PE infection under Win32
Mister Sandman, Jacky Qwerty, GriYo (29A)


Same as we establish different ages in the evolution of computers we should establish different ages also in the evolution of computer viruses, as they advance together with the systems, platforms, and processors they intend to infect. There were not, of course, any viruses for those huge wardrobe like computers with whom you couldn't do much more than what you can do nowadays with a supertiny pocket calculator. But since viral activity started around 1985, lots and lots of people have been crashing their balls at their chair trying to evolve and advance in viral technology.

However, save for some exceptions, we have been fighting for over ten years against the same operating system, the same 16-bit crap, designed and never improved by Microsoft. That's why such a long period of time should be considered an only step, the first period of the viral existence in computers.

Now this first viral age seems to have reached its end, as well as DOS, al- beit it will continue working in millions of computers, all over the world. In the other hand we have Windows95 and WindowsNT (from now onwards and together with Win32s we'll call them Win32), which are being used and installed in an incredibly increasing percentage of computers. We can't say Win32 will be the future and definitive OS, but it does seem it is one of the 1st storeys the final thing is gonna be built on.

This new phase of operating systems also means a new phase of viruses which will work and infect under these new scenarios. Win32 has become the most used OS in less than two years, and will surely wipe out of the map many other minoritary operating systems, such as OS/2. Virus authors have realised about this fact, and that's why a new era opens at us... the second viral age or generation, a new breed of infectors... 32-bit viruses.

If you're one of those who have always dreamed about how cool would it have been to start writing viruses around 1985, when they first appeared, but it was too late for your dreams to become reality, now you have a second oportunity to become a pioneer in the VX scene. And if you're just one of those dorks whose only wish is to remain being nobody as one of who knows how many thousands of DOS virus writers and can't go further than the (true) statement "Windows95 = shit"... stop reading and go code with your open mentality to YAM, cause this won't be of your interest.

Before going further in this tutorial, it must remain clear for our readers that we DO support the statement "Windows95 = shit", but proffesionality is usually a synonym of objectivity, and that's why we have to focus it with impartiallity. I think no intelligent human being in this world likes Windows95, but it's an interesting attitude to see it just as a test 32-bit OS in order to advance in the viral-oriented researching, without bearing in mind how good or bad it is, or how many bugs it has.

Just say "let's go for it!".

Welcome to the new school

This tutorial is *almost* 100% theoretical, as it intends to illustrate the so called "29A technique", which will help you in order to write compatible viruses for Windows95 and WindowsNT and to make them much more versatile in the concerning about PE modifications. At the moment of writing this, there were _only_ four Win32 infectors (Win32.Jacky, Win32.Cabanas, Esperanto and Win32.Marburg - order of appearance), and they all have been written by 29A members, which shows the lack of Win32 virus coders by now. The contents of this article are pretty advanced and oriented to those who have already coded at least some Windows95 PE infector.

If your intentions are to get started in the 32-bit virus age and begin coding some basic PE infectors, we recommend you to have a look to other previously published sources in other virus magazines; then, come back to this article and get some pretty useful clues about how to stay compatible :)

This tutorial will deal with "APIs: the key stone", chapter in which we try to explain the importance of working at API level, "The KERNEL32 problem", and "The GetModuleHandle solution", which explain one of the main problems in the concerning about getting the base address of KERNEL32.dll, "GetProcAddress", showing the best way to get API addresses, "Simple PE infection", which illustrates a simpler way to infect PE files, and "Cool addings", as a preface to another article in 29A#3, which describes some features, which can be added to any Win32 virus in order to make it more complex.

Before stepping into the first chapter it's a honor to say that the pioneer of these techniques, the guy who wrote the first Win32 infectors, and thus, the one who should be known for having developed the first 32-bit viruses is Jacky Qwerty/29A, the author of Win32.Jacky, and Win32.Cabanas. It would be completely unfair not to mention - and even congratulate - him.

APIs: the key stone

The most important thing you'll have to bear in mind while writing your 32- bit viruses for Windows platforms is to always! use APIs. Why are APIs that important? the answer is easy... they are the only point Windows95 and WindowsNT have in common. Viruses have to look as closer as possible as normal applications, and there are no normal applications in Win32 which don't use APIs in order to perform its functioning. Using apparently neat tricks such as calling interrupt 21h within a Win32 application is the worst thing your Win32 virus can do, as it won't be able to stay compatible and besides will be 100% dependent of the presence of DOS. While nowadays this last reason does not represent any serious trouble, it will for sure be a pain in the near future as DOS is about to be wiped out of our computers as soon as new versions of Windows95 or WindowsNT are released.

The KERNEL32 problem

Once we have assumed we're gonna work at API level, the very first necessary thing is to locate KERNEL32.dll, as it is the library which contains the address of all the API functions we need to use in our virus. But, there is a big problem here... the address of KERNEL32 is not fix at all. It has not been the same in any of the known versions of Windows95 as well as for WindowsNT... and this means we can't (or at least should not) assume hardcoded values because they'd force our virus to be compatible with only one of the Win32 platforms, and what we're looking for is just the opposite thing.

The GetModuleHandle solution

The solution is always in APIs. There's an API, "GetModuleHandle", which is used in order to get the address of a given module. And, of course, this is of our interest since KERNEL32.dll is a module. But now comes a pretty curious thing... how the fuck is it possible to call an API function if we're looking for KERNEL32 just because we need it to be able to call APIs? Quite similar to the question "what was first, the egg or the hen?".

It is simple. Just don't infect PE files which don't import any function of KERNEL32.dll (almost impossible tho), so you will make sure, every file you infect imports something from KERNEL32.dll, so it will be possible for you to look in the IAT for the RVA of the GetModuleHandle API, and then call it from your code. Once having called this API by means of its RVA you'll have the address of KERNEL32.dll waiting for you in EAX ;)


Now it's ok, you already have the address of KERNEL32.dll, but... where are the address of the APIs you need? how will you call them? the answer is easy again... by means of another API, "GetProcAddress", which makes possible to get the address of any API function in any given module.

Now that you have already guessed the base address of KERNEL32.dll, all you need to do is to specify the name of the API you're looking for in that module and call the GetProcAddress API. A table of API names and a good loop are strongly recommended in order to save a good amount of bytes ;)

It's understood that, same as for GetModuleHandle, you need to get the RVA of GetProcAddress in the IAT of your victims, while infecting them, because there's no way to know it at the time you need to call it :)

Obviously, both the GetModuleHandle, and the GetProcAddress solutions might not work under certain strange circumstances. For the case of this happens, you should have some extra routines which, by means of undocumented tricks, could get the address of both APIs. Two good examples of this are included in the source code of the Win32 viruses published in this issue of 29A.

Simple PE infection

This very last point of the so called "29A technique" deals with file han ling in Win32 (API-based, of course) and the PE infection itself. There are two very important things on this: file mapping in memory and attachment to the last section declared in the PE header.

File mapping in memory is a new way of handling files Win32 platforms provide in order to make things much easier. Now you don't need to read, write or lseek anymore. Just map any file in memory and you'll get a base address where it has been mapped. From that base address, just reference any offset and read from it, write into it, and do whatever you want, with no need to lseek to any position... it's mapped in your memory :)

And the second and last point is extremely important. Before Jacky Qwerty came up with this technique, all the Win95 viruses infected PE files by modifying the PE header and inserting a new section into it, then copying the viral body into that last section. This was very easy to detect, apart from being a very tedious method and taking a lot of bytes in your code. The solution we provide to this in our 29A technique is to update the size of the last section of the PE file in the PE header, including the size of our virus, and then appending our code to the end of this section.

Harder to detect, easier to write ;)

Cool addings

There are a lots of things which have not been mentioned in this tutotial, albeit they are being already used and enjoyed, such as the implementation of Structure Exception Handling (SEH), 32-bit polymorphism, and many other cool techniques which make our Win32 viruses much more stable and robust.

These and other topics will be referenced in our next issue, where a lot of code examples will be available to make possible to check these new tricks. Till then, put the 29A technique in practice, and do not forget to make use of the tools we provide to you in this issue (#2 [CCTX]) of 29A (PEWRSEC, GETPROC, and the 29A INC files, which are extremely useful to code your Win32 viruses).