By Arsonic[Codebreakers]

The best thrill u get from a virus is not destroying someones computer, and causing massive mayham.. but the thrill u get from knowing that your virus has made it to the wild.. that your virus is not detectable by some of the most famous virus scanners on the face of the planet. and as these scanners get more and more sophisicated.. the need for better and newer ways to remain undetectable increases.

The Following article deals with very basic ways (yet they work) for your virus's to get past scanners.


A virus scanners search executables for scanstrings which are about four plus bytes of uncommon code that will not be used in any normal programs. So your virus's should use the most common code as possible.

Also its unwise to leave strings such as *.com and *.exe unencrypted you could change these strings abit so they would not be scanstrings.. such as *.com becomes *.c* and *.exe becomes *.e*


Encryption is a great way for a virus to hide itself from scanners and it also minimizes the number of bytes a av person has to get a scanstring from. Encryption Routines can be simple such as xor, or very complex.

Screwing Up Heristics

Heuristics are what a virus scanner uses to detect "virus like" code. so you are not just finding and changing scanstrings nowadays when a scanner detects your code. a quick, nice and simple way to make it past heuristics is to add a value unto the register..


u could also put the value into another register first, add 2 to it, and then mov that value to the register needed for the function..

heres another little trick.. which surely can be improved since it is detected as Suspicous by F-Prot. All this is, is to call a routine to do int 21h and then return.


Random Filesize Increase

Alright.. so we've covered alot on hiding your virus from av programs.. but what about the user?. time/date restoration and attribute restoration are kickass.. because if u look at one directory and see all the exes, coms whatever have the same time and date your gonna get suspicous. Also filesize increases might be spotted by users. This little Routine will give your virus a totally random filesize, and might even confuse some stupid people..

ok.. thats like it for this tutorial.. below are two of my other virus's just because..eh. yeah. alright fine. WHATEVER

Laters Y'all

Arsonic [Codebreakers]