Viral Techniques

A Discussion of Polymorphism (Watson)
Polymorphism in Viruses (Data Fellows)
Polymorphic Viruses: Implementation, Detection and Protection (Yetiser)
Polymorphism - A discussion of metodology and implementation (Buz)
Understanding and Managing Polymorphic Viruses (Symantec)
Other techniques of polymorphism (Flush/MGL)
Assembly language or HLL (Navrhar)
The Evolution Of Polymorphic Viruses (Skulason)
Retro Viruses (Data Fellows)
Batch File Viruses
MS Word Macro Viruses (Solomon) Update 1/97
Macro Viruses (Data Fellows) Update 10/96
Macro Viruses Information (Symantec)
Computer Virus Funny Business with WINWORD Documents (Crypt)
Concept: Understanding the virus and its impact (Wells)
Viral Technology - Past, Present, Future (Methyl)
Spreading & Survival Techniques for Viruses
Metaviruses (Meza)
Metamorphism essay- An abstraction (Billy Belcebu)
Theme: Metamorphism (Benny)

Viral Philosophy

Why Write Viruses? (Anonymous)
Why I write viruses (and how not to stop me) (MidNyte)
What Motivates Virus Writers (Salo)
Viral Morality: A Call for Discussion
The Generic Virus Writer I (Gordon)
The Generic Virus Writer II (Gordon)
Perusing The Virus Author Mentality
A virus is not always the product of a sick mind.
Educating the Educator (Gordon)
Are "Good" Computer Viruses Still A Bad Idea (Bontchev)
Argument For A 'Good' Virus (MidNyte)
Dozen reasons why a "good" virus is a bad idea.
Virus Awareness
False Authority Syndrome
Establishing Ethics in the Computer Virus Arena (Ferguson)
Anatomy of a virus author (Probert)
Infecting People - A Moral Issue? (Liquid Jesus)
Why Viruses Are and Always will be a Problem
The Shape Of Things To Come (Robinson)
Artificial Intelligence and Viruses (J.S. Bach)
Viruses of the Mind (Dawkins)
"Keep the infection alive" - Inside the dark, weird world of virus writers

Virus Collecting

Collecting Computer Viruses: Fun or Folly? (Cicatrix)
The Art of Virii Collecting (Tally)
Analysis and Maintenance of a Clean Virus Library (Bontchev)
The CARO way of naming viruses

Anti-Viral Techniques

Heuristic Scanning (Veldman)
Heuristic Scanners: Artificial Intelligence? (Zwienenberg)
Scanners of the year 2000: Heuristics (Gryaznov)
Virus Detection - The "Brainy Way"
Stalking the Stealthy Viruses
Goat / Bait Files (Muttik)
Possible Virus Attacks Against Integrity Programs & How To Prevent Them.
False Alarms
A Biologically Inspired Immune System for Computers
Blueprint for a Computer Immune System
Anti-Virus in the Corporate Arena
Modern Methods of Detecting and Eradicating Known and Unknown Viruses
Generic Disinfection (Szor)
VERV - Virus Verification and Removal Tools and Techniques (David M. Chess)
The Internet Strikes Back
Free Macro AntiVirus Techniques (Kuo)
AMCW - A New Weapon for the New Millennium (Suu Moo Yang)
AMCW - Autonomous Mobile Cyber Weapon (Suu Moo Yang)
Fighting Computer Virus Infection through Auto-Immune Responses (David Stang)
Emulators for Generic Decryptors (Veldman)
Open Problems in Computer Virus Research (Stephen White)

Viruses and Windows

Viruses in Windows (Data Fellows)
Viruses and Windows 95 (Data Fellows)
Viruses in Chicago: The Threat to Windows 95
Windows 95 and Viruses (Dr. Solomon)
Understanding Virus Behavior in 32-bit Operating Environments
Understanding Virus Behavior in the Windows NT Environment
Could Windows CE Attract Viruses?
Computer Viruses on New Operating Systems: Windows 95, Windows NT and OS/2
The Evolution of 32-bit Windows Viruses.

Miscellaneous Essays and Papers

A brief history of PC viruses (Solomon)
History Of Computer Viruses (Slade)
A brief history of UK virus programming (EXE Gency)
Virus Central - All About Viruses
Computer Viruses - what are they and how to fight them?
Epidemiology and Computer Viruses (Solomon)
Future Trends in Virus Writing (Bontchev)
What's NOT a virus (Kuo)
Trojan Horse, Virus or Worm?
Fighting Computer Viruses (Kephart)
How viruses work (PC Magazine)
Computer Viruses: An Executive Brief (Symantec)
End of the Equilibrium in the AV industry
The Bulgarian and Russian virus factories (Bontchev)
Heart Of Darkness: The search for Dark Avenger
MtE (Mutation Engine) Review
Computer Virus Myths (Rosenberger)
An Idiot's Guide to Computer Viruses (Miskelly)
Unarmed and Dangerous (Douglas)
Viruses Are Good For You (Julian Dibbell)
It's the end of the world as we know it (Virus hoaxes)
Hoaxes and Hypes (Gordon)
How Prevalent Are Computer Viruses?
Getting Lucky (White)
Computer Viruses: A Global Perspective.
The Macro Virus infestation is slowly spreading to the latest version
Macro Viruses (McAfee)
Macro Viruses (Trend)
Introduction to Macro Viruses (Dr. Solomon)
Mushy Mutating Macros (Chess)
The Hot Zone (Rao)
Trapping the World's Most Prevalent Viruses (Trend)
Why Access Macro Viruses Will Never Become A Problem (VicodinES)
Survival Tactics and Camouflage (Wells)
Java, ActiveX and the Virus Threat
ActiveX and Java: The next virus carriers (Trend Micro)
The Future of Viruses on Internet (Chess)
Virus Activation Routines (Hypponen)
Plumbing The Depths (Dr. Solomon)
The Future of Computer Viruses (Hruska)

Humor/Silly stuff and Computer Viruses

Canonical List Of Computer Viruses
The Perfect Anti Virus Program
Just silly stuff.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Virus-L FAQ 2.00 (Virus-L Digest)
Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.04
Antiviral Software Evaluation FAQ (Slade)
MS Word Macro Viruses FAQ 2.00 (Martins)
The Hoax FAQ (Overton)
Java Security FAQ