The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language

(4 Oct. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
and a preface
Programming as an Art.

Art lies in self-limitation. Every kind of artistic expression is an activity within strict limits. For a painter, the most obvious limit is the edge of the canvas. For a sculptor, there are the physical properties of his material. The narrower the limits are, the greater the opportunity for the artist to prove his skills. A painter who can paint beautiful sceneries using only two colours of paint, proves he can do without the others. To do without is the essence of art.

Modern programming does not have to do without any more. Elaborate programming languages, with all kinds of handy graphics libraries, object-oriented of course, and nice prototyping tools, have made developing large applications easier than ever. But they have also taken away the art and the fun.

Trying to recapture the fun, I ventured on the weirdest programming job I had ever tackled: I decided to write a virus, maybe the most difficult of programs (complexity/size) in DOS batch language, surely the most ridiculous of programming languages. The idea had hounded me for years, but never had I been able to work it out into a practicable and working program. The difficulties were manyfold: the primitivity of the IF command; the complete absence of string manipulation functions (for file names); the simplicity of the environment variables; the minimalist nature of standard file manipulation tools (only SORT and FIND) and certainly not least, the absence of a random generator. Some of the difficulties I have solved, most of them I have worked around.

In the following pages, I will first give you the complete code of the last of the eighteen or more versions -- I must have thrown some away -- being the one that I am most satisfied with, and also the most complicated. After that, I will step by step explain the history of the eighteen versions, often systematically rather than strictly chronologically, and of course a bit edited and dramatized. I will write this way to show how the program came into existence and grew from a simple idea into what will probably stay the most complicated batch file of my hacking career.

I hope you will be willing to bear with me as I explain the process of creation of the BatchViRuS, trying to recapture my train of thoughts of those days. I also hope that I may be able to make you see the art and fun in stretching the limits of primitive programming environments. I am sure, however, that even the most hardened batch programmer will discover something about DOS he didn't yet know, just as there are many things I still have to discover. On the other hand, as I intend to write for relatively inexperienced programmers too, I will at moments explain things that may seem elementary to some. This being said to my defense, here is your first peek at the full code:

Such was the final version of my BatchViRuS. The reason I spell ViRuS with the three capitals will be clear to those who have already looked at the code more thoroughly. Maybe, to experienced batch writers, many things will have seemed self- evident as they read them. I assure you, that they were not so to me as I still had to invent them. This account is primarily about programming in difficult circumstances; about doing without.

(12 Oct. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part II:
Genesis, or: The Basics

The most important thing in the life of a virus is to infect as many programs as possible. To infect, it must be able to separate itself from its actual carrier, to copy itself, and to paste its copy into another carrier. This little program, infect.bat, will paste itself to the beginning of another program, of which the name is passed as parameter %1.

These four little lines, which I wrote on an equally little piece of paper during an inspired moment quite some years ago -- a moment of complete boredom going by train from Turnhout to Brussels without a good book for the trip -- had given me hope that a virus of MS-DOS commands was possible. Not only did these lines reproduce themselves, they also took care that any old version of the virus was deleted from the target file, which was necessary back then, because I only discovered very late in the process how to let the virus recognize itself in another file, and refrain from adding itself a second time.

Adding '|rem ViRuS' to every line that didn't have the signature string 'ViRuS' in them, was a simple way of letting FIND distinguish the virus from the carrier, but it had certain disadvantages. One of these disadvantages was, that it was not possible to add such a REM statement to commands that write to standard output, without making that output disappear: the output went to REM as input through the pipe and REM did nothing with it. But more importantly, it slowed down execution of the batch, because for every pipe, DOS created a temporary disk file for standard output, which it deletes after execution of the second piped command.

There was a better way to incorporate the word 'ViRuS' into many lines of the future virus. It is common practice to add '>nul' to COPY commands in batch files, to suppress the message 'x file(s) copied'. A less known fact about the NUL device (and about all character devices) is that you can add any extension you like to it, without changing the function. This way, you can also send the output of COPY to nul.bat, or to, or to nul.whatever (=nul.wha). So I decided to send the output of the COPY command to nul.ViRuS, and this method of incorporating the signature string I extended to commands that don't write to standard output at all. Now DOS didn't create a intermediate files any more, and infect.bat presently looked like this:

Of course, what was needed was not a program that infected one particular file, and certainly not a file of which the name was passed as first parameter of the batch, because the user of the batch file would certainly not be so friendly as to provide a filename. 'FOR %%a IN (*.BAT) do {the 4 commands}' would be a definite improvement. The 4 commands were put into a procedure. At the same time, I replaced '%0.vvv' everywhere with 'xViRuSx.bat', which had the advantage of having the signature string in it, and was also very unlikely to be the name of an existing file:

Procedures for batch files are best implemented as pieces of code that can be called by 'call %0' with a switch parameter. A series of IF commands at the begin of the batch (I usually call this part of the code the procedure dispatcher) recognize the parameter and jump to the right block of code. The last command of each procedure block is a GOTO to the end of file, and the 'main program' ends with a GOTO that jumps over the procedures; so in this particular case, to the place where the original uninfected batch file is fitted in. This is an important technique of advanced batch writing, so I'll illustrate the principle with a simpler example:

By the way, I write 'if "%1=="/A ...' and not 'if %1==/A ...' because if there are no command line parameters, %1 will be empty, and 'if %1==/A' will expand to (i.e. be interpreted as) 'if ==/A', with nothing at the left of the == operator. This is considered a syntax error.

Let's go back to the virus. Notice how I had incorporated the signature 'ViRuS' in all lines, except in the last one. I didn't put the signature into that line, because this line had to be placed at the very end of the new, infected files, under the original batch; so it should not be found by the FIND commands, as FIND would insert the line at the wrong place. On the other hand, the line had to be reproduced some way, and old copies of it had to be deleted from the target file at infection time, otherwise there would soon be scores of ':XXX_END'-lines at the end of an often-infected file. So I changed the multiplication procedure to:

After adding an 'echo off' and an 'echo on', the first working version was ready:

To my initial surprise, I could add '>nul.ViRuS' to 'echo off' and 'echo on', without changing their effect.

It is evident that a virus that only infects files in the current directory will not spread very effectively. A first improvement was a new FOR loop that let the virus search files to infect in all directories of the PATH variable, plus in the current directory. If MS-DOS would have allowed nested loops, I would only have had to change the line:


As it is, MS-DOS doesn't allow nested loops. I worked around this using a new procedure call:

There is one bug left (or Unexpected Feature, in politically correct lingo): on a machine with a system path like
'c:\dos;c:\batch;c:\', '%2\*.bat' would expand, correctly, to 'c:\dos\*.bat', then to 'c:\batch\*.bat', but thirdly to
'c:\\*.bat', with two backslashes. To fix this, I replaced '%2\*.bat' with '%2\*.bat ; %2*.bat', a combination that
catches all possibilities:

At that point for the first time I sat back and looked at what I had accomplished. I was pretty sure I had solved most of the difficulties. The rest would only be refinement. And indeed this version of the BatchViRuS contained what could be called the framework of all versions that followed. But there was still much more to do than I could imagine at that time. Little did I suspect that the code would grow to be about four times its present length. The rest of this essay will tell of everything I did to make the virus work correctly in all circumstances and to make it infect files more efficiently. Because as I discovered soon, this version wouldn't do at all.

(19 Oct. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part III:
The Trouble with %0 / Upcase()

The present implementation was really too slow, as it took several minutes (on my 486 PC with a rather average hard disk and a disk cache) to reinfect all those files every time an infected batch was run, but I moved on to a more pressing problem. Till this moment, I hadn't done much realistic testing; indeed, in this stage, I hadn't once left the virus really 'run loose' on my computer. Now it occurred to me that disaster could very well strike if a file tried to infect itself, although I hadn't yet seen it happen. If a user had for instance added a line to the batch file, albeit an empty line, above the virus, this line would be moved during the reinfection. MS-DOS would very probably not like it if I meddled with a file that was opened by for input at the same moment.

I don't remember how long it took me to think of manipulating file attributes to hide the active batch file from itself, but the simplicity of the idea immediately appealed to me. I did not want to complicate the multiply procedure with extra IF's and GOTO's, to hold the virus from trying to infect itself, so I was glad I could achieve the same goal with only two lines around the main program:

Then a little voice in my head reminded me of something silly I had seen a newbie do: he started batch files with the full name of the file: e.g. not TETRIS but TETRIS.BAT. What would happen if an infected file was run this way ? What exactly was the expanded value of %0 ?

The manual says that %1 till %9 are expanded to the first till the ninth command line parameter, and that %0 is expanded to 'the name of the batch file without .bat'. But is that also true if the batch is started the newbie way ? I tested it with a batch file called whoami.bat, containing the one line:

I tried 'whoami' and it said 'whoami'. Bad news: it answered in small letters, not in capitals, so the file name was probably not preprocessed. I tried 'whoami.bat' and it said 'whoami.bat'. I tried 'whoami.bathroom' and it said 'whoami.bathroom'. The perfect parrot. Now I was really glad that I had used the ATTRIB method to stop the virus from overwriting itself, because the method with the IF's would not have worked: the FOR loops generate file names in all capital letters, and users usually type their commands in small letters. The DOS == operator does not recognize upper- and lowercase letters as being the same.

Actually, there is a little trick to emulate an upcase() function in MS-DOS batches, and make case independent == possible. I didn't use it in any of the versions of the virus, but as this essay is called 'The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language', I will digress and explain it. It is not my own invention; as a matter of fact, if I remembered who taught me, I would mention him or her as an example of inventiveness. As I realize that some insight into the preprocessing of percent sign operators in batches will be necessary, I begin with a digression in a digression.

DOS handbooks always tell you that the variable in a FOR loop has to be a percent sign plus a letter when you type it at the prompt, and two percent signs plus a letter in batch files. However, in no book have I ever read why. Also, you can use %variable_name% to access environment variables in batches, but not at the prompt. Again, none of the numerous books I have skimmed on the subject tells why not. As we all know, the third use for percent signs is in command line parameter variables (%0...%9). Finally, experimentation shows that, in batches, 'echo %%' displays only one percent sign, so that 'echo %%2' is the way to display '%2' literally, not command line parameter 2. These four facts will have to be combined into one Grand Unified Theory for better understanding.

I just said that no handbook offers an explanation why two percent signs are necessary for FOR loop variables in batches. Actually, one book did say something on the subject. It told me that this was to prevent confusion with the command line parameter variables %0 to %9. Well, it is true that the double percent sign prevents confusion, but the explanation is at best partially correct.

Watching the output of batches with 'echo' on brought the answer: DOS preprocesses all combinations with percent signs before execution of the command, even before it is echoed on display. So 'echo %%' will be echoed on screen as 'C:\>echo %' (sic), followed on the next line by the output '%'. Also, 'for %%a in () do echo %%a' is displayed as 'C:\>for %a in () do echo %a'. This means that the FOR command does not suddenly ask for two percent signs in its parameter if used in batches, but that the two percent signs are necessary to make the preprocessor let pass one.

It also follows that the reason why you cannot access environment variables from the command line, and the reason that 'echo %%' at the command line really does display two percent signs, is that this preprocessing cycle is present only in batch processing. All strange properties of percent sign sequences are thus explicable.

Now let's get back to the upcase() trick. The brilliant idea behind it is that DOS internally has an upcase() function, to which it does not give access to programmers. You can see this function in action on quite some occasions, like when you set an environment variable. Indeed, DOS always converts the name of the variable to capitals: 'set a=b' makes a variable named 'A', with value 'b'.

The following batch file, compare.bat, makes clever use of this, by creating an environment variable named after (the upper case version of) one of the two words that have to be compared, and as value a test string. Then it checks whether there exists a variable named after (the upper case version of) the second word, and as value the test string. If one does, the two words are the same. Finding out why the checking has to happen in such a complicated way (lines 4 & 5), I leave as an exercise for the reader and as a puzzle to test his or her insight in the Grand Unified Theory of Percent Signs in Batches.

(I fear that trying to explain in detail would only make it more obscure; I myself only understood it after staring at the code for a minute or so, and then it seemed so simple...)

Of course, in real applications the conditional command will not be 'echo Same Thing !' but often the setting of a Boolean variable for further use: 'set same=T'.

But all that still leaves the Problem of the Silly Newbie User. Although for DOS the file names 'virus.bat' and 'virus.bathroom' are equivalent, 'virus.bat.bat' is not recognized as being the same. The point upsets DOS. And if a batch carrying a virus was run the newbie way, the file name in 'attrib -h %0.bat' would expand to something ending on .bat.bat . To catch all possibilities, I considered extensive testing, like this:

Some way or other, it didn't seem an elegant solution. It was hate at first sight. As I considered the problem unimportant ("Let's not bother with a few newbies") I left the program as it was before, except that at the begin I added the line:

This way, if the virus couldn't find itself back as %0.bat, it bailed out and left the original batch execute. It was also this line of code that attracted my attention to an unforeseen problem while testing.

During one of the tests, I typed 'virus' to start my most recent test version, but nothing seemed to happen. I got no 'Bad command or file name', so the batch file had been executed. Nor had I typed 'virus.bat', so the newly added line should not be the problem. It was.

I had executed the batch from another directory. DOS had found the batch for me, because it was located in a directory of the system path, but the batch couldn't find itself back. My current directory was the root, and virus.bat was in \tmp. DOS knew where to find virus.bat, executed it, but the stupid batch (the 'if exist') then searched itself in the root. It didn't find anything, of course, and it quit. If I were a drinker, that would have been the moment to open a bottle. As it was, I shut off the computer and munched some chocolate.

(26 Oct. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part IV:
On How to Find Yourself

This was the worst case of Being Stuck of the whole project. The virus really needed to know its own location, if not to be able to protect itself from overwriting, certainly as input for the FIND command that separated the virus from its carrier. There was no getting around it: I had to devise some method to let the virus search the system path too, like DOS did when it executed the batch.

It seemed a hell of a task to embed all lines that contained '%0' in 'for %%a in (. %path%) do if exist...' constructions, for some lines the more so because DOS processes redirections at the end of a compound command early. To show you what I mean by that: the next line, a reasonable being would suppose, will sort a.dat to standard output if it exists and do nothing if it does not exist:

In contrast, the unreasonable computer will display an error message if a.dat does not exist. DOS evaluates the <a.bat before the 'exist', and so if there is no a.bat, DOS snorts: 'File not found'. The only way around that, is to split up command, so that the line containing the redirection instruction will not be processed if there is no a.dat:

I didn't like the way this was going. The code was getting way too fat. Luckily, the Muses came to my help. They spoke to me in my sleep: 'Dirk, thou shalt do this work but once and put the results in an environment variable.' (Didn't I promise in the preface I would dramatize the account a bit ?) Anyway, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil (never go to bed without them), and jotted down the great idea. And unlike most great ideas you write down half-sleepingly, this one was still great in the morning.

So I first tried:

together with the following procedure (I will not now bother you with the new line in the procedure dispatcher block):

However, there was an unexpected flaw in this approach: I had a very long system path, and the line 'if not exist %0.bat for %%a in (%path%) do ...' was expanded at runtime into something that extended beyond the maximum length for DOS commands, so that letters fell off at the end ! This was a rather weird bug, and I only discovered it during some tiresome tracing through the pages and pages of output the virus produced when I disabled the 'echo off'. Unconventional bugs require unconventional measures, so I could do nothing but try to shorten the line that had %path% in it, and if possible put %path% only at the ends of lines, so that if something fell off, no serious damage was done (it only increased the probability that the virus would not find itself). Let's skip some trials and go straight to the final version:

In high-level terms, I had replaced the FOR loop with a 'while' loop. In the first version, the FOR command had been responsible for splitting %path% in its components: each component of the path would be %%a for one passage of the loop. Now it was up to the procedure ViRuS_findself to do the splitting up. It was a strangely lucid moment when I saw that if I let the CALL statement contain %path% as a parameter, MS- DOS would do the carving for me, because the semicolons in the path are separators for MS-DOS: 'call %0 /ViRuS_FINDSELF %path%' would not cause %path% to be put into %2 for the CALLed copy of virus.bat, but %path% would be divided over %2 %3 %4 %5... (%1 = /ViRuS_FINDSELF).

After this procedure was ready, I replaced all %0's by %ViRuSname%'s (except in call statements, where it wasn't necessary), and I rewrote a few lines to make sure that the variable ViRuSname would be reset on terminating. The first and worst crisis was over. I printed a copy of the whole program, shut off the computer and, very irrelevantly, went to a school reunion:

It was a pity Thomas wasn't present at the reunion. To him, I could have bragged about my new program. Now there was nobody who would have had the slightest idea what I was speaking about, so I talked with some people about my studies in classical philology. Somehow, most people seem more at ease when you talk to them about Plato and Caesar, than when you talk about computers. Well, anyway, I was pretty proud of my hacking and the next morning I made another, high-quality printout to keep in my archives.

(3 Nov. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part V:
Infection Strategies / %0 Revisited

Now it was time to find a way to speed things up. Every time an infected batch file was run, it took about two minutes to reinfect all other batches it could find. I had already added a test 'if "%VOFF%=="T goto ViRuS_OLDBAT', so I could easily disable the virus, which was now all over my disk, by setting an environment variable, because it was getting on my nerves.

Normal link-virusses infect only one other file at a time, so that the user doesn't notice the delay in execution of his programs. Now could I let the BatchViRuS do the same ?

Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't. I remember having written some versions that infected only one batch at a time, but they were quite complicated, needed lots of environment variables to remember and communicate which directory was being processed, and what was the last processed file, that all this slowed down the computer almost as much as the old version; especially because I still had to use (quite complicated) FOR loops to simulate the findfirst and findnext functions.

Also, as I could use no random generator, every time the computer was switched off and on, infection began again with the first batch file in the first directory of the system path. I could of course save the variables to a file, but it would be in constant danger of being deleted; also this was yet another complication. Infecting on file-by-file basis seemed not to be the solution.

I just said I could 'of course' save the variables to a file, but maybe some explanation is in place here, on how exactly I would save the contents of an environment variable to a file.

Environment variables can be saved to a disk file as SET commands. You give the file the .bat-extension, and to reload the variables, you just execute the batch file (with CALL if from another batch file). If I would want to save the system path, for example, I would do so as follows:

This can only be done from a batch file, not from the prompt (see Part III on this subject), but reloading the variables can be done by typing 'savefile' at the prompt as well as by 'call savefile' from another batch.

Infecting whole directories at a time looked like a good compromise. The user would notice that something was going on of course, but I didn't intend to use the virus on innocent victims anyway; and infecting whole directories would guarantee efficient multiplication, while reducing wasted time considerably for the user, compared with the old version. If I included a line like 'echo Now infecting: xxxxxxxx.bat', time would seem to pass quickly as the user sat watching his screen in unprecedented and unparalleled admiration.

For someone who wanted only to prove the theoretical possibility of a virus in batch language, this was more than good enough, even when, for the rest, I always tried to make the virus as realistic as possible. (Anyway, when everybody will have a Hexium PC with super-fast hard disk, the trouble will have solved itself, for the directory-by-directory as well as for the file-by-file approach, which proves that this is only a practical, not a fundamental problem.)

I intended the virus to start infecting in the first directory of the path every time the computer was reset, and to process a part of the rest of the path every time an infected batch was run. When the whole path had been processed, the virus could infect everything in the current directory every time it was run; an inefficient way, but the only way, to infect directories not in the path.

Recently I downloaded Timo Salmi's batch trick collection, and among a lot of really interesting stuff, I saw a very complicated batch file that promised to be able to search all files that fitted a specified template, *.bat for example, in all directories of a file system, and pass their full pathnames as parameters to any command. This of course would be a valuable addition to the virus, so I tried it right away. It didn't work.

I stared at the source code for maybe a quarter of an hour, but then it dawned on me: the batch uses the output of some DOS commands in a very ingenious way, and for that purpose it expects these messages to be in English. On my own computer at home I have a Dutch version of DOS, and this ruined the whole plan. I could probably make a version of the trick that works on my computer, but certainly no universal version. That is why the current version of the virus is still limited to infecting the system path plus the current directory.

The different copies of the virus had to communicate where they had left off, or better still where the next had to begin. Therefore, I invented VPATH, the smaller brother of PATH. VPATH had to be the piece of PATH that had still to be processed by the virus. If the whole path had been processed, the value of VPATH would be '.'; if there was no VPATH, the virus had to assume that the computer had just been turned on and set VPATH to the value of PATH.

Programming a procedure that set VPATH to all directories of the old VPATH minus one, which got infected, proved to be easy after the experience with the procedure findself (see Part IV): I passed %VPATH% as parameter from the main program and it was cut in easy to handle little pieces (%2,%3,%4,...) by DOS; at the end a simple loop pasted all pieces, except the first, back together into one variable: the new VPATH.

VPATH, implemented this way, has some advantages over other possible systems. Most important of all, if it gets corrupted or reset by the user, the virus will not go bezerk or anything: if VPATH is gone, it will create a new copy, else it will try to work with the new VPATH without complaining. Also, if the theoretical user that is ignorant of the virus will look at his environment variables, he will be puzzled where the new variable comes from, but there is no reason for him to suspect that it has anything to do with a virus (except the V in VPATH maybe).

As I was testing the new version, I found it took too long to work its way through the whole path. I have a long system path, as I think I already mentioned, in which are many directories which don't contain any batch files. When such a directory was next in VPATH, the virus was ready in a flash, because all it had to do was cut a piece from the variable VPATH. It would be better if the virus recognized empty directories and passed them by.

If the virus processed a directory that contained no batch files, the multiply procedure didn't get called. So if I added a line 'set hit=T' to that procedure, there was a simple way for the parsepath procedure to know when to go on to process another directory, and when to stop. It would stop processing directories when it had at least infected one file (%hit%=T), or when VPATH was exhausted (in which case, it would still try to infect the current directory). The new version of parsepath should speak for itself -- or at least it should whisper:

Maybe one small comment: it is no longer %0 that is CALLed, but %ViRuSname%. The reason for that is the new SHIFT command, which affects %0 too. This caused a nasty bug for a while.

Exceptions and special cases always have a potential for trouble. For the BatchViRuS, autoexec.bat was the culprit. I just said that the first copy of the virus that was run after booting should set VPATH to PATH. The trouble now was that if the autoexec was infected, the copy of the virus attached to autoexec.bat would set VPATH to PATH before the real autoexec had had the chance to set the system path, a job usually done by autoexec.bat. So the copy of the virus attached to autoexec was quite useless for infecting others, and special measures would have to be taken not to let the virus in autoexec.bat set VPATH to an incorrect initial value. I decided to add some 'if %0==autoexec...' lines.

Now I wondered of course, how to spell these lines. In other words, what was the %0 of autoexec.bat, as run by at boot time ? Was it 'autoexec' ? 'AUTOEXEC' ? 'autoexec.bat' ? 'AUTOEXEC.BAT' ? I found out by putting a simple 'echo %0' in my regular autoexec.bat and rebooting. The displayed line was: 'echo is on'. It took me a while (stupid, no ?) to realize that this meant that %0 was void.

As autoexec was such a pain in the neck, I decided that a copy of the virus that discovered that "%0==" should just let the old autoexec execute and print a message indicating that the virus was present. The actual code is not particularly interesting: you can look at it in the complete listing.

(9 Nov. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part VI:
On How to Recognize Yourself

Since the first four-line program I had often wished I could find a way to let a batch file find out something about the contents of another batch, specifically whether or not the other batch was already infected with the virus. I wanted some command, or combination of commands, to provide information that an IF construction could test. First I thought of a combination of 'find "ViRuS" <file1 >f1', 'find "ViRuS" <file2 >f2', 'comp f1 f2', and 'if errorlevel', but I quickly found out that COMP doesn't set the errorlevel. As a matter of fact, among the few DOS utilities that set an errorlevel, none was relevant to the problem.

That excluded the 'if errorlevel' approach. Now what about the 'if exist' construction ? In that case, ATTRIB would have to be used. I first considered to just mark batches as hidden files when the virus infected them, but this would attract the attention of even the most stupid user, so it couldn't exactly be called an elegant solution. And on the other hand, too much could go wrong if the user used the ATTRIB utility himself regularly. So the hidden attribute would have to be set temporarily each time a file was handed to the multiply procedure. But then I was back where I had started.

Or was I ? I remembered now how a resident program tests whether or not another copy of itself exists in memory: it puts some test values in the registers, issues one of the interrupts that it hooks when it is resident, and then tests whether in the registers are values that only itself, or a copy of itself, could have put there. In fact, it checked if it was resident, by attempting to let the other copy of itself run, and then look what happened.

Could I do something similar ? Could I let another batch hide itself with ATTRIB if it had already been infected ? I most surely could. I could CALL the other batch with a parameter like /ViRuS_CHECK_YOURSELF, to which corresponded a procedure in the virus code that set the hidden bit of its own carrier. That was no problem; but the problem was that if an uninfected batch got CALLed that way, it would not recognize the /ViRuS_CHECK_YOURSELF parameter, probably ignore it, or else misinterpret it, and the uninfected batch would run and generally do all kinds of things. That was unwanted.

But this still was a step towards the solution. I gave up the plan of CALLing the other batch in its entirety: I would use the old technique of 'find "ViRuS"'. I could let FIND split off the virus from the carrier in the other file, if the other file was infected; if it would not be infected, an empty file would be created. In both cases, I could safely CALL the new batch file that FIND created, with for parameters /ViRuS_CHECK and the name of the complete batch file, of which the CALLed file had been part.

As a matter of fact, I could even go further. I could let FIND seek only the line I wanted: 'attrib +h %1', and CALL the file that FIND had created, with as only parameter the name of the complete batch being processed. As 'attrib +h %1' is not a specifically unusual command, I made it 'aTTriB +h %1', to be sure that FIND found only the right line.

So, after the 'goto XXX_END' of the multiply procedure, and before the :ViRuS_OLDBAT label, I added the line:

At this place in the code, it would never get executed during normal execution of the virus, due to the GOTO command right above it. Then, at the beginning of the multiply procedure, I added:

and, to check if the hidden-bit had been set:

and, of course, at the end of the multiply procedure:

With the FIND command, I had been lucky. I had to type two percent signs in the search string instead of one, because of the preprocessing phase for percent signs (see Part III), and this proved to be my luck: if this hadn't been necessary, the FIND command would find two lines in an infected file: not only 'aTTriB +h %1>nul.ViRuS', but also 'find "aTTriB +h %1" <%2>xViRuSx.bat' itself !

But alas, the line 'if not exist %2...' didn't work. It turned out that IF EXIST ignored the hidden bit, and found all files. Had all been for nothing ?

No. I knew that the FOR command did not find hidden files. 'for %a in (*.*) do...' finds only normal files. So, after testing whether a GOTO in a FOR command would be executed correctly (it will) I changed the line to:

But this also found the hidden files ! Then I realized that %2 would always be expanded to an exact file name, without wild cards. In that case, FOR doesn't assume that the string is a file name, and it just feeds it into %a. So I changed the line to

and, more or less to my surprise, it worked. The GOTO command was not executed if %2 didn't exist. The '*' did not have any side-effects, because all files processed by this line have an extension of .BAT, which is a maximum-length extension.

Oops ! The GOTO should be executed if %2 did exist, not if it didn't exist. I had forgotten about the 'not'. Of course, I couldn't put 'not' in a FOR command, so I reprogrammed:

Now that a virus could recognize itself, the multiply procedure proper could be simplified, as it needed less FIND commands, and so also real infections got faster:

Checking the contents of the processed file also made obsolete, in the main program, the lines:

But there is something left to tell about the multiply procedure. I cannot believe it took me so long to realize that using ATTRIB and IF EXIST was a terrible waste of time and disk activity (ATTRIB is an external command): 'set' and 'if ==' would do as well. I had been so preoccupied with 'hiding' the file that I didn't see that anything an IF could test would do. I had reasoned:

0. I must know when to infect and when not to --> 1. I must be able find out something about a file --> 2. I can find something out about file attributes --> 3. I must use ATTRIB and test the hidden-bit

and I had wandered on levels 2 and 3 ever after. After I had discovered the FIND/CALL trick, I hadn't taken a step back to see that on level 0, the original requirement was 'I (or better: the virus) must know when to infect and when not to'. And for that purpose, 'SeT IchBin=%0' and 'find "Set IchBin=%%0" <%2>xViRuSx.bat' + 'call...' + 'if %IchBin%==...' could be used.

The experiment with ATTRIB had at least learned me how not to let the 'find' line be found by itself: use a command with percent signs in it. So I used %0 as value for IchBin, which would be 'xViRuSx' during execution of the CALLed xViRuSx.bat, and would be represented as '%%0' in the 'find' line. Here is the new, simplified and optimized version:

Note: many episodes of this essay had already been written when I learned that COPY refuses to copy empty files. This quirk of my favourite operating system permits a test whether a file is empty (copy+if exist), and this again permits a test whether a file contains lines that have the word "ViRuS" in them. (find >file+copy+if exist), which makes possible a completely different approach to target file checking in the procedure ViRuS_multiply. If I had known this before I wrote and published episode one, with the complete program in it, I would probably have changed my virus and used this slightly simpler, slightly shorter, but functionnally equivalent method. Now, for the sake of consistency, I will stick to the original version, as given in Part I, throughout all remaining episodes.

(16 Nov. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part VII:
About Call and Command /c

Last week I told you about the new methods for infecting files, and how I was able to speed up the infection process by letting the virus check first whether the target file had already been infected before. As could reasonably be expected, this created a new bug (for both methods: it is not the checking, but the new way of infecting that is buggy). Sometimes I create batch programs with 'copy con'; often one-liners, for instance:

I don't begin these batches with '@echo off'; I just put @ before the line. In that case, it is important to type the ^Z directly after the line, not on the next, if you do not want to get an extra prompt on your screen after execution of the batch file, which is ugly. I just hate it when a batch terminates and DOS displays two prompts instead of only one.

Now if such a one-line batch got infected in the new way, ':XXX_END' got pasted to the end of the one line of the original batch, not put on a line of its own. This hadn't happened before because the 'find /v "ViRuS" <%2 |find /v ":XXX_END" >>xViRuSx.bat' had always reformatted the file a bit, putting the ^Z on a line of its own. The new TYPE command did not do that. The problem was easily fixed: I inserted a line 'echo.>>xViRuSx.bat', which inserts a carriage return and a line feed, before 'echo :XXX_END >>xViRuSx.bat'. 'Echo.' by the way, with a point typed directly at the 'echo', is the way to echo empty lines, as 'echo' alone asks for the status of echo: on or off.

The problem had been solved, but not in an elegant way. Normal batch files now got an extra empty line, and if 'echo' was off, this made DOS display an extra prompt; and there were already extra prompts, because infected files didn't end on :XXX_END^Z (which was impossible to accomplish with ECHO) but on :XXX_END{cr/lf}^Z. Three prompts where there was only one before would alert even an inattentive user that something had happened, and although I didn't want to really use the virus on innocent victims, I did want the virus to behave as realistically as possible. The solution to this petty problem proved to require a total reorganisation of the code.

As you can see, all the trouble concentrated around that last line, the :XXX_END that got added to each file. Indeed, if I could do without that line, I could just paste the original batch to the end of the virus, and the original ^Z would stay where it was, so the amount of prompts (normally one) would not change. Now could I do without ?

I wondered if I could replace 'goto XXX_END' with EXIT commands. It didn't work. Then I tried the pre-3.3 way to 'call' in batch files: 'command /c'. If I used an extra shell, the EXIT would surely work. It worked. I didn't need the :XXX_END any more. Then real trouble started.

The first problem was the sudden strange behaviour of environment variables. The inevitable flash of insight brought the answer: environment variables are passed only from parent program to child, and not the other way. As soon as the extra shell, created with 'command /c ...' was done, the variables were done for. So what did I do now ? Work around it, of course; as always !

Let's take a look at all procedures individually. The first procedure involved is ViRuS_findself. It was now called as follows:

and the procedure was (notice the 'exit'):

The procedure sets ViRuSname in vain: when 'exit' aborts the current shell, the variable disappears. I changed the procedure to:

and I let the main program call the new xViRuSx.bat (using CALL, as was possible in this case; not COMMAND/c) immediately after calling the procedure ViRuS_findself:

This way, the variable is set in the 'outer shell'

In the ViRuS_parsepath procedure, the %hit% variable was abolished, and the line

was replaced by

which will make more sense to you if you compare it with the line above it:

'goto ViRuS_new_vpath' will only be executed if (and as many times as) files exist that fit the specification.

And the GOTO command really works, however strange it may seem. As a matter of fact, if you set echo off, you will see that 'goto ViRuS_new_vpath' is echoed as many times as there are files that fit the description; then the last GOTO is really executed. Thus the FOR command is used as an extended IF EXIST, an 'if at-least-one-such-file-exist' (but only for non-hidden files, as we saw earlier).

Further, following the same principle as for ViRuS_findself,

is changed to



Only the multiply procedure is simplified instead of made more complicated by this change: I already mentioned that 'set hit=T' might go, but also 'set IchBin=' at the end is superfluous now, because the 'exit' kills IchBin. This makes the procedure:

By the way, if you have been wondering what IchBin stands for: 'Ich bin' is German for 'I am'. I don't know why exactly I gave this variable a German name instead of a Dutch or English one. Maybe I had been watching too much German TV ? Or was there a German song on the radio when I needed a name for the variable ? Maybe something else still influenced me on an unconcious level. There are things in life we will never fully comprehend...

That was one problem taken care of. There was another: suddenly, I got many errors saying that the environment was full. The secondary copies of seemed to have an environment that was just large enough for the variables they initially got from their parent shell, and that for some reason couldn't 'grow', what I understand is normally possible for's environment (I am a bit in the dark about this subject). Anyway, setting an initial size by changing 'command /c' to 'command /e:10000 /c' made these error messages disappear.

Just as a curiosity, I will mention a last difference I discovered between CALL and COMMAND/c: unlike COMMAND/c, CALL accepts input from a pipe. However, it executes only the first non-empty line:

will work fine, but

will execute only the first non-empty line of autoexec.bat.

'type con | call' also works. Strangely, 'call <file' works, while 'call <CON' doesn't (as maybe could be expected, because to DOS, 'call<con' is equivalent to 'call' without redirection). Maybe someone someday somewhere will find a use for all this. And maybe, just maybe, someone may find out why it was programmed like that.

This was an episode with a lot of (dull?) code in it, but the virus, as given in its entirety in Part I of this essay, is finished now. Next week, there will be a last episode about the limits of MS-DOS, and the limits of the virus, and about some possible changes I could have made to the viruscode (but I didn't).

(23 Nov. 1994)

The Hidden Strengths of the Dos Batch Language
Part VIII:
Optimizing and Improving

In writing the virus, a few times I had ran into a very annoying limitation of MS-DOS: the maximum line length of 127 characters. will not process longer lines. The first time I encountered the problem was when a line that had %path% in it was expanded during execution beyond the 127 character limit, and letters fell off at the end of the line, creating a nasty bug. I had not been able to solve the problem, I had only reformulated the command, so that %path% was at the end of the line, and if letters fell off, no damage was done, only functionality was reduced.

The same limitation is giving trouble still. Commands like

can expand to very long lines, not when the system path is too long, but when seperate elements of the system path are too long. This line just could expand to:

or even to something longer. It is possible to minimize this danger, often by splitting long lines in two smaller lines with the same functionality. E.g. the line in the above example could be splitted into:

Another method to minimize the danger is shortening the parameter strings /ViRuS_MULTIPLY, /ViRuS_PARSEPATH and /ViRuS_FINDSELF to /ViRuSM, /ViRuSP and /ViRuSF; also, 'command /e:9999' is almost as good as 'command /e:10000', so that's another byte won. You could even let the virus make a copy of by the name of, and use 'c /c' in the longer commands. But I stopped here.

Indeed, it was time to stop. The code as it was now, was elegant and simple, and I did not want to obfuscate it. It worked, as it was, on my own computer, of which the system path contained no excessively long elements. It had been enough.

But I feel I should mention a few changes I still could have made, to make the picture complete.

When a batch file starts another batch without using CALL or COMMAND/c, execution of the first batch is not suspended but halted completely. It is as if the first batch fades into the other: the second, 'chained' batch is not on another level, like a 'called' batch. This way, and this is important, if a batch that is itself 'called' by another one, 'chains' to a third one, then after execution of the third one, control is given back to the first.

Quite a while after I had implemented the changes described in Part VII, I realised that it had not been necessary to use COMMAND/c in combination with EXIT, that I could also have kept the CALL commands, and emulated the EXIT's by chaining to an empty batch file. As an example, I will give the three versions of the procedure findself and the accompaning procedure call for comparison:

1. The standard version:

2. The command/c version:

3. The call/chain version:

But tests indicated that there was absolutely no reason to switch to this technique: if I used it for all procedure calls, only one second was won in infecting the 53 files of my \batch directory; and on the other hand, when there was no extra shell (created with command /e:10000), there would be danger that the IchBin variable could not be created, the only variable in the program that was essential and might not be corrupted. For safety's sake, I would have to use a method of checking files that did not need a variable (see Part VI).

There might be some places where the new technique could be advantageous: it could be used to shorten the two very long lines in the procedure parsepath. If it was only used inside the parsepath procedure, and not for calling the parsepath procedure itself, the multiply procedure would 'inherit' a large environment from parsepath, so IchBin would be safe, and the two lines would be in less danger of being too long. But as I said before: I won't optimize for line length, as I prefer clear and elegant code.

Another change that would be good for a real-world virus, would be a test if and find.exe are really to be found in the system path; if not, the virus should abort immediately.

And now: the last bug. Because of course there is one left, although we prefer to call it a feature. It is this: when a batch is infected, in which the writer used the same technique to make procedure calls as I did in my virus, the virus will become active every time a procedure is called. This may become very annoying. This bug hadn't been solved yet when I started to write this essay, in fact it had not even been detected. I can suggest a fix, but I didn't myself bother to put it in the version that is now eating my hard disk space.

The principle is simple: before execution of the original batch, an environment variable savevoff would be set to %voff%, and voff to T. (Remember that voff was a variable designed to make it possible to disable the virus) After execution voff should be set back to %savevoff%. But then there is this problem: how can the virus regain control after execution of the original batch, to do this ? That can be solved by, instead of jumping to ViRuS_OLDBAT with GOTO, CALLing %0 /ViRuS_OLDBAT %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 (with in the procedure dispather:

where the repetition of %0 in the CALL command makes it possible to 'shift out' /ViRuS_OLDBAT without loosing the correct %0 value, for use by the original batch).

If you fear that the original batch might accept more than nine parameters, (you are a careful programmer and) you can paste them together (same method as used for VPATH in the parsepath procedure) and call %0 /ViRuS_OLDBAT %0 %ALLPARMS%.

This again leaves the problem, however, of how the virus, that has regained control, and reset voff, should end execution of the batch. It cannot jump to XXX_END, because there is no more XXX_END; it cannot use EXIT, because it is executed in the outer shell; so the 'chaining' method has to be used. The virus will have to create an empty file and chain to it, but it will have no more chance to delete it, of course.

I tested whether a batch file can delete itself, but this was only possible if the DEL command was on the last line of the file, and if this line was immediately terminated by ^Z; and such a file cannot be made using only ECHO commands.

(Using debug with an input script feels like cheating; if I wrote this virus to use it, instead of for the sport, I would be practical and use debug, as follows:

With debug, of course, everything is possible: e.g. the virus could use debug to test if there is enough disk space left for infections: let debug assemble a little program on the fly, that sets ERRORLEVEL if there isn't enough space left. More and more functions could be handled more efficiently by debug scripts, and the batchvirus would become a kind of hybrid batch/debugvirus. That is the reason why using debug is against the philosophy of the project, although debug is a standard DOS tool. By the way, a rough test of disk space can also be done by XCOPYing %0 and the file that is going to be infected, and checking errorlevel before deleting the copies again: that would be more in the spirit of the BatchViRuS, and another possible improvement.)

(Let's open those parentheses again and warn you to be careful with XCOPY. XCOPY wants input from the user, which of course you can supply with '<readymadefile', but this input differs between different language versions of DOS.)

If you don't use debug, the chained-to file should be left empty, and the filename should be something like \TEMP0001.BAT, and/or a hidden file, or something equally deceptive. There seems to be no more elegant solution. It is maybe the 'ugliness' of the solution, more than the improbability of occurence of the problem and its relative harmlesness, that made me leave this last bug fix out of the final code.

Still imperfect my virus might be, but I had proven my point. The code as it was now was not totally optimized for real use, but it was a perfect demonstration of the principles behind it. It had taken me weeks to get the program right: weeks for only some seventy lines of code, but I am as proud of them, as the scientists who proved that you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear must have been of their artifact. Writing a virus in DOS batch language: it sounded impossible once, but in fact it has been possible since MS-DOS 3.3. In all those years, nobody seems to have tried, or succeeded; at least I never heard about a virus for batches.

In the Dutch monthly PC Magazine, there is always a section about weird WordPerfect macros, in which the macro language is used for things it was clearly not designed for. I always read that section, although I only use the simplest functions of WP, if I use WP at all. It is the artistry of some programmers that makes this section worth reading, their imaginativeness with limited means. Also, a while ago, there was an article in my newspaper, about an exhibition of African toys, toys made by children who cannot afford to buy the ready-made stuff. One photograph showed a surprisingly realistic replica of a plane, made mainly out of a few empty packets of cigarettes and many hours of tinkering. These are two examples of real art.

Given the right circumstances, the appropriate limitedness of means, everybody will become an artist. On the other hand, if means are abundant, there is little incentive to become one. Primitive programming environments must be cherished as a source of creative programming ("Down with the Mac!"). I think I did my share with the BatchViRuS, but many primitive programming languages remain to be explored: who now will write the virus for WordPerfect macros ?

Happy hacking,

Dirk van Deun, Brussels, November 1994.


1. First of all, there seem to be more batch viruses in the world than mine alone. However, only I and Terry Newton seem to write 'true' batch viruses: most other batch viruses use debug scripts or embedded machine code. (It is possible to write printable .COM programs; you just need a lot of patience and a liking for puzzles. I also have seen a printable hex2bin program, so it isn't even necessary to make printable programs any more: you can include the printable, plus your own program in hexadecimal notation in a batch, and ECHO them both into files; then run hex2bin on the other file.) Some of these not-really-batch viruses are malicious.

2. I incorporated the signature string ViRuS in all lines of my virus in quite ingenious ways, but Terry Newton showed me the one simple way: just put %ViRuS% or any other non-existant environment variable with the signature in it anywhere on a line: DOS will replace it by an empty string at run time.

3. There is a reasonably effective and quick infection method that is worth mentioning: infect the 'last' batch file of directories.

This infects slowly, but can go almost unnoticed, because of its simplicity, and because only one batch at a time is infected.

4. In DOS 6 it is easy to activate the virus on pseudo-random moments:

In older DOS versions, FIND doesn't affect ERRORLEVEL. You will have to work around this by redirecting the output of FIND to a file and checking whether or not this file is empty (remember that COPY does not work on empty files, so that you can use COPY FILE FILE2 plus IF EXIST FILE2...).

5. One virus I have seen 'infects' .com and .exe files by making a batch file with the name of the executable, and renaming the executable. The batch then calls the original program.

6. My remark about macro viruses (in the conclusion) isn't very up to date any more. Macro languages for mainstream software have evolved quickly during the past few years, and in some of them writing a virus has become almost trivial. So don't bother.


A hex2bin convertor by Herbert Kleebauer (who is, as far as I know, not a writer of batch viruses, malicious or otherwise):

The first 3 lines are real machine code; they decode the other 5 lines in memory and give control to them: then the decoded routine reads a text file from standard input, which is simple hexadecimal (style: 10ab03fb129c, with as many cr/lf's as necessary); and it converts it to a binary file, which it sends to standard output: use redirection.

Appendix 1-5 written May 13, 1995 Appendix 6 written May 25, 1996