man , I'm here !!! run me, run me, I have a suprise for you ( hehehe ) ,this method is also the best to call niggas with their debugger to disassemble it , anyway , it's the more easy way of infection , waiting for progression


 1ø Open the file
 2ø Go to the end
 3ø Calculate the Crc32 of the virus
 4ø Calculate the Crc of the header
 5ø Write the header
 6ø Write the virus

Usefull code

To prove that it does WORK, I have included here some usefull code you can use and analyse , anyway , rar infection is too easy , test this with RAR 2.0 or upper and a TEST.RAR present in the same directory of the program, compile the code with TASM/TLINK

Wanna build a good RAR infector ? Errrm as usual , a VXD is the best thing to do , otherwise , there are minor things to upgrade , RAR infection is easy as com infector , try also to use an existing header in a real RAR file

Les petits D‚linquants (R)(C)(TM) [StarZero'98]