Interview with Mister Sandman
by *-Zine

It is quit usual, to include some interviews in the all the zines. As we would like to be elite zine, we wanna have elite interviewz. :)

Can you introduce yourselves ?

Your relationship to girl, beer and another lovely subjects

When and why did you start to be interested in computers ?

Your first contact with virus ...

What about your first virus ?

How did u land in 29A staff ?

Perspectives of polymorphism

Perspectives of stealth

New systems (W95, NT OS/2 ) and viruses ...

Today I got a message about first virus under Linux. What do you think about it

Virus as weapon ( bunch of paranoid geeks like NSA,CIA,DIA,SIS 're asked to skip this question and answer)

As an Spanish dude, can you describe local virus scene ?

The same stuff as previous but AV

Your favourite virus and why

Your favourite antivirus programm and why

Vx coder you would like to meet personally and why

AV people you would like to meet

Are there in Spain some laws against viruses and their author?

What do you think 'bout maniacs who want to bust and prosecute us, the vx coders and would like to erase the vx scene ?

Your plans 4 the future as coder and in general

Last but not least : can you point us to some interestin' online resources on the internet ?

So thanks, Mister Sandman. Was very nice you spending some time with this interview.